Hi there,
I got Strategic Management Accounting PDF study guides for all chapters for S1 2015, if anybody did Financial risk management in S1 2015 and is interested in taking SMA in S2, could we exchange the study guides and probably some experience for preparing the exam?
Thanks :)
I took FRM last semester and will take SMA.
Could you give me your email address and we can exchange our documents?
My email address is [email protected]
Hey sure it's [email protected].
Hi could you please send me a copy of Strategic Management Accounting PDF study guides, appreciate it. [email protected]
Hi could you please send me SMA study guide. I have not done FRM, so do not have the materials you ask on hand. sorry about that. if you could send me SMA materials that would be much appreciated. [email protected]
hi, could you please send me a copy of Strategic Management Accounting PDF study guides, very appreciate it. sorry I have not take FRM yet.
[email protected]
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