我对金融市场的理解和参与可以说是后知后觉,1999年起在澳洲的一家养老金管理公司才开始接触股票市场,从开始的无知无觉到自己到书店买书看,到刚开始有点概念就见证了科技股泡沫破裂,9/11,一直处于“老在河边走,就是不湿鞋”的状态。后来参加了一个“Mentor Program”,推荐的7本书中《股票作手回忆录》和《Market Wizards》系列是对我影响最大的,猎版已经对《股票作手回忆录》做了精彩评论,我就写《Market Wizards》吧。
《Market Wizards》的作者是Jack Schwager,本人是分析师,《Market Wizards》于1989年发表,立刻成为畅销书,我手上的这本是2009年的20周年重印版。因为本书的成功,后来作者又出了三本续集:《The New Market Wizards》(1992), 《Stock Market Wizards》(2001),《Hedge Fund Market Wizards》 (2012)。
《Market Wizards》是作者对美国1970/80年代群星灿烂的交易大师们的访谈录,作者采访了Ed Seykota, Paul Tudor Jones, William O'Neil, James Rogers等一系列金融市场的胜者,到今天已经成为经典。我开始交易只有三年,每当被市场打击的灰心丧气的时候,总是把这本书拿出来翻一翻。交易是一种孤独的求索,在达到稳定赢利之前,每个交易者都会走过相似的心路历程,这本书讲述的大师们的经验,在交易者成长的每个阶段都可以让人获益。
书中的格言警句多不胜数,我在这里摘录最后一章(Final Word):
There is no holy grail to trading success. The methodologies employed by the “market wizards” cover the entire spectrum from purely technical to purely fundamental – and everything in between. The length of time they typically hold a trade ranges from minutes to years. Although the styles of the traders are very different, many common denominators were evident:
- All those interviewed had a driving desire to become successful traders – in many cases, overcoming significant obstacles to reach their goal.
- All reflected confidence that they could continue to win over the long run. Almost invariably, they considered their own trading as the best and safest investment for their money.
- Each trader had found a methodology that worked for him and remained true to that approach. It is significant that discipline was the word most frequently mentioned.
- The top traders take their trading very seriously; most devote a substantial amount of their waking hours to market analysis and trading strategy.
- Rigid risk control is one of the key elements in the trading strategy of virtually all those interviewed.
- In a variety of ways, many of the traders stressed the importance of having the patience to wait for the right trading opportunity to present itself.
- The importance of acting independent of the crowd was a frequently emphasized point.
- All the top traders understand that losing is part of the game.
- They all love what they are doing.
最近看了最后那本hedge fund market wizard, 里面对Ray Dalio, Jamie Mai(大空头里原型之一)的采访真心好
刚才放狗搜了一下,《华尔街点金人》好像是大陆翻译的第二本《The New Market Wizards》,台湾版译为《新金融怪杰》。(第一本《Market Wizards》台湾译本叫《金融怪杰》)第三本叫《股市奇才》。
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