Classes that are made up of children of different year levels have traditionally been called composite class. There are two reasons why these classes are formed:
Educational-where they are seen as having an educational benefit for the students.
Administrative-where there is an uneven enrollment in school years.
(I think the second reason is dominant. When school enrollment continues to be high and uneven in certain year levels composite classes are unavoidable, coz all primary schools are staffed by a state wide formula.)
The range of criteria used for forming these classed included social relationships, academic ability, age/maturity, gender balance, access to existing school programs, and organization of teaching groups. In composite groups where the year level has been split amongst two classes, ability levels have been kept the same and both classes will be doing similar work.
(To what extent may these criteria be used in a reasonable and effective way depends upon the school principal’s capability. However, in most cases blindness and liberty seems inevitable.)
Regardless of how classes are formed each individual students is taught and assessed in terms of syllabus learning outcomes. It’s also recognized that some students will be performing at below stage level and some above. It is the teacher’s responsibility to plan, program, present and evaluate syllabus outcomes for individual students.
(So what really count are the strategies a class teacher will use to organize the class learning. An accomplished class teacher can minimize the side effects a composite class may occur.)
我儿子学校也全是混班,从prep到year 7都是混的。不过他们班上有2个老师,今天我特意问了他,他说上课时他们是prep和year 1的学生分开来上的,2个老师轮流教,但以其中一个老师为主。
去年底的时候school news letter让大家有什么分班要求赶快提出来,没想到一下就按照心愿分好了。别的小朋友也被照顾到了特殊要求:比如 有的被坏学生带坏了,他家妈妈特地要求一定要不能和xx,xxx同班,果然也照办了。
混班无关乎学校规模,规模大的照样有混班,我家孩子学校的五年级有2个OC班,2个mainstream,还有一个3/4混班和一个 4/5混班。混班只与各个年级的人数有关,要看能否凑成一个整班,所以,从客观上讲,混班归根结底还是源于师资配备或教育资源的不足。
关于混班的利弊,这是个因人而异的问题。首先,校长在决定分班时,会遵循一定的教育原则,但是在具体操作过程中,难免顾此失彼,这也不难理解。今年,我家孩子先是被分在了4/5混班,主要依据是年龄(他可能是整个五年级最小的一个),3天后学校根据人数重新调整,他又被分到了5/6混班,这次的依据是学习能力。其中的盲目性和随意性显而易见。其次,对于学生个人而言,学习能力强的不会介意与高一个年级混在一起上课,在academic extension方面肯定是利大于弊,而有些social skill弱一点的就会担心会不会被高年级bully,更多的家长担心的是孩子不能concentrate in the classroom。我在学校的information evening上,发现大部分家长对混班有诸多疑惑,包括local和migrant家庭。最后,class teacher非常关键,每个老师的教学方式和策略不尽相同,在我家孩子的班上五六年级学生做的是一样的spelling, talking and speaking,math,老师根据学生能力程度的不同进行分组,而reading group则是五年级一组,六年级另外的组,但老师说会根据不同学生的阅读进度再度分组。总之,一个好老师会尽可能扬长避短,充分调动学生的积极性,let each student be challenged at his/her own level.
[ 本帖最后由 meigui 于 2009-2-14 11:29 编辑 ]
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