澳洲有读过CA Capstone的TX吗?



同问,我刚刚注册了今年第一学期的Capstone。感觉和前面的technical modules应该有很大不同吧!

Is the materials out yet? Are you guys doing "MYER" case studies?

There are 3 focus sessions on either Sat or Sun - please DON'T be late as I know someone over who was kick out of the 1 focus sunday sessions because she was late (but I'm not sure whether she was able to attend another session to cover it up)

If possible please choose the sunday session. The examination areas are the same but the questions are slightly different (e.g. sat session question for ethics on person 1 while sunday session question for ethics on person 2)

I think I let you know this much so far because I'm not sure how much difference between your study materials and my study materials (CAP114).


我好奇的是focus session是如何评分的? 是每个人都上台做presentation还是怎样?谢谢


My response may be too long so I decide to break them down in Part 1 first. I think it is better for me to help the potential candidates once they have the materials on hand before discussing more in detail. It is kind of difficult if I just put down things without reading your study materials

There is a mandatory attendance and the completion of assessment tasks total 40%, which spreads across 3 focus sessions. The first assessment task is marked out of 10 and the rest of marked out 15 each.

The first workshop focus session is as follows (copied from CA website)

Segment 1 covers Capstone module content, including Workshop 1 to:
- Access data, analyse information and synthesise knowledge
- Communicate effectively
- Work in and lead teams
- Code of Ethics and ethical decision making.

Prior attending the 1st workshop, you should do the following
- Your own personality report online to identify your personal strength and weakness (Belbin Report - see below link)
- Practice question & your answers based on Ethics (A scenario given based on videos, study materials). The assessment topic is given in a short notice 2 or 3 times before your workshop. You must try your best to complete the answers based on the notices because the assessment task is tested based on the same background facts and then add some additional late breaking facts.  (More on that later)
- You MUST bring the study materials, photocopies of your personal Belbin report (4 or 5 depending how many people is on your table), laptop / write pad to write down the main points from the 2 facilitators.
- You MUST bring the 'Business Writing Plus' written by Rachel McAlpine (study materials where you need to follow the 'business letter' format for the assessment task)

During the 1st workshop (9-4pm either on Sat or Sun), the runtime is kind of like this
- NEVER EVER arrive late as the facilitators will kick you out of the workshop (i.e. You MAY have to enrol for next CAPSTONE study session as CA is VERY strict on time)
- Sit on your assign table and meet the other assign table members. (They will all team members for all your 3 workshops and the 2nd and 3rd assessments are worked together)
- The facilitators will introduce themselves & rundown the day schedules on the whiteboards
- The facilitators will talk about their CAPSTONE training sessions (they need to be on time or otherwise KICK out)
- The facilitators will ask the candidates to input or contribute their response on things related to teamwork and others (I can't remember this part too well because this was the boring part)
- They talked about the Belbin report on team roles
- Tea break
- Practice an assessment task (a question similar to your actual assessment task). I think you can discuss with your team members for 5 minutes beforehand. Then you need to write your response on paper
- After completing the practice assessment task, the other table members will peer mark your response. Then that peer candidate will provide you your feedback in person and write down their feedback like an actual marker. If the assessment task is a group assessment task (workshop 2 & 3), there will be another additional team feedback
Listen carefully on what he / she said and try to understand & improve the weakness (doubtful but possible) before the actual assessment task
- Lunch
- Then the actual assessment task (probably based on ethics) under exam conditions
- The facilitators take your assessment task for marking and return them to you over your next workshop. (except the last one).
- Tea break
- The facilitators talk about some boring parts and ask for candidates for feedback (I can't remember too well)
- The facilitators will ask candidates to do some team exercises (e.g. assign no.1 person goes to the next table and join their group and then discuss a team response) on certain topic and write the responses on a piece of a big white sheet stuck on the windows at the back of the room. This part is not examinable but will help you for your next assignment task or the exam
- The facilitators will talk about something over your next workshop & you finish the day
- Make sure you obtain your table members contact details because the next 2 assignment tasks are group / team assessment tasks). There may be issues about the teamwork but more on that if you guys want to know.
- Note: You feel very tired after that and wants to go home straight away

The 2nd workshop session is similar to the first one except the assignment task is a Group assessment. They are based on a real life case study (MYER when I did it) where you need to do lots of researches (newspaper researches beforehand). The exam structure is divided into part a to d or e) where it is usually 1 person responsible for 1 part of the question.

The 3rd workshop session is a group presentation based on an scenario related to your case study (MYER). The question covers a big topic. Each member will need present one part of the question (like (a) to d or e) mentioned previously). The strongest presenters will usually do the introduction and the conclusion. This is the hardest part of the program because your preparation is A LOT longer than usual. (E.g. research 5 people & guess the question beforehand). The facilitators will mark  the actual presentation. Obviously your team has a practice presentation session beforehand while the other table member will peer mark that presentation and provide you & your team some feedbacks

The group assessment marks allocation is something divided like an overall mark of x for the team.  This comprises of a 30% of team mark and the rest is on an individual mark. Your overall mark will scale up or down based on either individual or team mark. (I can't remember too well on this now but I may able to recall this later). The group assessment mark affect most over the workshop 3 presentation. By the way, they will only post your mark over the CAPSTONE forum and a notice showing the average mark.

Exam preparation will also discuss over the last workshop.

This end my part one of the response.


Part 2 of the response - Tips & Traps on workshop 1

- Arrive early
- Print out enough copies of your responses required (BELBIN report etc) in order to share things around
- Bring all the CA study materials, Business writing Plus, Audit handbook or the section on ethics on different TYPES of people (I can't elaborate too much as this may change in your year of study)
- Read the CA notices on the forum and try to guess the question they would like to ask.
- Research the responses and put them in writing (in your computer and print them out)
- Bring your USB with you in case you forgot to print things
- Bring your laptop or paper pad with you to write down any notes
- Read the peer forum (Not too many people discuss up there but still this is better than nothing)
- Go to the Sunday session as some Sat session candidates may leak the details on the actual assessment task
- Read the newspaper articles / actual annual / half year report on the case study topic (it is not that important for workshop 1). There are certain areas they like to examine on based on what you study so far from your technical modules.
- Obtain any written responses for other people for the upcoming assessment task
- Borrow CPA GSL module from another friend. Find out if there are any parts that have responses similar to upcoming assessment task (e.g. for my workshop 2)

Note: This course is similar to CPA GSL in some areas

- Lack of preparation on the assessed topics means you will do poorly over the actual assessment task
- There are parts in the study materials that are kind of useless (i.e. not examinable) or part very little part is useful
- Your table member may not correspond well or even replied with you. Sometimes you need to put more effort on researches (i.e. If you have time, research on other people parts to cover their lack of effort). This will become more evident in workshop 2 & 3.

P.S. Good luck in your studies as the pass mark on this subject is very high.


Part 3 - CAPSTONE subject difficultly

This is my opinion only
- Pass rate for this subject is the highest so it should be the easiest subject. However, I don't think this is the case because you need to so much research for all your answers & read lots of stuff.
- The workshops assignment tasks mark were marked not as tightly compared to previous technical modules. In other words, I think a low mark result is not too bad and the average mark is very high. I hope this will continue the case.
- You don't need to pass the exam in order to pass the subject (unlike previous technical modules). All you need is to obtain 60% overall.
- The exam component marking is back to the usual tough marking. Therefore, try to do well over your workshops.
- The amount of research in this subject is very demanding given that you don't know the exact assessment question. It is much less demanding provided your research is over the right area. Therefore getting to know more people during that same study period will be very handy
- There are parts over the CA materials will not be examined at all. Some CA announcement notices just kind of trick you to read these topics but in fact it is a waste of time because they were not in exam / assessment tasks
- There are lots of CA materials (point form slides or videos that you need to log in and read). I captured them using some programs so that I can read them offline or on train via headphones & phone / tablet
- The technical components over CAPSTONE modules will not be given in detail. Please read your technical module again if you forgot / obtain more examples
- The exam is on the technical components on the CAPSTONE. A different case study (with no questions) will be given 1 week before the exam and that exam case study is related to your case study you studied (e.g. MYER when I studied). The exam was in 3Q which covers certain topics in AAA, FIN, MAAF and TAX + ethics.
- I found the CA CAPSTONE Masterclass useful as it tells you how to tackle the exam. This gives you another sample exam & solution. When I did this, there was only 1 practice paper & solution & there were no past papers before
- Unless your presentation skills is good / above average (fluent English), it is best to practice your presentation beforehand because typical Aussie / Indian people from BIG 4 are good / very good presenters and they can prepare good preparation notes over a short time
- If your table members are not helpful, try to form study group with others. Too bad, I did not do this which result me to cover lots of areas prior the exam & assignment tasks.
- Even if you can get below average mark over the workshops prior the exam, you need to make up for this by having a good exam mark. In other words, go over the technical modules again (topics cover in the CAPSTONE module) and extract the useful information. Then try to draft different questions (your estimate) based the case study and write the answers down.
- Please take at least 3 to 4 days off work in preparation for the CAPSTONE exam. I took 1 week off to do this.

我读的也是CAP114. 这个课程比较综合,我感觉认真参加每次session,积极参与小组讨论就行。 presentation都是小组的形式,当然每个人会负责一个部分,但是都是以小组为单位进行评分。所以总体压力不大。


Good for you but it really depends on person. The stress came to me because my table members don't even communicate to each other much beforehand until the workshop date. Therefore, I had to pay for the my only subject Masterclass. Anyway, the facilitators always hint that it is the easiest subject and this reflected over the pass rate on that semester.

我也ENROLL了 2015 S1 CAP 一起读的私信下呀


还有3天就要开课啦 我还要带个2个月的宝宝 不知道读这门OK不? 请教下这门需要花更多时间么 跟其他几门相比


It is very easy - lots of teamwork and discussions.


没什么抢答打平时分吧 想问下第一个assessment 打分是全看paper么?之后两个看presentation?


Assessment 1:

there was a individual practice assessment task on ethnics which will assist your written exam. Group table members can discuss their views and solution before you write down your individual response.

and the assessment task (a letter) will on based be additional facts / changes over the same case given previously. The case study may be the same for sat and sun however, the question will be different (asking ethnics on different person). It is under the exam condition.

Assessment 2 was a group written exam on Myer.

Assessment 3 was a group presentation on Myer.




我去年这个时候读的第一期Capstone,原来到现在还在用myer case。周末的三个session跑过去跟着大家混混就行了,装出认真讨论的样子,再做做assessment。老实说这课真心没啥大用。把网上材料看一遍,三个周末走个过场,很容易过的。考试的东西和平时考查的非常接近。老实说觉得这最后一门有点无聊。

我现在刚刚结束workshop2,感觉做的不好.第三个workshop 又是Prensentation,我最怕就是做Presentation了,而且看了各位上面的发言,好象还是当天才给的题目??那不是要晕死! 如果一个组5个人,每个组讲一个小时,那每个小组成员要讲12分钟??Oh my god!这么久!而且都没有多少时间准备?我快哭死了.


Which workshop are you in now? Sat or Sun? at Sydney?

if you want i can forward some workshops materials to you.


I am on Saturday workshop in Newcastle. It would be much appreciated if you could forward me some materials. My email address is:[email protected]. 太谢谢拉!


will do after lunch if you are not that so desperate!  ;)


Take your time. Thank you so much:)


just sent.

by the way, what is your topic at workshop2?


SWOT analysis


iseee. it is different with CAP114 though.


Don't  worry about the presentation.

Try to do well in the exam. I did much better in the exam than those focus sessions.



how about the final exam? Stressed out by the analyzing part.....


Pay and attend the CA CAPSTONE masterclass.  It will give you hints on at least 1 out of 3 question (in my opinion) in the main exam.


Good luck as I know that the presentation topic changes every year

By the way, review your notes over inventory, performance evaluation (BSc KPIs), ratio analysis, segment profitability analysis and corporate governance (may be)

Try to guess the questions and write down some answers beforehand. Please read the CA announcements as they will supply hints.

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据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




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