Believer ... Debbie Brant with some of her students
Pic: Cameron Richardson
Source: The Daily Telegraph
悉尼东区Googee Public School的老师Debbie Brant是一个NAPLAN考试的支持者。
这位老师投票反对教师工会的抵制行动,她说相信三天的考试对她的Year 5班级(5B)是挺好的。
COOGEE Public School teacher Debbie Brant is a NAPLAN believer.
Ms Brant, who voted against the failed teacher boycott of the tests, said she believed her Year 5B classroom was better off because of the three-day test process, which forms the heart of the My School website.
"It gives me a good indication of how a child in my classroom is performing in relation to their peers, the state and the nation," she said.
Her 17 students joined almost 300,000 other Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students in yesterday's first day of tests.
The test papers, which have been kept under lock and key by principals across the state, included spelling, grammar and writing questions.
After defending the fairness of the testing to reporters, NSW Education Minister Verity Firth took questions from a group of Year 6 students, including Conor McCue, who asked why she didn't "dump NAPLAN".
"That's outside my jurisdiction, I don't have the power to do that," she said.
Ms Firth confirmed that only one of the state's 2240 public schools had not completed the language and writing tests. Her spokesman later refused to name the school despite earlier promising to do so.
Reading and numeracy tests will be completed today and tomorrow.
In Queensland, underperforming students were reportedly told to stay home because teachers were worried about their position on the results table.
到今天全部考完了, 孩子反映题很简单,不只我孩子这么说, 小朋友也是。就是作文有点难(三年级)what a mess!之类的, 问他写了什么,回答是忘了。估计也是一个"What a mess!".
就在孩子自己班考的, 没外人监考或巡查, 就是自己的老师一个人看着。座位有些变动, 由一堆拼起来的桌子拆开, 变成两人一组。孩子们好象没什么特别的感觉。
有一个家长(孩子有点智力障碍的), 不是弱智只是不聪明, 看起来和别的孩子没什么不同, 就是学习算不过来,理解能力不够,好象是一年级水平,她妈妈在课外找大学生给她补习(一小时40块), 纯澳洲西人,可见不管什么文化的家长都是很注重孩子的全面发展的, 此女也有参加校舞蹈小组, 体育也很好,除了学习要进补, 别的和其他同学没区别。 话说哪去了,对了, 她妈妈跟我说,考试前一晚校长打电话给她, 问她对考试有什么想法吗? 孩子的感觉是怎样的?她有权力不让孩子来参加考试如果孩子觉得不舒服的话,结果她让孩子放弃考两项,reading 和数学。她跟我讲话时我有点尴尬, 因为她女儿就在旁边,我觉得当着孩子的面讲有点不妥, 所以我没发表任何评论,只当听众。孩子听着,眼睛看着手,然后数着第一天英文,第二天阅读。。。我摸了摸她的头说, take it easy, you will be all right!
可见校长还是很重视这个考试的后果的,我希望她打电话的目的是关心和保护这个孩子,而不是别的什么。我那一刹那觉得考试特可恶, 这小孩子好可怜,她一定感到自卑了,保护一个小孩子脆弱的心灵, 比考试更重要,可是现实就是这么残酷。每个人都不是全面的, 而必须去面对自己不想去正视的东西, 这只是一个开始, 随着年龄的增长,将经历更多更多。
[ 本帖最后由 Exchange 于 2010-5-13 17:43 编辑 ]
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