

Share Purchase Plan closes at 5:00pm (Sydney time) Wednesday, 14 August 2024.

On Thursday, 18 July 2024, Zip Co Limited (ACN 139 546 428) (ZIP) announced that it had successfully conducted a fully underwritten placement of new fully paid ordinary shares to existing and new investors raising A$217 million (before costs) at an issue price of A$1.56 per share (Placement).

Eligible shareholders now have an opportunity to participate in ZIP's share purchase plan (SPP) to raise approximately A$50 million (before costs).

The SPP allows eligible shareholders the opportunity to subscribe for up to A$30,000 worth of new fully paid ordinary shares in ZIP (New Shares).

The issue price for each New Share under the SPP will be the lesser of:
A$1.56, being the same price at which shares were issued under the Placement; and
a 2.0% discount to the volume weighted average price of shares traded on the ASX during the five trading days up to and including Wednesday, 14 August 2024 (being the date the SPP closes), rounded to the nearest cent.
Applications may be made for New Shares in amounts from a minimum of A$1,000 up to a maximum of A$30,000 (but subject at all times to A$1,000 increments).

Your SPP Offer document and Application Form are now available for you to view online.

You can login to view the SPP Offer documents by clicking on the link below. You should read the entire SPP Offer document carefully before deciding whether to invest in New Shares.

Click here to view your SPP documents

To apply and pay for New Shares under the SPP, you must make a payment directly via BPAY, or EFT for New Zealand based holders without an Australian bank account by following the instructions on the Application Form or at the offer website www.zipspp.com

The offer contained in the SPP Offer document does not take into account the individual investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of each eligible shareholder. Accordingly, before making a decision whether or not to participate in the SPP or how such participation will affect you (including taxation implications), you should contact a professional advisor.

There are numerous risks associated with the SPP and the holding of New Shares in ZIP, and ZIP shareholders are referred to a summary of certain key risks as set out in Appendix A of the Investor Presentation released by ZIP to the ASX on Wednesday, 17 July 2024.

You should note that ZIP’s share price may rise or fall between the date of this offer and the date when New Shares are issued under the SPP. This means that the price you would pay per New Share pursuant to this offer may be either higher or lower than the ZIP share price at the time the New Shares are issued under the SPP. If you participate in the SPP, you are accepting the risk that the market price of ZIP’s shares may change between the offer opening date and the date when New Shares are issued under the SPP. Your application is unconditional and may not be withdrawn even if the market price of ZIP shares is less than the issue price for each New Share under the SPP.

ZIP may scale back applications if it receives applications of more than A$50 million (subject to ZIP’s absolute discretion to increase the size of the SPP and accept oversubscriptions). A “scale back” is a reduction in the number of New Shares issued (compared to the number applied for). If applications are scaled back, ZIP will refund to applicants the difference between the New Shares issued to that applicant and the parcel that applicant applied for (calculated at the issue price determined– as outlined above), without interest payable to the applicant.

Important Notice:

Not an offer in the United States or elsewhere outside Australia and New Zealand.

This email may not be released to US wire services or distributed in the United States. This email does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, securities in the United States or any other jurisdiction outside Australia and New Zealand. Any securities described in this email have not been, and will not be, registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 and may not be offered or sold in the United States except in transactions exempt from, or not subject to, the registration requirements of the US Securities Act and applicable US state securities laws.

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