前几年把CPA考完了,现在跳去CA FIRM,盘算着是不是考个CA督促自己学习。对CA的内容没有什么概念,希望有前辈可以有资料可以借鉴一下。任何科目都行。谢谢~
邮箱:[email protected]
It depends on whether your firm has CPA partners. If it does, you don't need to do CA in order to become a partner. However, those CPA partners may have completed CTA & or MTAX. On the other hand if your firm only has CA partners, some of them may ask you to do the CA program.
In my opinion, CA program is similar to the CPA program. If your main focus is to improve your tax preparation skills, it is better to learn from workshops from NTAA or other similar courses rather than the CA program.
If your aim is to improve your tax planning skills (depending on which area you want to focus on), tax institute and MTAX programs are more worthwhile.
In the CA program, FIN is the hardest and TAX should be very easy for you. There are 4 technical modules (AAA, TAX, FIN and MAAF). There are 3 online multiple choice exams throughout each technical module worth 20% and a final exam worth 80%. You need to pass both the exam & with the total overall marks at least 50%. Each exam is different (i.e. they will not repeat the same question) and try to obtain as many past exam papers from others (i.e. ask those BIG 4 guys when you attend the non compulsory focus sessions).
Ok, let's give you some idea about the CA program
1. TAX - The main focus lies on entities (individuals, partnership, companies, trust), CGT & international tax. This subject only needs to practice the past exam papers and activities.
2. AUDIT - focus on audit cycle (planning, audit, conclusion) on GPFR and other services (e.g. review engagements & other procedures). You need to understand the auditing standards and apply those into the scenarios.
3. MAAF - focus on ABC, pricing, performance analysis and reporting, investment decisions and basic business valuations). The subject can be hard depending on what is in the exam.
4. FIN - focus on main accounting standards topics (e.g. consolidation & equity accounting, tax effect accounting, leases, financial instruments)
5. CAPSTONE focus on ethics, teamwork and 1 case study throughout the module (e.g. MYER) where you need to analyse data into meaningful information (e.g. SWOT analysis on MYER ). The final exam is a case with financials and other information (a different case to the one you studied throughout the period) which release 1 week before the exam. You need to try to guess 3 main questions with subparts and prepare the answers beforehand. Each question is based on the 4 technical modules and ethics.
Focus sessions - it is not compulsory but the only purpose of going to those is meet other candidates with the aim of obtaining past exam papers.
If you want further elaboration on CAPSTONE module, PM me and I will give you more details. (I would like to swap things)
If you want to
我有 你还需要吗
请问你还有audit&assurance的资料吗?我的邮箱是[email protected]
Thank you for sharing. Do you know where I can get the past paper?
CA will supply you the recent exam and supplementary past paper (i.e. last semester's)
However, you need to ask around to look for more past papers. Here are the areas you should look for:
1. Other candidates in your study group (if you want to form a study group, you better go to the CA forum)
2. Past candidates who studied that subject before
3. People who works in BIG 4.
Thank you so much!
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