请问LZ是天主教信徒吗? 如果不是,劝你不要浪费$200.00的报名费。
St Kevin 小学本来名额就比较少, 在加上报名的同时是要附上孩子的受洗证书的。 再看看该校的录取选择顺序。 报名早的都只排顺序第四位。
The Headmaster will take into account the following factors before making his
decision :
1. Baptised Catholics continuing in the practice of their faith and whose
families respect the spiritual and religious dimensions of the education
provided at St Kevin’s College.
2. Brothers of current or past students and sons of Old Collegians and other
direct family links (eg. uncles) to St Kevin’s and association with other
Edmund Rice schools.
3. Students who demonstrate the potential to benefit from and contribute to
the life of the school.
4. date of application.
5. The College reserves the right to take into account the College’s ability to
serve the educational needs of each child.
[ 本帖最后由 giggle 于 2011-2-17 23:39 编辑 ]
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