




1. 澳洲土著历史和文化
2. 教纲的连续性
3. 澳洲和亚洲的紧密联系


教育部长Julia Gillard希望家长们也能够向支持My School网站一样支持政府的新教学大纲。


负责My School网站的ACARA的主席Barry McGaw教授说,新的教纲很严格,语法教学在更大程度上提高了英文教学水平。

完整的教学大纲将明天发布,其范围涵盖了从Kindergarten到Year 10.


Grammar rules in the new curriculum's principles of learning

February 28, 2010 - 3:00AM

GRAMMAR will be front and centre of the federal government's new national English curriculum.

The standards for English, history, maths and science will also be guided by three overarching principles: indigenous history and culture, sustainability and Australia's engagement with Asia.

After years of complaints about the decline of grammar, it has been made a key standard as part of the government's attempts to standardise what children are taught in all states and territories.

Education Minister Julia Gillard is hoping parents respond as well to the new national curriculum as they did to the My School website.

All schoolchildren will have to reach certain standards of grammar as part of their English studies.

The chairman of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, Barry McGaw, said the new curriculum was ''rigorous''.

"Grammar is emphasised in English to a greater extent,'' Professor McGaw said.

''The mathematics and science drafts both propose less content but ensure that essential concepts are dealt with to give students the opportunity to study in more depth. Too often, at present, teachers are forced to rush on from topic to topic," he said.

The full curriculum documents will be released tomorrow for teachers and parents to consider.

The standards have been drawn up for kindergarten to year 10.

More subjects, including geography and physical education, will also become part of the new national system.

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/national/e ... -20100227-pa3m.html

[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2010-3-2 08:53 编辑 ]

星期六的The Daily Telegraph报道说,报纸已经拿到了政府新教纲草案,并透露了一部分主要内容。
我们可以看看其中kindy,Year 4, Year6和Year10的部分,因为这些是我们这些人经常在说的academic,看看澳洲神秘的教学大纲里对academic部分到底是如何要求的。


Connect family and familiar objects to key events and changes. Use terms asscoiated with the passing of time (e.g. before I had my third birthday).

Year 4
Explain features of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander societies. Describe early contacts and asepcts of daily life.

Year 6
Sequence past events accurately and use sources to communicate their knowledge and understanding of history. Distinguish between primary and secondary sources.

Year 10
Account for historical events and developments by making links with and across periods. Understand that the past is problematic and identify and explain reasons for differences in historical interpretation.



Recall numbers to 20, match names and numerals. Use everyday language to describe measurements found by direct comparison and sort and classify familiar shapes.

Year 4
Be fluent with and evaluate the efficiency of mental and written strategies with one and two-digit numbers and use these to problem solve. Report their results using tables and graphs.

Year 6
Work with numbers including fractions and decimals and apply their place value understanding to establish equivalences. Begin to connect algebra and measurement.

Year 10
Skillfuly use number and algebra in problem-solving situations involving finance, proportion, trigonometry and the calculation of area, volume and distances to Earth.

[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2010-2-28 18:50 编辑 ]


Listen attentively for short periods. Write short texts of one or two sentences.

Year 4
Listen to and obtain information from spoken texts. Compose coherent texts for imaginative, informative and persuasive purposes.

Year 6
Use evidence from texts to develop arguments and key ideas. Creat written and multimodal texts for informing, persuading, explaining and entertaining.

Year 10
Explore and evaluate personal, social cultural and political issues presented in texts.


Ask questions about their environment and describe  observations. Articulate ideas on how they use science.

Year 4
Demonstrate awareness of fairness in testing and understand the difference between sorting and classifying. Use formal units of measurement data using tables and graphs.

Year 6
Identify simple scientic questions for investigations. Begin to plan and conduct investigations independently. Understand some environmental impact of human activity.

Year 10
Design and conduct investigations showing an awareness of the need to minimise uncertainly in measurement. Analyse data to form conclusions consistent with scientific theories and ideas.


The Daily Telegraph星期六头版的大幅报道

Revealed - what your children will be taught in school

By Joe Hildebrand and Bruce McDougall

From: The Daily Telegraph February 27, 2010

KINDERGARTEN students will be told about the importance of Sorry Day and will be required to learn about indigenous societies by the end of Year 4 under the Federal Government's draft national curriculum.
Inclusion of the "politically correct" material after lobbying by interest groups is part of a push for history in primary schools with a major focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

The Daily Telegraph has obtained copies of the English, History, Maths and Science curriculums showing requirements at kindergarten level include "engaging with the oral traditions and art of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people".

Senior educationists believe the new curriculum for students in kindergarten to Year 10, due to come into force next year, has been infiltrated by fringe lobby groups seeking to include issues such as multiculturalism, indigenous rights, ethical behaviour and sustainable living.

The Daily Telegraph found that concerns, within NSW education, centre on dropping history in the early years of schooling, watering down of maths standards and an over-emphasis on grammar in the English curriculum.

Sorry Day - established in 2008 - is portrayed in the curriculum as a community commemoration in the same fashion as Anzac Day.

In Year 1 children will examine Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander seasonal calendars and also look at social groups ranging from the "nuclear family" to "extended clans, kinship groups, villages and tribes".

In English, kindergarten kids will also be taught to "acknowledge the home languages of students who speak another language and value the ability to speak more than one language".

The science curriculum contains material about sustainability, ethics and more content relating to the "cultural perspectives" of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Education chiefs fear the draft national curriculums, due for release on Monday, could undermine quality content already taught to NSW students.

The Board of Studies will call public meetings across the state to give the community a say in the curriculum before it is rolled out in schools.

The Board of Studies president Tom Alegounarias said yesterday that the board would hold "thorough consultations" with teachers, parents and all of the stakeholders - independently of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority.

http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au ... reuy9-1225834946586



澳洲历史教师协会的主席Paul Kiem是新教纲专家组的成员,他说新教纲对于历史科目和内容上的要求过于雄心勃勃,很难期待中学老师们能够完全做到。


负责编制教纲的ACARA建议,历史课的教学从Kindergarten的一年20小时的课时,逐年增加到Year 7的一年80个小时的课时,但是对于今天的课时安排ACARA没有提及。

Paul Kiem说,目前新教纲急需的问题是解决具体的课时内容安排。但是ACARA的主席Barry McGaw教授则认为这是学校自己的事情。

Paul Kiem反驳说,教纲应该是重质量而不是数量,如果要求有更多的内容就应该有更多的细节指导。


This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/national/e ... -20100228-pb6t.html


今天the Daily Telegraph报道,
Catcher In the Rye和The Matrix (Movie)。
新教纲让学生们在英文课程里有更多的自由选择,包括了现代的畅销书和流行电影。比如Kate McCaffrey's的小说Destroying Avlon,电影Billy Elliot,Good Night and Good Luck,The Motorcycle Diaries,还有电视节目比如Seachange和The Worst Jobs in History。


Shakespeare too hard for our students Exclusive
by Bruce McDougall, Education Reporter
From: The Daily Telegraph March 01, 2010

http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au ... reuzi-1225835354516

A GROUNDBREAKING HSC English course has dumped Shakespeare and Wordsworth in a bid to make it more relevant for students forced by law to stay at school until they are 17.
The Board of Studies-endorsed English Studies course - which has abandoned classical works in favour of contemporary texts such as Catcher In The Rye and movies such as The Matrix - is being piloted in 75 government and non-government high schools across the state for senior students who have no plans to go on to university.

Hundreds of schools have already expressed interest in offering English Studies, which will be evaluated after the one-year trial and could be formally launched as an HSC subject as early as next year.

The new syllabus, a copy of which has been obtained by The Daily Telegraph, is aimed at lower achieving students who would have been at risk of dropping out of school at 15 or 16 under the old leaving age law.

Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
.End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.
Course documents for English studies say the syllabus is designed to "support students in developing proficiency in English to enhance their personal, social and vocational lives".

The syllabus covers 240 hours of study across a range of modules in which students have freedom to choose their own texts and tasks.

Among books and films they can choose from is Kate McCaffrey's novel Destroying Avalon, the films Billy Elliot, Good Night And Good Luck and The Motorcyle Diaries, and TV shows such as SeaChange and The Worst Jobs In History.

Under one of the requirements students must "engage with the community through visits, surveys, interviews, work experience, listening to guest speakers and/or excursions".

The course encourages students to explore the language of digital technology, multimedia, family life, filmmaking and sport through a range of mediums including contemporary novels, plays and poems.

"After changes to the school leaving age were announced we didn't want students being discouraged from staying on to complete their HSC because English is mandatory," Education Minister Verity Firth said yesterday.

"The feedback from teachers was that some students felt they didn't need two-unit English, or found it too difficult, so an alternative was needed.

"The course will be very useful in preparing students for further training and employment.

"Employers demand good literacy and communication skills."

English Studies will count towards the HSC but results will not be included for calculation of an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank.



反对党的教育部长Christopher Pyne说这个教纲是不平衡的。

他说,新教纲有118个地方是涉及到土著人文,而只有一个地方谈到了西方的国会,也根本没有提及英国议会和大宪章。Year 9的部分是关于土著人的故事和澳洲历史上对土著的大灭绝,但是没有任何地方谈到了欧洲移民先驱者对于澳洲这个国家的建设和牺牲。这是“戴着黑纱”看历史的信号。


联邦教育部长Julia Gillard在SMH的采访中承认,她被反对党的威胁搞的很头疼。

Give Britain its due or we'll can it: opposition
Dan Harrison, Anna Patty, Heath Gilmore and Amy Corderoy
March 2, 2010 - 8:52AM

THE federal Coalition has threatened to scrap the new national curriculum, saying it places too much emphasis on indigenous and Asian perspectives at the expense of British and European culture.

Its education spokesman, Christopher Pyne, said the curriculum was ''unbalanced''.

''While there are 118 references in the document to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people and culture, there is one reference to Parliament, none to 'Westminster' and none to the Magna Carta,'' he said.

''Grade nines will consider the personal stories of Aboriginal people and examine massacres and 'indigenous displacement', without any reference to the benefit to our country of our European heritage and the sacrifice of our forebears to build a nation. The early signs are that the black armband view of history is back.''

Mr Pyne said a Coalition government would review the curriculum. ''If we find the review confirms our very serious doubts then we'll scrap the national curriculum and we'll start again because it would be better for students to have the curriculum that they have now under the states than for them to have an unbalanced curriculum that will do them more harm than good,'' he said.

In an interview with the Herald, the federal Education Minister, Julia Gillard, said she was worried by the threat.

''When you've seen the opposition fight up hill and down dale to wreck [the] national curriculum and to wreck MySchool, then it does send a shiver up your spine about what they may do in the future.''

The president of the Australian Education Union, Angelo Gavrielatos, said he was concerned about a lack of consultation with the teaching profession. ''We now have a consultation period of just over two months which is not enough before implementation of this curriculum is due to commence next year. There is not a single plan with a budget aimed at supporting and resourcing its implementation,'' he said.

Geoff Scott, president of the NSW Primary Principals Association, said principals were supportive of a national curriculum. But he was concerned about the short turnaround time for consultation and the creation of final documents. Primary school teachers were generalists and he was concerned about them teaching the new history and science curriculums.

Ms Gillard said the Commonwealth was not providing resources specifically for the implementation, but she said it did fund some curriculum resources, such as the $40 million it had committed for online curriculum materials in connection with its Digital Education Revolution policy.

A spokeswoman said the NSW Minister for Education, Verity Firth, looked forward to studying the draft of the national curriculum. Her predecessor, John Della Bosca, strongly opposed threats to water down the NSW curriculum.

Dan White, the executive director of Catholic schools in the Sydney archdiocese, said the curriculum was the '' ''most important education reform we've had in many years''. ''Our … view is the curriculum is more rigorous and provides greater depth in the subject matter of maths and language … ,'' he said. ''It will take five to 10 years to bed it down properly.''

Helen Walton, of the Federation of Parents and Citizens' Associations of NSW, said her organisation was happy with the increased focus on family, community and Aboriginal history.

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/national/e ... -20100301-pdkx.html



编制新英文教纲的Peter Freebody说,四十年前教纲的读写要求比现在更糟糕。我们有证据表明现在的澳洲人读写水平比过去强的多,虽然过去语法教学比现在要强的多,但是仅仅限于在专业语言运用和研究领域。
教纲专家组里的两位教授研究了17年前澳洲的英文读写能力水平,这些原始调查资料包括了1915年,1917年和1930年来自于媒体的报告,1940和1950年度的教学大纲。有一份70年代中期有一份悉尼Macquarie University的研究报告指出,当时澳洲社会低水平的英文读写的人主要是集中在60岁左右的人群里。

Curriculum no return to 'golden age'
Anna Patty
March 5, 2010 - 3:00AM
The leading adviser for the new national English curriculum has dismissed assumptions that the back-to-basics approach to grammar is a return to a so-called golden era of education.
Peter Freebody, who wrote the English curriculum ''shape'' paper, on which the draft national curriculum was based, said literacy standards were poorer two generations ago, when grammar was taught more intensively in schools. He said the back-to-basics approach to grammar was not about returning to ''a golden age where everyone was literate''.
''What evidence there is indicates that Australians are more literate now than they were when grammar was taught intensively, but in isolation from language use and literary studies,'' he said.
''This notion of the basics has to be separated from longing for an age that never existed. We are more literate now than we have ever been.''
But what had not improved over the years was the literacy levels of disadvantaged groups.
The return to traditional grammar in the new national curriculum was aimed at improving the language and literacy skills of children from disadvantaged and multilingual backgrounds; to attack Australia's serious problem of inequity in education.
Professor Freebody and Professor Anthony Welch examined evidence of literacy levels in Australia 17 years ago, including media reports from 1915, 1917 and 1930, and curriculum documents from the 1940s and 1950s. One Sydney study in the mid-1970s by a Macquarie University researcher concluded that to find substantial levels of low literacy performance in Australian society, you needed to turn to the over-60 age group.
''Twenty-five years ago, Graeme Little drew the available evidence together from all Australian literacy surveys and concluded that the surveys show either improvement or no significant change," Professor Freebody said.
''The lower overall standard of two generations ago was not the fault so much of the teaching of grammar but rather of lower school retention rates and the less pervasive and complex use of literacy in society at large.''
A need to address the professional development of teachers has been raised, but the great sleeper issue associated with the new national curriculum draft was the need to change university teacher education.
Primary school teachers would need to come to grips with statistics and probability, history and grammar to teach its new content. ''In particular, the teaching of grammar and the teaching of literature in the primary school years and the support for literacy development in secondary years are all areas that many teachers are not used to addressing,'' Professor Freebody said.
''Any new curriculum, if it is any good, is asking teachers to change, to learn new things or to teach more intensively.''
The authority that accredits teacher training in NSW will meet universities next week to prepare for possible changes in the way teachers are trained.
The chief executive of the NSW Institute of Teachers, Patrick Lee, said all trainee teachers in NSW would need to learn the content of the new curriculum, after it was finalised later this year.
''When the national curriculum consultation is completed and the national curriculum finalised, the institute will work closely with universities to make sure that all NSW teachers are prepared to teach the new curriculum when they have graduated,'' he said.
This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/national/e ... -20100304-plsa.html



Teachers give poor marks to national curriculum
March 12, 2010 - 3:00AM
TEACHERS believe the new draft national curriculum represents a step backwards for NSW students in science and English, little improvement in maths and is unworkable in history.
In NSW the Board of Studies has established time frames for each subject, but the national curriculum has not been tailored to fit the number of hours teachers have in the classroom.
Margaret Watts, the president of the Science Teachers Association of NSW, said the national science curriculum for kindergarten to year 10 was not as prescriptive as the NSW syllabus.
''We are very concerned and it may well be a step backwards,'' she said.
Ms Watts said the depth and amount of content teachers would need to cover in limited time was much greater than that outlined in the NSW syllabus.
''We are concerned about the amount of information,'' she said. ''There is no indication of what professional development is going to be available to assist teachers in the implementation of the new curriculum.''
Mark Howie, the president of the English Teachers Association of NSW, said the national curriculum was a good idea in principle, but the draft document had raised fears that the NSW syllabus would be watered down.
''A number of things create the sense that it is a backward step,'' he said. ''It has an incoherent sense of learning. The NSW curriculum is much easier for teachers to navigate.''
Mr Howie said it appeared greater weight would be given to language and literacy at the expense of literature.
He said the three topics were integrated in NSW, but appeared disjointed in the national draft.
Mary Coupland, the president of the Mathematical Association of NSW, was more positive about the national maths curriculum.
She said there were mixed views among her membership about whether the national approach was an improvement. There was some concern that the brightest students may not be as challenged in years 9 and 10 as they were in the NSW syllabus.
But on the whole she said she was ''positive''.
''I don't think it is a huge improvement on what we have. But I have a lot of confidence in maths teachers.''
Dr Coupland said teachers could take the best approaches from the NSW syllabus for kindergarten to year 10 and incorporate them into their teaching of the national curriculum. She said it would be crucial for teachers to be given support through professional development.
Beatriz Cartlidge, the president of the History Teachers Association of NSW, said the national curriculum contained more rigorous and ''exciting'' content than the NSW syllabus.
''The challenge will be in getting through it all,'' she said.
''We currently have 50 hours mandated per year for teaching history from year 7 to 10. The instruction to the national curriculum writers was to cover 80 hours a year.''
Barry McGaw, the chairman of the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, said he had received other expressions of concern about the large amount of history content.
He said he was open to the possibility of reducing the content when the public consultation process was completed on May 23.
This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/national/e ... -20100311-q1lp.html
据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




澳大利亚暑假太长了,不能总是天天玩pad,请推荐网上练习题,数学和逻辑都可以,免费收费都可以,过了年就五年级了,加分感谢! 评论 隔壁的Brilliant,做做logic 1或者叫foundation可以为thinki ...



澳大利亚孩子上中文学校,假期有点作业,是复习课文日月潭。我检查完后,孩子问了一个问题,台湾是中国的一部分,还是一个独立的国家?我听了就哈哈大笑。 我问他,你觉得呢。他说课文 ...



澳大利亚前提是孩子小时候读书还可以,不是读书很差的孩子。 如果孩子长大以后做的是咖啡师,拧气球的entertainer, 厨师(或者烘培师)或者一些不需要高学历的工作,而不是去从事法,医,或 ...



澳大利亚这几天好几个帖子都以卷为主题。究竟什么为卷?在说卷之前有没有想过究竟何种情况就算卷? 我来抛砖引玉一下。如果你想法不同,欢迎分享。如果你是阴阳怪气的,来吵架的,请为 ...


2024 HSC 排名出来了

澳大利亚2024 HSC high school 排名出来了 1. north sydney boy 2. James Rouses 3. Sydney Grammar 评论 你这是怎么知道的? 教育局的系统又给黑了? 评论 4, Normanhurst’s 5,Reddam house 6. Baulkham hills 7. Hornsby girl 8. Nor ...



澳大利亚是真实的事情,匿名是因为不想大家看到ID. 孩子没去补习班但家里有比较厉害的Teen所以会帮老二时不时讲题。2021-2023的oc真题数学平均错9个,TS 平均错6-8个,英文因为没有全部真题所以 ...


Principal award 算什么?

澳大利亚今天最后一天,去办公室拿了school report。成绩是预料中的不错。注意到有一个principal award。其实去年也有。 还有一个是principal reading award。 去年也有。 我一直觉得大多数小盆友只要升 ...



澳大利亚11年级,放假后和同学去BEACH玩,打电话问说要买比基尼,我说拍个照来看看,一看就晕了,觉得11年级的孩子穿那么少不合适,就没让她买。 大家的看法呢? 评论 那小姑娘穿啥,连体 ...



澳大利亚小学低年级,来了这里两年多,似乎已经是英文思维,脱口而出都是英文了。 明年转去一个新学校,基本上也没什么华人,现在给他报的线上中文课也越来越不喜欢了,这样下去肯定不 ...



澳大利亚刚刚岀生不久的孩子,父母居然也要早早把申请交到心仪的私校去排队了,是中学哦。真是难以想象。 评论 我知道怀孕就去排队的。 评论 男孩不是一直这样么 评论 這個沒用,都要出 ...



澳大利亚最近放学,小朋友经常跟我提起他的一个好朋友,印度裔,很聪明,但特别喜欢吹牛和撒谎。四年级,吹自己有一个2m follower的油管频道,家里有这有那的,很多一听就是撒谎,全班同学 ...



澳大利亚我的想法是,各种类型的优秀作文多让孩子看看,能背两句那就更好了。不知道哪位家长有资源,或有推荐的书籍。谢谢啦。 评论 你应该找不到,套路学校OC老师会教,0c班作业写作是大头 ...



澳大利亚看到隔壁有帖子问关于Abbotts的,想到这问题,如果顶私通过考试等拿到了全额奖学金(等价于免费),对于考上顶私和顶精(英?)的学生来说,会怎么选?也就是说把钱这个因素排除 ...



澳大利亚考到了50%折扣,有人知道最高的是多少折扣吗?75%?不知道今年有多少人考这个。 评论 食之无味,弃之可惜 评论 这个折扣不错啊,不知道preuni 还可以考奖学金。我们就是上传了oc of ...