拿了好久,略微赚了一点也就几百块钱,今天怎么了 出什么情况了。跌的爸妈都不认识了!直接腰斩
accounting recognition error
and the board did NOT notice
Update on Galderma contracts
Quintis (ASXIN, ‘the Company’), the world’s largest owner and manager of commercial Indian
sandalwood plantations, today provides an update on its contracts with Galderma.
In February 2014, Santalis Pharmaceuticals, which has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Quintis since
August 2015, signed contracts with Galderma, a subsidiary of Nestlé. These contracts covered the
licensing of acne products created by Santalis and the supply of pharmaceutical-grade East Indian
sandalwood oil (‘EISO’) to be used as a key ingredient in the products. Galderma launched its new overthe-counter
anti-acne product formulation, Benzac® Acne Solutions (‘Benzac’), containing EISO, in the
USA in January 2015.
Quintis has supplied over 1,200 kg of EISO to Galderma under the supply contract, with all supplies
occurring in the 2014 and 2015 calendar years. In March 2016 Nestlé entered into an agreement to
acquire a majority stake in Proactiv, the world’s leading non-prescription anti-acne brand. Quintis has not
supplied any EISO to Galderma in FY2017 and EISO sales to Galderma have not been factored into the
Company’s sales forecasts for FY2017.
The Board of Quintis was advised late yesterday that on 16 December 2016, Santalis and Galderma
entered into an agreement that terminated Galderma’s licensing and supply arrangements with Santalis
with the termination to take effect from 1 January 2017. Under the termination agreement, Galderma
retained an option to reinstate the license and supply arrangements on or prior to 1 July 2017.
Prior to yesterday’s advice, the fact and details of the contract termination had not been provided to
current members of both the Board of Quintis and its senior management (outside of Santalis).
Quintis Chairman, Dalton Gooding, said: “It is unacceptable that the current Board was not made aware of
the contract termination when it took place. We are taking immediate and appropriate measures to
ensure that this type of communication breakdown is not repeated.”
The over-the-counter acne products form only one part of Santalis’ business. Santalis currently has four
products, containing pharmaceutical-grade EISO, in FDA-approved Phase 2 trials to treat psoriasis,
molluscum contagiosum, eczema, and oral mucositis and expects to initiate Phase 3 trials for a product to
treat HPV skin warts within twelve months.
英语不好 那位达人解读一下
大概是與 Nestle 子公司的銷售合同會在 2017年7月1日終止,而董事局對此事並不知情
Quintis has not
supplied any EISO to Galderma in FY2017 and EISO sales to Galderma have not been factored into the
Company’s sales forecasts for FY2017.
哎 一天回到解放前,跌的太犀利了
跌到13年了...以前我还在 bloomberg读过一篇关于这家的文章,说以后期望很大,但是现在看来很难说啊
就算这样 也不至于跌这么多吧。又不是公司垮掉了,毕竟只是子公司的事情
另外该终止协议仍有协议条款 “ Galderma retained an option to reinstate the license and supply arrangements on or prior to 1 July 2017.” 高德玛保留了重新获得授权与供货合同的选项 这一选项有效期到今年7月1号截止。
这种在药店over-the-counter acne products仅仅是一部分公司的业务;而且高得玛也只是这部分业务的其中一个客户;
The over-the-counter acne products form only one part of Santalis’ business. Santalis currently has four
products, containing pharmaceutical-grade EISO, in FDA-approved Phase 2 trials to treat psoriasis,
molluscum contagiosum, eczema, and oral mucositis and expects to initiate Phase 3 trials for a product to
treat HPV skin warts within twelve months.
4月18号 FMR LLC 从6.37% 增持到7.5%
当然另有两个trading house UBS跟credit suisse就是纯交易。
发生了重大的业务变化,董事会居然说“oops我们不知道啊。。。” 和贝拉米管理层有一拼
Sydney Morning Herald上有说:
Galderma is the second major customer to step aside after the former TFS revealed in March that its biggest buyer in China had not placed an order this year. But the company is confident it will still be able to trade in China with another significant buyer it is in advanced talks with.
Soren Aandahl, head of research at short-seller Glaucus Investments, said: "This is completely consistent with the way that they've acted up until this point. It is a complete failure of corporate governance and it's unacceptable for a public company to act like that."
Good morning.
I have passed on your email to Quintis management but in the meantime, I can assure you that there is no plan to reset market expectations on the FY17 result.
Gerry Bullon
以上是我今天早晨得到的最新确认. 这一协议本身不影响公司任何财物结果.
因为这个协议其实到2016年下半年就没有执行; 所以公司根本就没有计入财物考量.
那既然不影响财务指引, 只有一个原因就是空头. 之前就有了解到QIN已经在与中国的另一公司进入高级磋商阶段, 一旦有最新结果, 我想会出现轧空. 到时候股价回到他本来应该处在的位置1.5 dollar 左右.
目前阶段公司如果来个澄清,或者大股东继续增持的消息, 足以让股价反弹到80c左右的位置.
这些消息会不会到来 什么时候到来就是问题了. 如果不能及时送达, 任凭股价打破一个又一个的止损位置, 好的基本面也经不起这种折腾. 对投资者 散户信心都是极大的挫伤. 今天大幅低开就是对管理层不信任的一种表现.
我个人观点 不代表投资建议.
最近成交量之巨大 实在很让人看不懂.
这次注意UBS和Credit Suisee, 就纯粹交易者;
哎 真的呀,看不懂,有这么多卖单不知道哪里来的,难道都是获利盘?在说了,我看了一下 4 5 年前的估价基本就是这个水平,难道大家都是亏钱出掉》?
主要是Glaucus Investments这个空头借的头寸 估计.
既然对实际的财务状况不造成什么影响, 理论上不会对股价造成影响.
但是事件本身管理层现在才搞清楚状况, 令人不满. 这也是问题.
The Company notes recent press reports relating to the progress being made by Quintis on a new wood
sales contract to China. The Company confirms it has selected its preferred off-take counterparty and
negotiations are well advanced, however no final sales agreement has as yet been signed. These
negotiations have confirmed Quintis’ confidence that there is a substantial market for Indian Sandalwood
from a range of buyers in the China market.
技术上, 今天的跳空缺口以及长下影线收盘 都给明天有比较大的上涨想象空间.
finger cross
新消息利好: 黑石成为主要股东, 而且在终止协议之后 仍然在增持.
Are you serious? Black Rock is the most famous shorter . I would believe that would be a doom for QIN
from AFR
Moody's lowered the bonds, which are not considered investment grade, to "B3" from "B2". The rating is being reviewed for downgrade which would see it drop from the "B" category rating to the "C" category, the bottom of the scale.
"The rating action and review follows a number of negative announcements by Quintis which could reduce the company's future earnings and cash flow generation, and potentially negatively affect the willingness of wholesale investors to invest in new plantations," said Maurice O'Connell, a Moody's analyst, in a statement on Friday.
The lapse of the Galderma deal creates uncertainty around the sustainability of earnings and cashflow, "as well as the effectiveness of management reporting".
"Should the flow of negative news affect investor sentiment, the impact on revenues and cashflow could be material."
Quintis' debt is five times its earnings, Moody's estimates, as of December 2016.
Read more: http://www.afr.com/business/quin ... w399y#ixzz4gpXko8co
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黑石从1.66 dollar 一股一路增持到0.72 dollar 每股; 你怎么看出来黑石要short的感觉!?我觉着是利好。
From its usual behavior
但是12:44:06 PM那个信评消息就明显不是好消息了。
我在09:48:51 发的消息只能针对已经发出来的黑石增持的消息。
一路从年初1.66澳元每股 增持到出来 终止协议出来之后, 我暂时看不出来任何要做空的意思。
是的持有; 从72c开始介入。
我36c买了些 瞬间被套住
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