Hi 大家好,这里是食品包装公司 Rapid Pak(位于Clayton South)和 Astropac (位于Derrimut),诚聘若干打包工人来加入我们充满活力的运营团队。
1. 符合条件者请将简历Email到 [email protected] 或者 电话 9545 5133
2. 简历上请明确以下信息:姓名/出生日期/签证类型及有效期/居住区/联系电话,以及应聘工作的地点(Clayton South或Derrimut);
3. 我们进行简历筛选后,将会电话联系您进行试工 (试工时间大概15分钟左右)。
4. 为了您的安全,来试工时请配戴口罩。
工作内容主要为:打包食品/ 贴标签/开箱搬箱等。
不需要经验,只需要手脚快,时薪高 $26.49+super,正规打税。
工作时间: RapidPak 周一到周五6:30AM-2:30PM
AstroPac 周一到周五6:30AM-2:30PM
We are the food packaging companies Rapid Pak (located in Clayton South) and Astropac (located in Derrimut).
We are sincerely hiring several process workers to join our dynamic operations team.
1. For those who meet the requirements, please email your resume to [email protected];
2. Please specify the following information on your resume: name/date of birth/visa type & expiry date /residential area/contact phone number, and the location you want to work in (Clayton South or Derrimut);
3. Successful candidates will be contacted by phone, and have a trial on 3August. The trial time is about 15 minutes.
For your own safety, please wear a face mask when you come for the trial.
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