




The long adventure
By James on 10th Sep 2011

One day I woke up from bed, I found out that my mother wasn’t at home. Then I heard the phone call, it was my mum. “Go to Beast land NOW and help!” “I will come NOW!” I shouted back. “AAAAAAAAAAH!” she screamed. My house is surrounded with different lands. Every year the lands change. This year there is Block Fort, Palm Shore, Tart Top and Beast land. But before I go and rescue my mum I need to put on my special invading chameleon suit. And I went out of the house.

I climbed into my Shark-Jet and drove off into the portal for Beast land. First I saw skeleton guards guarding the gate. I hit a button to shoot out an orb of ice. Both guards were now frozen! Then I saw a figure in the distance, I looked closer it was my best friend Ben’s mum. Next I saw Ben in his sting Ray-Jet flying next to me. He put up a thumb-up sign and we went off.

We saw a skeleton with a spear. I took out Dexter (a machine that tells you what things are) and checked out the skeleton, Dexter said it was called the Karate trained skeleton. I told Ben by the auto radio. His jet was striking the skeleton with a bunch of poisonous bubbles. The skeletons bones turn purple and broke into pieces. I was impressed.

Then we went further into the land. We were nearly up to a haunted castle when we saw these spiders with shields on their back and these skeletons with capes, bows and arrows. One of the skeletons shot an arrow right at me, but I shot a fireball that burnt the arrow. Ben was impressed. After that Ben’s jet flew down and hit every single enemy with its wings. I was even more impressed.
It started to hail, but that didn’t matter because we were in the castle. There were a lot of dogs with swords in the castle. I shot out 2 normal shells and hit all of them down. Suddenly we heard a sound CLANG and the 2 shells went straight down the castle. We went up the castle and found a turtle with shields all over it. I checked it with Dexter, it was called the Romper-Stomper. I saw Ben’s jet spinning like a tornado, the Romper-Stomper jumped right up to it, but Ben’s jet hit it at least 10 times and sent it flying to the wall. I was seriously impressed. I was surrounded by shells, then the shells made a force field and I hit straight into the Romper-Stomper. The Romper-Stomper hit the wall and was defeated.

We flew out of the castle and got into a dark forest, there was a Karate trained skeleton. We easily defeated it by a head butt from Ben’s jet and it rolled over. Just then I saw a box in a tree near by, I climbed up the tree and opened it, there was two missile tablets in it! I gave one to Ben, we put them in our jets tablet holes and WOW! My Shark-jet can now shoot missiles from its fins and Ben’s Sting Ray-Jet can now shoot missiles from under its wings. It was so cool! We went further into the forest. Not far we found out that a dragon was pretending to be a tree and suddenly it jumped out. We both tried out the missile attack. The missiles were shot right into the dragon’s mouth and EXPLODED! The dragon was so angry that its wings turned red and shot out two red blades to hit Ben’s jet. But Ben’s Jet span like a tornado and the blades rebounded and chopped the dragon’s wings off. The dragon collapsed and was defeated. Awesome! I thought.

Suddenly a tree with tentacles reached out for my jet, I hit it with a shell and the tentacle backed up. Ben turned on the lighting system, it lit up the whole forest so we could fly forward. But before we got out of the forest, a devil with a spear popped out. I checked it with Dexter, it was called the Deadly Devil. I shot out a fireball at it, but it protected itself by spinning its spear. Ben shot out a bunch of poisonous bubbles, but the Deadly Devil used the same tactic and protected itself. What we could do about it? Suddenly I had an idea. Its tactic was to protect anything in front, but if we shoot it backside, it would get defeated. I told that to Ben. Ben started to head butt the Devil while I was creeping to the back of it. I shot 2 missiles at it. The Devil was burned and was defeated! We flew through the rest of the forest and found a spider house.

We went in and found both of our mums were stuck in a cage. We looked back and saw 2 familiar skeletons. I found out straight away they were the guards. They must’ve broken through the ice. But we didn’t really care. They were weak anyway. Ben and I shot 2 missiles and blasted them. Then I melted the steel by shooting fireballs.

Finally we went home with our mums. Guess what? They let us play on the WII as a present. We played “Rescue Your Mum” and we won. I feel like going to Block Fort.

[ 本帖最后由 highwaylee6 于 2011-9-13 18:38 编辑 ]

"儿子两年级了",  这是你儿子两年级的水平吗?还是你的文章? 两年级这个水平就太厉害了。

[ 本帖最后由 aus2005 于 2011-9-13 16:15 编辑 ]





二年级? 强

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