发现了一个严重的问题,已经考了cpa一半了,可是忘记register mentor program,可是我还有两年就要到期了,那现在注册mentor program可以log back吗?那我现在就需要准备log book吗? 求解!!!谢谢
I know someone in Hong Kong had a similar situation. He started his work in a HKICPA firm but I don't think whether he did register the mentor program at the time. Then he changed another job whilst completing his CPA program. After that, he did not ask the first mentor to write him the experience and asked another qualfied person to sign the mentor program and he subsequently qualified as a CPA. I forgot how he told CPA Hong Kong office.
I also know another person who got some experience counted from CPA when he worked from his first job before moving to the public practice and registered under a mentor.
More importantly, can you find someone at work (i.e. your direct supervisor) who can date back your work experience? If so, this may be easier when you call CPA and ask.
To be honest the mentor program requirements changes all the time so it is best to call CPA to discuss.
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