澳洲a must have book (免费下载)


the handy answer book for kids and parents


This book answers questions for kids around ages 4-12

Book overview:
Kids ask a lot of questions, and sometimes adults don't know all the answers. (Shocking, I know!) So this book provides answers to 800 questions that kids often ask and that the adults in their lives might not be able to answer. The book is divided into 10 different sections, including: 1. Outer Space (topics covered include Mysteries of the Universe, Planets and the Solar System, Space Exploration) 2. Planet Earth and Our Moon (topics covered include Clouds and Storms, Volcanoes and Earthquakes, Going Green) 3. Creatures Big and Small (topics covered include Dinosaurs and Ancient Life, Bugs, Fish and Sea Creatures, Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians) 4. Plant Life (topics covered include Seeds and Growth, , Plants that Help and Heal) 5. People Around the World (topics covered include Languages and Cultures, City Life, Farm Life) 6. Politics and Government (topics covered include Countries, Wars, Governments, U.S. State Facts and Trivia) 7. How Things Work (topics covered include Buildings, Communication and Electronic Devices, Flying High) 8. Math, Measurement and Time (topics covered include Numbers and Counting, Weights and Measures, Calendars and Telling Time) 9. All About My Body (topics covered include Bones and Joints, Muscle Power, Blood, Senses, Eating and Drinking, Sickness and Health) 10. Daily Life (topics covered include , Pets, Going to School, Bicycle Tips, Safety Tips, Tough Questions like Divorce, Death and God) Each section has a series of questions related to the main topic and a short but thorough answer. Many of the questions are accompanied by full-color photographs or drawings (100 in all). Most questions are answered in a single paragraph, but other questions are answered in several paragraphs if the topic warrants. The answers are direct and to-the-point but careful to be accurate and thoughtful. For example, consider this question and answer: How many planets are there? Scientists do not know how many planets there are in the universe. However, eight planets orbit the Sun. They are Mercury (which is closest to the Sun), Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. If you were thinking: "Hey wait. There are nine planets! What about Pluto?" Well, the answer to "Why isn't Pluto a planet anymore?" is provided on p. 6. (Poor Pluto got demoted to "dwarf" planet status.) In addition to answering straightforward science-type questions, the book also tackles questions in more "gray" areas such as "Who is God?" and "Where do people go after they die?" and "Does it hurt to die?" The author is careful to give non-judgmental answers to these "loaded" questions, and I personally was happy to have some help with the "Who is God?" question. The end of the book includes a list of books and for additional information, and the book includes an index for quick reference. The book is written in easy-to-understand language that older children would be able to comprehend on their own. For younger children, the answers are easy for parents to paraphrase or shorten as needed. My Thoughts When I was offered a review copy of this book, I jumped at the chance. My 5-year-old son is always asking me questions that I find difficult to answer or don't have any clue about. Here are just a few of the questions he's asked me in the last year: * How did the first person come alive? * What is the last number? * Who is God? * Where does God live? * Where is Grandpa now that he died? * When will I die? Needless to say, I need all the help I can get! He also asks more common questions such as "Why is the sky blue?" and "Why are rain clouds gray instead of white?" and "What does poison ivy look like?" (Fortunately, there was a photo of poison ivy in the book. We had taken a walk this spring and I kept telling him to stay on the path in case of poison ivy but couldn't tell him what it looked like, even though he asked 10,000 times. I just kept saying "It has three leaves, I think.") I'm also the type of person who has no idea how things like electricity works or how cars run so it is useful to me to have an answer that is easy for both him and me to understand. I like having a book where I can quickly look up the answer instead of running to the computer and trying to find an answer and then "translate" the answer to a level appropriate for his age. Besides being a useful resource for answering tough questions, I think the book is just interesting. I found myself reading some of the sections just to satisfy my own curiosity, and I can easily envision curious kids devouring this book. Does this book have the answer to every question you might be asked by your child? Of course not. No book could possibly do that. However, the book seems to cover all the major bases and is a great tool to have at your disposal. My Final Recommendation I can't imagine a parent who wouldn't find this book helpful (unless you had the misfortune to give birth to a "know it all" who doesn't ask any questions). With 800 questions answered succinctly and at a level appropriate for children, this book is a great resource for parents who don't want to answer a child's question with "I don't know" or "It just is."

[ 本帖最后由 lo@syd 于 2010-4-6 14:53 编辑 ]

标题有点。。。数量词 名词 情态动词 助动词全和一堆了。。。


i don't get it

what do you mean?



Oh, my bad. Next time I'll try to write in Chinglish.


试想一下,每次孩子问问题,妈妈都说“等一下,让我翻翻书查一查再告诉你”。这样孩子就有一个印象 --- 书本能回答所有的问题,从而开始喜欢上看书。





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