IB关于US warrants exercise的描述是这样的。
US / Canada Warrants: Customers requesting to exercise US or Canadian warrants should submit a Customer Service ticket stating the name/symbol of the warrant, the quantity of shares and the intended action (i.e. exercise). The broker will pass through all associated exercise costs to the customer upon completion of the request. US or Canadian warrants are not eligible for auto-exercise at expiration. Warrants remaining in an account at expiration will be removed as worthless.
这个Customer Service ticket是买了warrants后才能看到这个选项吗?上面这个流程要多长时间?
另外IB里买warrants的quantity,1就是一股,而不是option那样1是100股,是吗?比如在下quantity50订单时,系统显示‘size exceeds the size limit of 5, are you sure you want to submit the order?’ 难道50很多吗?
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