楼主所在律所一个ACCOUNTS小姑娘拿到CA跳槽去了大公司, 现在需要招一个有2-3年相关经验的人,下面是主要的JOB DUTIES, 如果有兴趣请私信楼主,公司HR希望最好有LEGAL ACCOUNTS的经验,但是不是必须,薪水可以给到6万5 including super。
To be considered for this position you will have experience in the following areas:
Processing all creditor invoices
Weekly payments to creditors
Setting up Controlled Monies Accounts
Processing interest from Controlled Monies Accounts
Daily Cheque Requisitions
Processing credit card payments and reconciliations
Creditors payments for office expenses
Process Professional creditor payments for barristers, court fees
Assist Accounts Receivable with Daily Banking and Bank Reconciliation
All other duties as required by the Financial Controller.
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