二楼为CPA118 Ethics and Governance的专用楼层,我在每星期发出该课程的notes,作业题目,以及上星期作业的答案,如果可能,同时上传自己认为重点内容的总结;在每个星期六,尝试回答所有同学在本星期或者以前星期的疑问,同时欢迎大家讨论并指出我的错误。
三楼为CPA104 Strategy Management Accounting的专用楼层
四楼为CPA115 Financial Reporting的专用楼层
感谢“滚滚而来”同学设立公共分享区GOOGLE DOCS,以后资料将全部上传到分享区里,不再单独发邮件。
账号:[email protected],密码:aying0122
- CPA 118 Notes of Module 1 & 2A,Module 2B,Module 3; Module 1 Reading 1.1; APES 110
- CPA 104 Notes of Module 1 & 2
- CPA 115 Notes of Module 1 & 2 & 3; IAS 8 Summary; Illustrative Guidance to AASB 101
- CPA 104 Notes of Module 3
- CPA 115 Notes of Module 4
- CPA 104 Notes of Module 4, 5 & Case Study Module
- CPA 115 Notes of Module 5, 6, 7
- CPA 118 Notes of Module 4
- CPA 118 Note of Module 5
[ 本帖最后由 aying0122 于 2012-4-13 18:57 编辑 ]
昨天晚上上了第一堂Ethics的课程,lecturer是一个叫做Patrick Gallagher的老头,参与CPA 118和CPA 104教材的更新编撰,不过不负责出考卷……真可惜
- Australian Corporations and Securities Legislation - Corporations Act, 2001 (Cwlth); and Regulations and Other Legislation (current editions);
- APES 110 Complied Code of Professional Ethics for Professional Accountants, available online at http://www.apesb.org.au
- OECD 2004
2、这门课程的核心,也是最困难的地方,就是:You need to use your professional judements to choose the best option but not just the right options.
3、这个学期,我们有in class minor presentation,就是每个同学自己设计一个multiple choice的题目,进行分析和解释。到时候如果有好的例子,我就发上来让大家一起研究研究
4、合理分配好考试时间,CPA考试含有60道选择题以及SHORT ANSWERS,具体怎么分配我就不说了,个人情况不同,而且咱们上考场不下N回,什么没有见过,不累述了。
下星期的学习内容是:Module 1 & Module 2 Part A,学校的NOTES和HOMEWORK可能本周末会有,我会第一时间上传(如果附件过大,请各位同学留下自己的email地址,注明课程号,我发到你们的邮箱)
刚刚发出了WEEK TWO的NOTES,包括PPT,Alternative description of Kohlberg's levels of CMD和APES110
这星期的lecture内容,包括Module 1和Module 2 Part A的内容,P老头将大部分的时间放在了Module 2上面。P老头建议大家把APES 110打印出来带到考场,因为short answer很可能涉及到这一方面的内容。比如说,考题设计一个场景,有关于Potential Conflicts of members in business,要判断member是否存在违反fundamental principles的行为或者可能性,可以采取的safeguards有哪些。P老头建议的回答方法如下:
1、describe the facts in the situation;
2、indicate which threats involved and which fundamental principles or independence are or may be threatened;
3、mention the relevant section number in the APES 110;
4、provide the available safeguards to eliminate the threats or decrease it to an acceptable level.
P老头没有特别重点强调的地方,我就是结合课件和CPA ON-LINE Self-assessment的题目,大致浏览了一下。从sample test的题目来看,The profession under challenge这一部分有比较多的出题点,包括:
1, the difference between two corporate collapse (the beginning of 21st century and during 1970-1980) periods;
2, the consequences followed the high-profile corporate collapses during 2001 and 2002
3, the greater regulations (such as Sarbanes-Oxley Act & CLERP 9)
4, the key provisions of CLERP 9
5, the report released by the IFAC
另外,accountants as moral agents and decision-makers也是Module 1的重点部分
首先要声明的一点是,这部分内容是有Member in Public Practice & in Business的区别!两个部分可能面对的threats是不一样的,因此可以采取的safeguard也不一定相同。因此,在回答问题的时候,必须首先搞清楚问题是关于public practice还是business,然后再到相关的section去寻找答案!
Applying the concept of 'service ideal'
了解'service ideal' 的三个 perspectives:1) the well-being of society; 2) the pursuit of excellence by the individual accountant; 3) community service。
The conceptual framework (principles-based) approach
Figure 2.1很有用,很直观
区别conceptual framework approach和rule-based codes的差异,rule-based codes 和 principle-based approach 的缺陷,明白 the conceptual framework approach adopted in the Code is principles-based, setting forth the principles as well as rules of conduct。
Threats and Safeguards
5种threats,分别为:1) self-interest threats; 2) self-review threats; 3) advocacy threats; 4) familiarity threats; 5) intimidation threats。
safeguards则分为两种类别:1) the institutional safeguards and 2) safeguards in the work environment。
The Public Interest
Public interest 并没有被定义为fundamental principles之一,但却是pivotal to the role of accountants and is an overriding responsibility that underpins all professional duties and obligations。
public interest的定义 as 'the collective well-being of the community of people and institutions that the members serve'。
明白accountant对那些sakeholders owes his/her primary loyalty。The accountant's primary duty is not to the client or the employer, but to the public。
The Fundamental Principles of Professional Conduct
including 1) integrity; 2) objectivity; 3) professional competence; 4) confidentiality; 5) professional behaviour。
independence 不是principles之一,而是作为integrity和objectivity的子集(subset)。独立性曾经做为fundamental principles之一,但是现在已经成为一套包含详细的rules。如果满足了独立性的要求,那么可以认为accountant满足了integrity和objectivity。
要满足independence的要求,要做到both of independent apparently and in mind。也就是说,为了满足independence的要求,accountant不仅要在实际上做到独立,还必须让public认为满足了独立性。所以:Being independent means that one is not only unbiased, impartial and objective but is also perceived to be that way by third parties。
Non-audit services
为同一客户同时提供审计服务和非审计服务,可能会对accountant的独立性产生实际或者潜在的威胁。因此,有必要建立防火墙“Chinese Wall”将可能产生的威胁降低到一个可以接受的水平。
Code of ethics for members in public practice
1. Professional appointment
在接受一个新的客户时,accountant需要考虑 whether acceptance would create any threats to compliance with the fundamental principles。APES 110 Section 210.8 列出了可以采取的safeguards去对潜在客户进行评估。与前任审计师的沟通是一种非常有力的方法,但是,这种沟通由于有产生confidentiality的问题,所以,沟通之前必须取得客户的许可。
我觉得有必要搞清楚什么叫做“solicitation”,并且,为了避免solicitation的产生,communication with the former accountant serves as an effective safeguard to avoid the appearance of solicitation。
Referral是另一个需要搞明白的单词,这里的referral专门指其他审计师介绍过来、对某项专业知识进行咨询的客户,the client is a referral rather than a new appointment。因此,referral is not an invitation to 'steal' the client。
2. Conflict of interest
包含两部分的冲突:1) incompatible activities (likely to impair integrity, objectivity or the good reputation of the profession);2) conflicts between two or more clients (一个典型的例子就是accountant的两个客户是竞争对手,这种情况下,accountant必须告知双方这一事实,然后让客户们选择是否继续或者换一个新的accountant)。
3. Second opinion
注意 opinion shopping的情况
4. Fees and other types of remuneration
这里,需要注意什么类型的收费会对accountant的fundamental principles产生威胁,包括:significant portion of fee from one single client, contingent and referral fees, 以及commissions and soft-dollar benefits。
Code of ethics for members in business
1. Potential conflicts
作为在企业里面的accountant是受雇于企业的,所以accountant很难做到appearance independence,但是,对于企业的忠诚并不能成为accountant违背fundamental principles的理由。因此,loyalty cannot over-ride fundamental principles。APES 110 s 310.3提供了有关的safeguards。
2. Preparation & reporting of information and earnings management
明白什么是earnings management 和 creative accounting。这里,accountant可能面对来自更高管理层的压力(intimidation),或者对于自身利益(工资或者奖金)的考虑(self interest),而对 objectivity 和 professional competence产生威胁。
3. Financial interest
accountant 拥有公司的股份或者期权这一类的financial interest,会在很大程度上产生self interest threat。当这种利益很重大,那么accountant则很容易失去objectivity,去粉饰公司的财务报表已达到抬升股价的目的。APES 110 s340.3则提供了相关的safeguards。
剩下的self-regulation and professional discipline 我就是大致看了一下,如果同学认为是重点的地方,欢迎补充哦!
Theoretical approaches to ethics
Accounting Ethics的理论支持都是normative theories,论述应该做什么,即:What ought to be done。Normative theories主要分为两种,分别为:teleological theory (注重结果是否好处最大化)和 deontological theory(注重justic本身而不是结果)。
Teleological theory是结果论(consequential theory):determine right from wrong, or good from bad, based solely on the results or consequences of the decision or action。这里理论考虑的是,最后好处与坏处递减后,是否可以达到好处的最大化或者是坏处的最小化,至于达到这个结果的过程,则并不太重要。这里的好处和坏处,不仅包括经济上的考虑,还包括人们psychological outcomes。
该理论包括两个子集:Ethical egoism 和 Utilitarianism。
1)Ethical egoism
关注个人利益,在法律允许的范围内,使其最大化。One who pursues an action in one's self-interest and evaluates the moral rightness of a proposed action by choosing a course of action that maximizes the net positive benefits to oneself。
虽然都是关注个人的最大利益,ethical egoism 和 psychological egoism 是不一样的,区别在于后者不是philosophical concept并且不考虑其他人的利益,而前者则是在道德法规之下追求个利,还鼓励竞争并考虑整体社会的利益。
这个理论关注的是能使整个社会价值最大化的结果,并不仅仅是个人,即:produces the greatest benefit for the greatest number of people。满足两个条件:benefits must out-weight harms; and a majority of people must be better off。
- Assigning values to non-economic outcomes is difficult;
- Identifying all potential stakeholders is difficult;
- May lead to exploitation of minority groups.
这个理论强调公平公正的本身,取得结果的过程必须本着公平公正的原则,即:the intention of the act itself that is more important than the result of an act。该理论有两个子集,分别为:Rights theory 和 Justice theory。
1)Rights theory
这个理论强调某个个体的行为不能够侵犯都其他人的权利,即:a decision will be considered ethical if actions do not offend the rights of stakeholders who are affected by the decision of the decision-maker。
2)Justice theory
该理论关注利益和责任的分配是否公平。Justice is concerned with issues of fairness and equality that normally arise from an unequal distribution of benefits and burdens。
A Philosophical Model Of Ethical Decision-Making
Philosophical approach将以上几种理论进行综合,追求得到最佳结果的方式。评价最好的结果,就看看如果回答如下的四个问题:
1)Do the benefits out-weight the harms to oneself?
2)Do the benefits out-weight the harms to others?
3)Are the rights of individual stakeholders considered and respected?
4)Are the benefits and burdens justly distributed?
这个理论嘛,讨论如何从个体的内在到达行为的ethical,应该更多的考虑what people should be,而不仅仅是what people should do。The focus of virtue ethics is to understand and develop virtues that make us better people。
这个理论强调美德(virtue)是后天培养的,即:virtues are developed, not inbuilt.
An introduction to professional and ethical judgment
Kohlberg's stages of cognitive moral development
Table 2.6 (Kohlberg's six stages of ethical reasoning)P老头说的,非常非常非常重要,题目会给出场景题目,让分析是属于哪一个stage。一般而言,accounting profession处在第四或者第五阶段。
Factors influencing decision-making
societal norms > Professional issues > Organizational cultures > Individual judgment,看Figure 2.5 (influences on an individual's decision)。
Ethical decision-making models
最重要的就是详细了解AAA Model的7个步骤。据说这部分内容原来是在Corporate Governance里面,基本每年都会涉及,有比较大的可能性是short answer的题目,给一个case,按照7个步骤逐步分析!
MODULE THREE的总结请见328楼和329楼
MODULE FOUR的总结请见336楼和338楼
[ 本帖最后由 aying0122 于 2010-9-25 00:43 编辑 ]
Module 1对management accounting的历史和角色变化进行了介绍,描述了作为management accountant的职责。最重要的,是介绍了五种management support techniques,这部分是Module 1的重点,这个重点包括了Reading 1.1 - 1.4。
Part A: The role of strategic management accounting
Part A一开始,就是比较了Internal accounting和external accounting的不同,management accounting是作为internal accounting,为了管理层分析公司运行,成本控制,根据公司特色对财务数据进行分析,而不需要按照GPFR编制财务报表。从传统的management accounting到strategic management accounting,management accounting的scope不断地扩大,到2000年以后,更加地注重对外部的影响,并且focus on a broader range of stakeholders。对这种角色变化的影响主要来自于一下几个因素:
1)Globalization, including: global competition, physical and capability factors, social factors and national cultures, and legal and political systems;
3)Corporate governance;
4)Internal structures, including: off-shoring and outsourcing, virtual offices and global teams, and joint ventures and alliance.
Management accounting的角色曾经被质疑,Johnson & Kaplan 1987: 'Today's management accounting information... is too late, too aggregated, and too distorted to be relevant for managers' planning and control decisions'. 一句话,management accounting所提供的资料和数据并不relevant,不能为管理层进行决定起到有力的帮助。因此,to achieve relevant, the role of strategic management accounting has expanded to include a focus on helping managers solve problems and improve their competitive position。
Part B: Understanding and supporting management
Management accounting的目标是要帮助公司在运行过程中创造价值,不仅是为shareholders创造价值,还要创造customer value。所以,the key focus is on CUSTOMER VALUE CREATION within the organization's VALUE CHAIN which in turn is expected to generate shareholder value due to increased profitability & growth。
这里,区分shareholder value和customer value是非常重要的:
Customer value:an output has value if there are customers willing to pay for it...
Shareholder value:producing the output for less than the customer is willing to pay...
The primary focus of this segment is on generating customer value through improving activities in the organizational value chain.
Management accounting的activities分为两种:
1)Strategic management:宏观方面的管理,包括determining what is the vision, mission or purpose of an organization; setting specific objectives; and creating and implementing the strategies to achieve these objectives.
2)Operational management:主要关注中短期的目标。
Operational Management Support Techniques (重点!)
在此之前,先读一下Reading1.1 Cost Concepts,了解不同cost的概念
1、Product Costing
生产成本对于internal decision-making和GPFR中的存货和COGS的准确确定是非常重要的。生产成本的计算有两种方式,分别为Job costing和process costing。另外,在传统的生产成本计算中,共有四个步骤:
1)resources are obtained(acquisition);
2)resources are used in the production process(production);
3)the production process is completed and there are finished goods(finished goods); and
4)the finished goods sold(goods).
阅读Reading 1.2,对四个步骤所涉及的会计分录进行了介绍 important & examinable。
2、Cost-volume-profit analysis (highly examinable)
CVP 运用固定成本和变动成本,对产量和价格定价进行分析,并且决定是否在全负荷运行的情况下接受客户新的订单。三个主要的measures,包括:contribution margin,break-even point,和desired profit。
Table1.5(formulas required for CVP analysis)是这个学期的新内容,基本上是必考的内容。
制定预算的顺序是非常重要的,这在Reading 1.3里面进行了介绍,下面按照编制的先后顺序:
sales budget ----> production budget ----> direct labour budget & raw materials purchase and usage budget ----> cash budget
个人觉得这部分非常重要,因为on-line self assessment中的一个大题就是计算预算表中的数字。
4、Variance analysis
变动成本分析的目的是为了更有效地控制生产成本,并且评估预算的准确性。Table 1.6提供了formulas for variance analysis,据lecturer说,是非常重要的部分。变动成本分析对各种生产活动预计了标准成本(standard cost)和变动成本(variance cost)。
第一种 is the difference between a budgeted level of activity and the actual level;
第二种 is the difference between the consumption of resources that should be incurred for a 'given level of activity' as compared to what is actually consumed.
5、Working capital management
Working capital是短期资产和短期负债之差,主要包括:cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and inventory。对Working capital的关注,不仅可以是企业避免现金流短缺的威胁,还可以帮助改善企业的日常运行。
Reading 1.4是这一学期的新内容,是重点部分,对working capital的四个部分进行了讨论。
Part C: Management accounting systems
Risk management,企业应该将对风险的管理是为日常的活动,但也包括对远期的规划。
Management Accounting Systems最大的失败在于提供的信息不能够有效地解决问题,not timely,not relevant,not reliable等等。
Part D: The emerging role of the strategic management accountant
关注SMA所面对的挑战,包括:technology,managing resources,和innovation。
Part A: Value Creation
这部分,首先讨论了什么是organisation 以及organisation是如何被管理的,然后研究了两种分析方法包括:the organization value chain & the industry value chain。
Organization存在的原因,是由于它能更有效地创造出价值,即:organizations are an efficient means of organizing the production of goods & services。在生产达到一定规模以后,通常大型的企业可以获得规模效应和信息优势,并且有效地降低交易成本(了解交易成本包括哪些)。对于企业的运营,交易成本的必须,但是,交易成本并不能创造出价值,所以企业必须设法最小化其交易成本:All are transaction costs and should therefore be minimized for efficient operation of the organization。因此,SMA 需要关心三个问题,分别是:
- How can transaction costs be identified, measured and managed effectively?
- How are these be to be shared across the value chain?
- Can an organization successfully transfer some of these costs to suppliers, customers or other stakeholders?
Corporate governance是管理整个企业的方式,包括internal和external的。根据IFAC 2009,企业管理需要取得三个方面的成果,包括:financial, social & environmental goals,即所谓的 TBL " triple bottom line"。企业的BOD需要承担起CG的责任。CG和business ethics可以通过corporate social responsibility (CSR) 联系起来。
企业的最终目的就是创造价值,但是,所创造的价值是符合可持续性发展的目的,即:organizations create value in a sustainable way。需要记住一个关键的公式:
value created = value of benefits obtained - direct costs - opportunity costs of capital resources used
Figure 2.2 给出了the input-transformation-output model,lecturer强调了这个图标的重要性,包括在input过程中需要的resources,认识并了解value drivers。Value driver是可以影响企业在价值创造的因素,innovation则是可以得到更高效更多的价值的活动。
Porter强调了在creating stakeholder value中,最重要的customer value。员工、顾客、供应商和股东的价值并不一定是零和博弈,there may be opportunities to create additional value throughout the organization's value chain or sphere of influence by collaborating with all stakeholder groups。
这部分最重要的,应该是Porter's organization value chain,包括primary activities 和support activities。如何分辨一项企业活动是属于primary activities还是support activities,有时候是比较困难的一件事情。
- Primary activities包括:inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing & sales, and after-sales services
- Support activities包括:procurement, technology development, human resource management, systems, and marketing
Industry value chain包括了从最初的原材料到卖给最终消费者的整个产业链。产业整合包括vertical integration和horizontal integration。
Vertical integration occurs when one organization expands to take on multiple roles within roles within an industry。有upstream integration和downstream integration两种方式;Horizontal integration则是企业合并自己的竞争者已达到规模效应。
Part B: Strategic Management
Strategic Management包括四个方面,分别为:
1)strategic analysis
2)strategic planning
3)strategic choice; and
4)strategic implementation
Strategic management framework包括mission, vision, goals和objectives。前两者是宏观的、长期层面上的,后两者则是具体的、注重于短期的。
Strategic analysis是对整个企业内部和外部的整体环境进行分析和了解,主要有两种方法,value analysis和SWOT分析方式。
Value analysis在Part A已经详细地介绍过了,就是对企业和企业所属行业的价值链进行分析,value analysis identifies how an organization adds value for customers at each stage of its value chain。价值分析试图去找出在价值链中不能创造价值的活动,尝试着去减少甚至消灭这种活动。有四种主要的价值驱动因素,分别为:collaboration,innovation,efficiency 和 market awareness。这四种因素存在着trade-off,特别是在efficiencty和其他三种因素之间。
SWOT包括分析企业的内部因素(strengths & weaknesses)和外部因素(opportunities & threats)。重点内容,有较多的理论需要掌握。
1)Internal analysis:需要分析的因素主要有 assets, resources, people & management, and systems & processes。内部分析有两种理论,分别是product life cycles theory (introduction, growth, maturity & decline)和BCG market growth/share matrix (star, cash cow, question mark, and dog);
2)External analysis:主要有Porter's five forces (new entrants, existing competitors, customers, suppliers and alternative products),如果在分析了以上五种力量之后仍旧不能解决问题,则还需要研究PEST理论,主要有political, economic, social and technological的因素。
Strategic planning的目的是为了找出可以实现企业价值的方式,或者提高现有的企业strategy。这部分最重要的内容,是Porter的三种generic business unit strategies that can deliver competitive advantage,包括:cost leadership, differentiation和focus。
cost leadership和differentiation是针对整个市场的方案,而focus则是对这市场的某一分支而采取cost leadership或者differentiation。cost leadership和differentiation这两种方案是具有排它性的,每一个行业只能有一个企业是cost leader,其他就是differentiation。而且,需要明白的是,cost leadership是只成本费用的最低化,而不是价格的最低化。
Strategy choice Porter认为,一个business unit必须追求三种方案中的某一种,如果企业没有能够选择单独的某一种方案,那么 it will be stuck in the middle and will be unprofitable or will fail。在实践当中,明确地区分三种方案时非常困难的,同时,企业要明确的选择某一种方案执行也同样是非常困难的。
Strategy implementation的目的,是为了将拟定的strategy付诸行动,实现企业的目标。一个著名的用于控制strategy implementation是balanced score card (BSD)。很多企业在实施计划的过程中都以失败结束。Understanding how new systems work takes time, and the learning process is often unexpectedly drawn out and expensive。当企业对员工进行的培训不适当的时候,这种困难就更为地明显。
MODULE 3总结请参见第386页
MODULE 4总结请参见第392页
Module 5 总结请参见第430楼
CASE STUDY 概要请参见第434楼
[ 本帖最后由 aying0122 于 2010-10-14 20:16 编辑 ]
刚刚发了CPA115第一周的PPT,是MODULE 1的NOTES,请查收,INBOX 没有看看JUNK,在没有PM我~
周六上了115的第一堂课,内容是module 1 The framework and its application in financial reporting。下面,将结合学校的notes (就是我email给大家的那一份),大概说一下lecturer重点说的内容。
对于Module 1,大家主要注意选择题,因为大部分内容都是有关于概念。
Role of a framework of accounting and its limitations:这部分比较可能出选择题。Framework的作用是为了:1)facilitate the consistency of accounting standards over time and 2) provide a basis for standard setters to respond to the demands of lobby groups。但是,在实际中,framework却存在不少的缺陷,包括经济社会人力个各方方面(p1.9),并且,在运用framework的时候仍旧需要professional judgment,因此也就不可避免地与framework的第一个目的相矛盾。
Users and their information needs: General purpose financial statements的target users很多,从投资者到员工,但是由于各个报表使用者的目的不同,所要提供的信息也不同,因此financial report着重考虑investor的要求,因为investors assumed to be the target audience in regard to their information needs, as their needs would meet most of the needs of other users。
Objective of financial reporting: 学过accounting的同学估计对这个话题都不会陌生,to provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of an entity that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions.
Who should prepare GPFRs: 这个内容很有可能出选择题,因为Framework silent on who should prepare financial reports。在澳洲,SAC 1对reporting entity进行了定义。
Underlying assumptions and qualitative characteristics:选择题的可能性很大。framework 最基本的两个assumptions 就是:1)accrual basis and 2)going concern basis;而四个characteristics则分别是:1)understandability;2)relevance;3)reliability;4)comparability。对于understandability,要清楚并不能因为某项数据或者披露不容易被理解,不符合understandability,而放弃披露;而relevance,要关注materiality;最重要的,要了解the trade-off between relevance and reliability。
Elements:这里的elements指的就是我们所熟知的assets, liabilities, equity, income, expense,大家一定要搞明白这五项的定义,尤其是asset和income,liability和expense之间的差别,因为以前的考试,经常会对某个transaction进行描述,然后让你判断是应该记成asset还是income,据lecturer说,非常容易混乱!
Recognition criteria:如果一事项满足了前面某一element的定义,它还需要满足两个criteria才能反映在企业的报表中,分别是:1)it is probable that any future economic benefit associated with the item will flow to or from the entity;2)the item has a cost or value that can be measured with reliability。否则,不进行确认或者只是作为披露项,即所谓的contingent。
Application of definition and recognition criteria:这部分就是举了具体的例子,分别是lease (finance and operating),revenue (construction contract -- stage of completion),sales of goods vs rendering services,主要也是选择题,大家要详细读书中的例题。
Measurement of elements:选择题
Application of measurements:这部分是module 1中最有可能出short answer的地方,因为包含了计算,而且还不好理解…… employee benefit和superannuation大家一定要完全理解例题,特别是superannuation里面,公司和super fund记录的不同,还有披露的内容。
这个章节针对财务报表中的几个主表和相关的披露展开的,包括Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Changes in Equity & Cash Flows。Lecturer强调过,需要特别关注的部分(很有可能出考题的地方)有:Accounting Policies, Estimates & Errors (IAS 8)(multiple choices),Events after the reporting period (IAS 10)(short answer),和 Cash flow 的计算。
Presentation of financial statements (IAS 1)
对整个财务报表进行了介绍和描述,在IAS 1里面并没有规定谁应该准备财务报表,而将这个留给了各个国家的法规。IAS 1 制定了七个必须遵循的considerations(可能出multiple choices的地方),分别为:
1)Fair presentation and compliance with IFRS
按照 IFRS 编制财务报表,IAS 1假设(presume)该财务报表 will result in fair presentation。这个并非强制性,如果你可以证明按照IFRS准则编制的财务报表并不能体现公司financial performance的true & fair,那么,IAS 1允许你偏离准则的规定,根据你认为true & fair 的方式披露,但是呢:
- This is an extremely case (which means seldom happening);
- IAS 1 requires detailed additional disclosures are in such circumstances outlining the reasons etc for the departure.
2)Going concern
公司在制定财务报表的时候都需要按照可持续经营为目的的基础进行编制,即公司预计在下一个财年企业将持续经营。如果企业预计在下一年度进行清算,那么,财务报表需要按照清算基础进行编制,即liquidation basis,并进行披露。
3)Accrual basis
除了现金流量表,财务报表里面的所有信息都要基于accrual basis进行编制和披露。
4)Materiality and Aggregation
一个企业的日常交易很多,财务报表只能给予重要性原则的基础上,对会影响使用者决策的信息进行披露。Items of a dissimilar nature or function must be presented separately unless they are immaterial。考虑重要性的时候,不仅要考虑the size,还需要考虑the nature。就像内部交易,不管金额大小,都要进行披露。
6)Comparative information
企业使用的会计政策和方法需要保持一贯性,不可以随意地更改。The presentation and classification of items contained in the financial statements should only be changed when:
- 'a significant change' has occured in an entity's operations or, after reviewing the entity's financial statements, management is of the opinion that a change in accounting policy is necessary in order to show a more appropriate presentation or classification; or
- a change is required by an IFRS.
Accounting policies
企业必须对其所使用的会计政策进行披露,enable users to make allowance for differences in the financial results of different entities that are due to different accounting policies。
对于某项具体的交易,如果企业无法在 standards or IFRS interpretation里面找到相应的处理方法,那么 management should develop policies in a manner that ensures financial statements provide information that is: relevant & reliable。IAS 8 还提供了可用来参照的进行会计处理的sources的hierarchy,也就是说,你必须先从1找看看有没有相关的规定,没有的话就去看2,2也没有看3的,以此类推……
1)requirements and guidance in Standards and Interpretations that deal with similar or related issues;
2)definitions, recognitions and measurement criteria in the IASB Framework;
3)recent compatible pronouncements of other standard-setting bodies that use a similar conceptual framework.
对于accounting policies的变更,lecturer要求给予高度的重视!企业只能在以下两种情况的时候才被允许变更其accounting policies:
- required by an IFRS; or
- the change will result in the provision of more relevant or reliable information about the financial position, financial performance or cash flows of the entity.
请看DOCS上面上传的文件:Module 2 IAS 8 Policy Estimate Error Summary.doc
Revision of accounting estimates and correction of errors
变更accounting estimates不需要进行追溯调整,因为变更会计估计是由于环境的变化而产生的,比如说资产的可使用年限。需要进行披露
而对于会计错误,那么retrospective adjustment则是必须的。
Events after the reporting period (IAS 10)
lecturer说这个地方可能出现short answers,给cases,让你分析这些情况下,是可调整的事项,非调整但要披露的事项,还是非调整非披露。
报表日后事项是发生在the end of the reporting period and the date the financials are authorised for issue need to occur。这个嘛,我觉得是会计都应该了解吧,俺就不累述了~~
Statement of comprehensive income
Comprehensive income 包括两个部分:income statement(即关于当期的利润)和 other comprehensive income(变动的收入或者费用,当不计入profit & loss的)。IAS 1 Para 7列出划入other comprehensive income的交易事项,需要了解。
另外,minimum line items 需要了解,可能出现选择题,即企业至少要在statement of comprehensive income里面披露的项。
关于changes in equity,financial position 就不详细讲了,没有什么难点,都是平时应该知道的东西~
Statement of Cash Flow (IAS 7)
IASB有单独的专门的IAS 7来规定cash flow,可见现金流量表的重要性。 最基本的,现金流量表有两种方式:direct method & indirect method。准则鼓励使用direct method,但并不是强制性的。现金流量表分为三种活动,分别为:operating activities,investing activities 和 financing activities。可以refer到notes去,列出比较常见的活动细项。这部分内容主要在于计算,比如说给你几个数据,让你计算当期的利润是多少。举一个self assessment上面的例子。
The following information relates to the activities of Cashin Ltd. Income tax may be ignored.
Cash flows from operating activities $ 720,000
Decrease in trade payables 23,000
Decrease in inventory 11,500
Increase in trade receivables 24,600
Cash proceeds from sale of plant (book value of $25,000) 14,000
Increase in allowance for doubtful debts 1,000
What is the profit for the period?(这里的解题过程是我自己的思路,给后面给的答案不一样,反正结果对了就行~)
看到这种题目,第一反应就是indirect method,因为indirect method是从净利润开始,逐步提出非现金流入/流出的影响,求出营运现金流量。为了方便自己的思路,我把net profit设成X,然后从net profit开始,考虑每一项对于现金流量带来的影响:
decrease in trade payables 说明付了钱了,现金流减少,从净利润中扣除 - 23,000
decrease in inventory 存货减少,说明卖出商品,现金流增加 + 11,500
increase in trade receivables 一部分收入是赊账来的,没有现金流入 - 24,600
cash proceeds from sale of plant with book value of 25,000 因为账面价值是25,000,卖出金额为14,000,所以在利润表上是计入一个损失 (25,000-14,000) +11,000
卖资产所得的现金属于investing activity,不计算在operating activity里面
increase in allowance for doubtful debts allowance增加减少了净利润,但是没有实际的现金流影响 +1,000
综合:X - 23,000 + 11,500 - 24,600 + 11,000 + 1,000 = 720,000 =>净利润 X = $ 744,100
这个章节很容易啃,第一页数少,第二内容简单。最主要的就是搞清楚在什么情况下,要确认liability或者是provision;在什么情况下,provision要确认在报表当中,或者仅仅只是披露在notes里面(contingent liability & contingent asset)。
在Framework对provision的定义里面,最重要的一个要素,就是 provision is the existence of a present obligation。另外一个要素,就是这个存在是具有不确定性的,the uncertainty of timing or amount。
IAS 37 的范围需要了解,是选择题的一个考点。IAS 37 applies to all provisions (and contingent liabilities and contingent assets) other than those:
1) resulting from executory contracts, except where the contract is onerous; and
2) covered by another standard.
Recognition of provisions
1)an entity has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event;
要满足present的要求,则管理层没有办法去选择避免这一项负债,即:the entity must have no realistic alternative to settling the obligation created by the event。这个负债可以是法律层面上的(被合同所约束),也可以是constructive obligation。所谓的constructive obligation,指的是企业基于过往的经验而预计即将产生的负债,比如有:habitually provide staff with bonus payments,or perform environmental remediation to a standard higher than that required by law。
2)probable outflow of economic benefits;
负债发生的可能性高于不会发生的可能性,即:this occurs when the outflow of resources or other event is more likely than not to occur。
3)reliable measurement.
IAS 37 ----- Disclosure
Specific applications
Restructuring (*****)
Definition in IAS 37: a programme that is planned and controlled by management, and materially changes either the scope of a business undertaken by an entity or the manner in which that business is conducted.
这部分最困难的地方,就是如何判断,何时该项provision需要被确认,那些预计的未来支出需要被确认。Restructuring provisions被分成两种类型:
1)provision for restructuring recognised other than as a part of an acquisition of an entity or operation
2)provision for restructuring recognised as a part of an acquisition of an entity or operation. 被合并企业的未来重建计划如果是有条件的、非必须的,那么这并不能被确认为 a present obligation of the acquiree。
Future operating losses (*)
预计的未来可能发生的运营损失是一定不可以继承provision,因为它从本质上与定义不符,不是 a present obligation。
Onerous contracts (***)
Dividend (**)
Decommissioning, restoration & similar liabilities (*****)
这种provision在矿产资源类公司比较常见,就是在矿产开发完之后,公司为了保护当地的环境,则需要花费大量的资金去恢复矿区,达到保护换进的目的。这种费用由于中间的时间非常长(通常几十年),需要考虑time value。对于这种provision的后续处理,在IFRIC1里面有详细的规定,分为cost model和revaluation model。资料里面提供了两个例子,包括分录,必须要明白!重点重点!!
Contingent Assets & Contingent Liabilities
这两个部分,最重要的就是理解在什么情况下要分别确认成负债,provision,或者是contingent。Table 3.1和Table 3.2 非常清晰地列出了确认的条件,重点。
MODULE FIVE的总结请见第367楼
MODULE SIX的总结请见第371楼
[ 本帖最后由 aying0122 于 2010-9-30 23:17 编辑 ]
支持LZ 我有115~
这学期的考试有short answer question了,强烈鄙视!
对不起 我不太明白LZ要做什么?
因为这学期我在上MQ的这三门课程,所以会上传学校提供的时间表、notes、homework、以及一些case study
I am doing CPA118 this term. I will check your posts regularly. All your efforts will be very much appreciated.
报考CPA 一定要参加学校上课的吗?在家自学不行的????
我都MQ的Master of Accounting (CPA Extension)
以前SMA只有选择题的,85 MQ, 这学期开始 60 MQ,25 mark 的 short answer
[ 本帖最后由 jennyhao 于 2010-8-4 15:17 编辑 ]
[email protected]
i take cpa118 this semester also, pls send me the notes. many thanks.
[email protected]
i take cpa118 this semester also, pls send me the notes. many thanks.
my email [email protected]
CPA 115
my email: [email protected]
你好,能否帮忙给我发发你的CPA115 Financial reporting 的学习资料呀,谢谢了
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- 联邦政客们具有多少房产?
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