澳洲Ultimate CPA guide & FAQs(很有用 对新同学)


Hi everyone,

I wanted to share my last bit of knowledge before I pass out from this course and throw away some of my materials. I've just finished my last unit, tax, and would probably do relatively well, based on what I see. I have got 4 HDs, so I think I'm reasonably qualified to comment on the whole structure.

Please keep comments constructive. I will add useful material to this post, based on what you guys say, so feel free to contribute.

Content Page

1. Difficulty, length and interesting-ness ranking
2. Order to take exams in
3. Doing Multiple Units – Should I do it? Which subjects?
4. Exam Tips



Extremely Hard Tier: Global Strategy and Leadership
Difficult Tier: Financial Reporting, Taxation (If not Tax Accountant), Ethics and Governance
Normal Tier: Audit(If not auditor), Taxation (If Tax Accountant)
Easy Tier: Strategic Management Accounting, Auditing (If Auditor)

GSL is a special snowflake, so I won't comment much on it here, but in a different section. Tax is hard for someone who hasn't done it, as there's a lot of rules, and they make it very tricky. FR is hard by nature, and E&G is long, with a lot of things to remember. However, all these are relative.

Generally, the 4 core with written parts are harder


Super Long Tier: Taxation, Ethics and Governance
Long Tier: Audit, Financial Reporting
Normal Tier: Strategic Management Accounting
Short Tier: Global Strategy and Leadership

Obviously, if you value your time, don't do tax and E&G together. It'll burn you out. By far, Tax has the most material to cover, so watch out for that. E&G is one of the most boring too. I strongly recommend that you do E&G and Tax solo, so you don't burn out.


Interesting Tier: Global Strategy and Leadership, Strategic Management Accounting.
Ok Tier: Tax, Financial Reporting
Boring Tier: Audit
Mind-Numbing Tier: E&G

GSL and SMA are *VERY* interesting and very useful, especially if you run your own business. You can even apply the principles in there in your life.

Audit is basically running through audit principles, which is boring, and E&G is by far the most boring. You need to learn governance codes, which will really test your dedication to study.

Order to take exams in

I did it in this order:
1. FR
2. Audit
3. SMA
4. E&G
5. GSL
6. Tax

Not a very smart order. This is what I should have done:

1. FR
2. E&G
3. SMA
4. GSL
5 & 6. Electives

Reasoning is that FR is relatively stand-alone, and will prepare you for the whole difficulty of the course. Its a good primer of what to expect, and gives you confidence, as you have completed a relatively hard unit. E&G has some relation to GSL, but not as much as SMA, so SMA comes directly before GSL. You will need as much advantage with GSL as you can. Trust me.

Why push electives to last? Reasoning being GSL is extremely hard. You don't want to waste your time completing 5 units, then discovering you can't pass the course becasue of GSL. GSL is a true gate-keeper. Despite veterans of 3-5 units taking it, the fail rate is still 30%. If you can't pass CPA after 3 units, your loss is less, and the psychological pressure is smaller. Also, you'll be less burnt-out by taking it as unit #4 rather than #6.

If you cannot pass an elective, say tax, you can at least switch to an easier one.

Multiple Units

I must admit that I did each unit singly, so please contribute in this section. If you want a lot of free time, you need to do it singly. Being married, this isn't an option to me at all. If you do multiples, this is what I'll do if forced to do it:

Sem 1: Tax
Sem 2: E&G
Sem 3: SMA & FR
Sem 4: GSL & Audit

The reason for this is Tax and E&G are killers. However, E&G is related to GSL, which is a unit you will need plenty of help with. Also, no matter what you do, try to do SMA before GSL, as there's a lot of material that both units share

Exam Tips

Exams are hard. Many of the questions have pitfalls that are placed there on purpose. The fail rate is always around 30%, statistics are shown when you get back your results. FR has an average fail rate of 44% for the last batch (Sem 2, 2012). CPA is a tricky one. These are the main issues

1. Time – This is very important. This will be your worst enemy in 5 of the units (The exception being tax) I like to do the written questions first, as MCQs usually can be done quickly.

However, a major pitfall here is that most people will spend HEAPS of time on the first question, which is usually worth very little. Here are some tips:

a) Time yourself strictly. If the exam has 60 marks, go 3hrs/60 marks = 4minutes a question. For the first few questions, time yourself VERY strictly. Write down the time you will finish each question next to it.

b) If you are not confident in a question, skip it.

c) If you spot a high-worth question which you know you are confident in answering, do that first. Use your reading time to spot these. Written sections usually have 3 big questions, choose the one out of the 3 you know best. DO NOT skip all over the place, ie. doing 1a, then 2c, then 3b. You will miss questions, and then fail.

2. Referencing – I do not tag my books, but I studied hard enough to know quickly where everything is. If you have the time to tag, I honestly feel that you should spend the time studying instead. Also, the content page is heaven-sent. Use that instead of wasting your time referencing. Tips:

a) Use the content page. Each module has a content page at the start, so use that and flip to where ever you need.

b) ONLY refer when you are not sure. For questions that you are sure, just answer and move on. Time is your major enemy, and if you refer for every single question, you WILL FAIL. DO NOT DO THIS FOR THE FIRST FEW QUESTIONS. This is where most people fail.

3. Preperation

a) Do the MCQs provided online. Do the MCQs provided online. Do the MCQs provided online. I cannot stress this enough. Do the MCQs provided online. The MCQs usually show you all the tricks and traps of the examinations. The MCQs online are VERY hard, despite what CPA says. You WILL do badly, but take joy in doing badly, as you uncover all the tricks that will make you fail.

b) The questions in the modules itself will help significantly if your exam has a written component (All the non-electives). It helps you practice writing your answers for the exam. You will get them wrong more often than not, but they're meant to be very high level. Work with the questions rather than go against it, look at the answer page, cheat, write the best reply. Its supposed to help you, not test you.

The ones I highly recommend are the calculation and presentation ones, for example, the AASB financial statement presentation in FR, or ABC costing in SMA.

For electives, I didn't find them important. However, just look at them as examples when you need it.

b) Do not waste time on readings, and all the extra stuff online. The only exception to this is the UK FRC in E&G. Read that.

I'll try to finish part 2 and 3 soon. Hopefully by the end of next week. Feel free to post your CONSTRUCTIVE thoughts.

Post reserved for part 3 – This should be for FAQs

1. Should I do an accounting qualification?

This really depends on your personal circumstance. Having come so far, I'm sure you can apply the concept of opportunity cost in your life. If you're going to work 5 years, then be a house wife/husband, the answer is probably no. If you want to be a CFO/CEO, the answer is not clear cut.

Generally, if accounting is your career, you need something, CPA, CA, MIPA. At the very least, so you won't be nagged by your boss.

However, it still really depends on your personal circumstance. If you're an office manager doing some accounts, or if you're a CEO, then probably not, unless you want to learn what is taught.

Keep in mind the opportunity cost to your life/marriage/etc. You only get to be a 20-something once in your life. Is it worth it to sacrifice 3+ years when you're 20-something to be rich

2. Which qualification?

This is a can of worms, and there are many threads answering this everywhere. The long story short is do your research. Please do not talk about this in this thread, as it'll just be a w***fest by members of each body.

2a. Seriously, what do you think?

The answer is not as cut and dried as you think. Do your research and bugger off.

3. Will getting an accounting qualification help me be a CFO/CEO/C-something?

You need more than a piece of paper to get you there. Everything from your looks, to luck, to ethics, to whose son you are, play a much bigger role. In fact, you don't need this piece of paper by the time you get there.

However, the piece of paper will open more doors for you, for you to attempt to get there.

4. What is the minimum pay after you get your accounting qualification?

No cut and dried answer for you. Economy is currently horrible. It really depends on your luck more than anything. Can be anything from 0 to 100k.

Generally, you will get a nominal raise. Doesn't matter where you are. I know of mid-tiers where the raise is 5k package, and of little commercial firms that give a 20k plus raise. It really depends on your luck.

The advantage of the qualification is more as such:
a) To be able to find a job more easily, open more doors.
b) To stop your employer from nagging you. – You have to do it, but they don't have to give you anything for doing it. It's part of your job.
c) For the knowledge
d) To open your own practice.

3a. But CPA/CA/IPA says that the minimum pay after is....

Their job is to sell you memberships. If you're smart enough to get a qualification, you will realise what I mean by now.

4. You are wrong! Your advice is horrible.

Then tell me why I'm wrong. Also, keep in mind that its all opinions. Also, please try to contribute in the thread, especially with regards to GSL, and the other 2 electives I did not cover.

5. Is CPA hard?

Yes. It is hard mostly because you have to work and study, so you have the worst of both worlds. For most people, the time sacrifice is immense, and it'll definately help if your partner is understanding.

There are the rare few who claim not to study and ace every single exam. If you are one of these rare few, then good for you! You should have studied medicine instead, since you're so smart. Shame that you're just a mere accountant.

For the rest of us commoners, then it will be hard, in your personal life. With regards to actual subject difficulty, the most difficult thing is the grind, but if you study, you will generally pass most of the subjects, with the exception of GSL. GSL is a special snowflake.


转自鬼佬CPA 论坛 觉得很好分享给大家 本人也刚刚考完最后一门GSL,看有人有偿兜售资料 简直可耻 上学期我们这里有study group很多同学加入了 大家都互相分享资料 有需要的 我可以发给你们~


麻烦发些GSL的资料,study guide已有,请发MQ和short answer,或其他相关资料,谢谢。[email protected]

跪求GSL的资料,包括study guide,MQ和short answer,或其他相关资料,谢谢啦,好人一生平安。[email protected]


跪求GSL的资料,包括study guide,MQ和short answer,或其他相关资料,谢谢啦,好人一生平安。[email protected]


你好, 我下學期修最後的一門GSL,希望能收到一份你15年sem2 GSL的電子書,謝謝!!

[email protected]



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同求GSL的学习资料,万分感谢![email protected]

同求GSL资料谢谢    [email protected]

求GSL的资料,包括study guide, 谢谢 [email protected]

求GSL的资料. [email protected], Many thanks


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同求GSL資料, 感激分享, 謝謝!  [email protected]

[email protected]

Thank you for your sharing :)



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