



民间传说,OC班的学生一般学校给的school assessment score会比相同表现的普通班学生要高一些,因此在最后的总分里占了一些便宜,不过这只是民间传说。。。:)

Selective High School Placement Test For Year 7

The selective high school testing subjects include:

      English (reading and writing): 2/3 of marks come from a reading/ comprehension test and 1/3 from a writing test;
      Mathematics: tests students’ abilities in reasoning and problem solving; and
      General Ability: similar to an IQ test.

Students are selected on their academic merits measured by their test results, together with the assessment in English and Mathematics based on their school work, which are provided by their primary schools . The total 300 “Profile Scores” are comprised of:

      English: 100 scores – 50 marks from the Test and 50 marks from the assessment provided by the student’s school;
      Mathematics: 100 scores – 50 marks from the Test and 50 marks from the assessment provided by the student’s school; and
      General Ability: 100 scores from the Test.

In the situation where some non-government schools are unable (or unwilling) to provide the required assessment in maths and English, 100% of the testing marks in English and mathematics would be counted towards the students’ total scores, ie. these students’ would be assessed purely on their Test performance.

Additionally, the way in which each government school assesses their students varies from school to school. You can enquire with individual schools about procedures and methods used for the assessment.



不过私校去考Selective High可不多,周围大把的人就是要上私校的中学部分。

谢谢休版,朱爸爸,还有amu 的回话哦,因为本人两个女儿,一个在OC,一个不在啊。 ,总想对不在OC那个公平些。为明年考精英中学的孩子们打气!!爸爸妈妈们加油啊!


不是的, 私校也一样有学校分, 只有那些拒绝合作,给学校分的学校才只看考试分.


我那时打电话去教育局, 那里的人说的, 不知道到底有多少学校会这么小气.

我觉得一般都不至于这么小气, 所以绝大多数都是要有学校分的.






关于school assessment score补充如下

Selective High School Placement Profile Score

Frequently asked questions

What is the calculated profile score?

The calculated profile score is a mark out of 300 which is used to rank candidates applying for selective high school placement. For most students the calculated profile score is provided at the bottom of the letter or email advising the outcome of their application.

What other scores can I ask for?

Further details of a student's profile score can be provided only where the profile score was shown on the outcome advice.
If the calculated profile score is not shown on the outcome advice one of the following situations has occurred:
the application was late
the student did not sit the test
the student is not currently enrolled in Year 6.

Where the profile score is shown on the outcome advice you can complete a request for scores form (pdf 36kb) and, apart from the calculated profile score you will receive a letter or email detailing the following: (Note that all marks requests will be processed together at the end of July, and each subsequent month until December.)

1. School assessment scores

Schools provide school assessment scores based generally on the student's performance on the school's curriculum in Year 4 and up to the end of Year 5. Schools have the discretion to set their own assessment criteria. The scores are provided for:

English out of 100
Mathematics out of 100

2. Test scores

Students take the Selective High School Placement Test and receive the following set of scores:

Reading out of 45
Writing out of 20
Mathematics out of 40
General ability out of 60

What do the school assessment scores mean?

The school assessment scores for English and mathematics rank all candidates from a particular school applying for selective high school placement in order of merit showing the relative gaps between the students.

For example, a school with five candidates may provide the following school assessment scores:

Students           English        Mathematics

Student A           95                         72

Student B           83                         89

Student C           79                          91

Student D           77                          90

Student E           64                           61

How does the selection committee use the school assessment scores?

These scores tell the selection committee how the students are performing in their own school environment, but the selection committee needs to see how that performance ranks with the performance of all other candidates in the other schools in the state.

Therefore, as part of the calculation these school assessment scores are moderated to make them meaningful across the state and to give them the same weight as the scaled test marks.

How are the school assessment scores moderated?

The mean (average) and standard deviation (spread of scores) of the English and mathematics tests are calculated for all of the students from each primary school who sat the test.

The mean and standard deviation are applied to the school assessment scores for English and mathematics.

What happens to the test scores?

For each test component, the test score is scaled to a mean of 60 and a standard deviation of 12. In other words the average score correct out of 45 for Reading is scaled to 60 out of 100 and all other scores are calculated relative to that score of 60. The process does not convert the test score to a percentage score.

What happens next?

The rest of the score processing averages the moderated school assessment scores and the scaled test scores for English and mathematics, rescales them to a mean of 60 and a standard deviation of 12 and adds the scaled general ability score. The three scores out of 100 are combined to make the calculated profile score out of 300.

Can I compare my child's score with the score of a child from another school or a previous year?

No. Each school's candidature is used to moderate its own school assessment scores quite separately from any other school so comparisons between students at different schools are not valid. Comparisons between students at the same school in previous years are similarly invalid as each year has a totally different test and a totally different school candidature.

Is the calculated profile score the only score used for selective high school entry?

For most students the calculated profile score is the score on which students are considered. However, for a small group of students, selection committees have the discretion to consider factors which may have prevented students from showing their true academic merit. These factors may include a student's disability, language or cultural background or any illness suffered during the test. In these cases, scores can be adjusted by the selection committee.

Can students ever achieve a score of 300?

It would be very unusual for a student to achieve a score of 300 for selective high school placement as the test is very difficult and school assessment scores rarely moderate to 100 but the top score tends to be between 270 and 280.

What score does a student have to gain to be successful for selective high school placement?

There is no set score which students have to achieve to be successful for selective high school placement. The minimum entry score for each selective high school depends on the score achieved by the candidates for that school and can vary from school to school and from year to year.

Further information about entry scores is available at:



天哪,看看那些准备考OC的孩子们,都好像不是自己要进OC而是爸妈要进,看看叶老师的入学考试时的家长,看看PRE-UNI NEW的奖学金考试的人们啊。孩子真辛苦,家长更辛苦,难道辛辛苦苦来到澳洲就是为了这样考吗,是不是不进OC孩子就进不了精英中学了,进不了精英中学就进不了大学,或者说孩子就废了。。。。。。看不懂,才10岁左右的孩子就这样给判终生了?看不明白。。。。。。。





year4 和 year5 的孩子是最累的,家长也是很辛苦。

How are the school assessment scores moderated?

The mean (average) and standard deviation (spread of scores) of the English and mathematics tests are calculated for all of the students from each primary school who sat the test.

The mean and standard deviation are applied to the school assessment scores for English and mathematics.

What happens to the test scores?

For each test component, the test score is scaled to a mean of 60 and a standard deviation of 12. In other words the average score correct out of 45 for Reading is scaled to 60 out of 100 and all other scores are calculated relative to that score of 60. The process does not convert the test score to a percentage score.

What happens next?

The rest of the score processing averages the moderated school assessment scores and the scaled test scores for English and mathematics, rescales them to a mean of 60 and a standard deviation of 12 and adds the scaled general ability score. The three scores out of 100 are combined to make the calculated profile score out of 300.

这三个部分不太明白 , 能详细解释一下吗 ? 谢谢 !




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