


研究了一下CA, 共六门。如果从别的Qualification转或者有学位,可以部分免试,但好像有要求bridge course such as tax and auditing。

AAA – Audit & Assurance
CAP – Capstone
EBA – Ethics & Business Application
FIN – Financial Accounting & Reporting
MAAF – Management Accounting & Applied Finance
TAX – Taxation

对于CPA来说, 目前来看是4+2, 还是六门。
http://www.cpaaustralia.com.au/c ... evel-structure.html
Candidates who start the CPA Program professional level from Semester 1 2010 must complete four compulsory segments:

    Ethics and Governance
    Strategic Management Accounting
    Financial Reporting
    Global Strategy and Leadership - capstone segment

Plus two electives must be chosen from the following:

    Advanced Taxation*
    Malaysia Taxation*
    Singapore Taxation* (enrolment conditions apply – see below)
    Advanced Audit and Assurance*
    Contemporary Business Issues **
    Financial Risk Management


http://www.gradconnection.com.au ... d-ca-vs-cpa/?page=1

I guess you''re correct in terms of public practice and commercial companies. However, I would like to shed some light into all this CA and CPA discussion. I mean it can be really deceptive I was being told that CA would be beneficial if you are intending to work overseas, however, in Australia CA and CPA seems to provide similar value.

There have always been arguments that CA is better than CPA, however, my previous employer who is a CA felt that CPA has caught up with CA in every single factor. She admitted that CA was better in like 20 years ago. She felt that the older generation is brainwashing the younger generation but in fact CA is worried that most of the graduates are registering for CPA. They reduced their requirement from 6 months work experience to just obtain employment before you could commence CA which is somewhat similar to CPA. They had requirements that you must obtain a higher percentage to pass the program but I was told that they have somewhat lowered their standards and aligning it with CPA. Furthermore, it looks like they have slowly revamped their program to be somewhat similar to CPA as evident from this website:


Instead of continuing with their projects and focus session groups, they are reducing slowly reducing all these requirements and focusing solely on examinations.

In my opinion, I always wanted to start off with CA not because of the prestige or anything like that, it''s just because I am not those type who would prefer distant studying, I would probably prefer interaction, test my communication skills, get to know people around the industry through focus sessions and projects, and I have a preference of subjective focused examinations as it gives me a chance to crap all I want while still being relevant. In the end, I started off with CPA to improve my marketability which worked out and I would complete the CA program as well just to challenge myself and see if it''s really that tough after all which I presume it won''t due to the fact that you would never feel tortured if you are doing something you like.

Difference between doing CA or CPA?

A: CA stems from UK influence; CPA stems from USA influence. Aust is pretty much the only country that has a big following in both. I understand in Australia CA is more postively looked upon however it is quite minor and reality your clients don''t know any different. The only real impact choosing between the two is if you decide to work overseas. Note I understand ACCA is bigger than CA and CPA in many countries.

这个说得很直白: by theresumemonster
http://www.gradconnection.com.au ... d-ca-vs-cpa/?page=1


Reputation: Prestigious

Region: Well recognised in western countries, (Europe, Canada, US, etc)

Course: very structured, 6 compulsory units, EXTREMLY DIFFICULT (if you thought some uni subjects are hard, they are nothing to what you will be doing in CA), weekly lectures, tutorial, as well as group assignments and exam.

Duration: 1 subject per semester, 3 semesters per year, therefore you can complete it in 2 years if you enrol every semester.

Bottomline: This is the one to go for if youre willing to go the extra yard to stand out from the crowd, but expect many late nights of studying.


Reputation: More basic, everyones got one these days

Region: Well recognised in asia and south east asia.

Course: 4 compulsory subjects, 3 electives (course contents recently changes, before there are only 3 core subjects), no classes, no assignments, just 1 exam per subject (mostly multiple choice)

Duration: up to 3 subjects per semester, 2 semester per year, you can complete in 1 year if you like (but theres a 3 year work experience requirement before you qualify for the license)

Bottomline: Easy to complete, experienced jobs usually require  so a CPA is just as good.

Also, I think a CA can convert to CPA without doing anything where as a CPA will not be able to convert to CA (need to take the course from scratch), but I forgot where I saw it

Btw, Im currently doing CPA because of my laziness.

By godez godez
(http://www.gradconnection.com.au ... d-ca-vs-cpa/?page=1)

regarding the topic, look, u have to think which area in accounting do u want to wrk? is it auditing? consultancy? or mybe a corporate accountant? ive already post a similar answer to other forums with the same query.

my answer is, it doesnt matter wether its cpa or ca because , being qualified is better than just being a normal accounting graduate.

im a cpa, im an accountant (contractor) in a manufacturing firm, my job is more focus on management accounting (not managers ok??) more on unit production accounting etc, budgeting, forecast all those sort of things. now im also a small tax business owner, im tax agent thats y i am only working as a contractor.

now if ur an international student, migration is looking for skilled management accountants and i guess CPA is more focus on corporate side so u better take cpa.

however if your intersted in wrking in an Accounting firm, which is more focus on reporting, tax consultancy etc. then go take ca

u can take cpa or ca first then do the other. the good thing is, once ur qualified by one, they will waive the practical experience and u need to only do the modules of that program..

fine, some says ca is challenging, really it doesnt matter, becz ull learn from ur wrk experience , its not just about all those theories and calculation, assignmnts etc.. cpa is distance becz they assume u have self discipline to learn both from the modules and experience..

CA is much harder than CPA in many aspects, Choosing CA or CPA really depends what you want.....You need to consider you current situation and future career path, etc.

In conclusion, when you dont know which one is better, taking both maybe, it can start with the simple one at firstly, to pass quickly and get the job you want instead of spending so many hours on study only.


CPA的好处是考得快,便宜(http://www.cpaaustralia.com.au/c ... nt-dates-exams.html)还有选择题,找公司工作的话,CA、CPA没有区别。

大家考CPA的花费是多少呢,我看CA没有6K-8k根本下不来, 太贵了。

[ 本帖最后由 紫衣 于 2012-7-18 15:16 编辑 ]


一次过了就都给报销,没花过钱,不过每年subscription fee 的比 CPA 贵很多,差不多 $1,000  




[ 本帖最后由 qqyang 于 2012-7-19 14:20 编辑 ]

CA is five unts.... Capstone is not unit name, Capstone is EBA...

expense as of 2012

CA: 1135 per unit, 5 units = 5675
CPA: 815 per unit, 6 units = 4890, 3 years ASA annual fee: 3*330=990, total = 5880

CPA is expensive as annual fee charged for ASA member.

BUT, if full member, CA 8xx per year member fee, CPA 6xx

CA has special exam, CPA not

[ 本帖最后由 911110000 于 2012-7-19 14:44 编辑 ]





extra 12天年假已经爽回来啦。。。安啦。




不是每个月有1天extra leave嘛?


"CPA通过率较高" not really

CA pass rate is higerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr than CPA.

If consider special exam, CA pass rate is higherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr than CPA

CA is depends on yourself. If you got 50 marks, you will pass (well, you need got 35 out of 70 for final exam, and at least 50 in totall ).

CPA is not, even you got 50 marks in your exam, you still could fail. No matter how much you got in final exam, you have to get higher marks than at least 25% of total candidates, sometimes even 34%

CPA has MCQ, sometimes, you will get some "lucky" points, but CA no





[ 本帖最后由 qqyang 于 2012-7-20 13:32 编辑 ]

"澳洲CPA那么多不着边际的选修可以选" not "那么多"

"CPA有几个考Taxation" maybe more than you thought. But % maybe low

CPAA changed...from 2010, there are only 4 electives untis left, some units are not avaliable since 2010, such as Superannuation.

Malay Tax and SGP tax cannot be taken in OZ






[ 本帖最后由 Snoob 于 2012-7-20 18:25 编辑 ]



认识一个女孩子cpa都是HD & D, Ca pass ....


CA的taxation只有四章,第四章international tax和tax consolidation的难度,确实不是CPA可以比的。

两种感觉是不同的学习方式。ca需要你整个学期不断的投入,有focus session, 有assignment

cpa 的fail rate 是不算 not sit 的,你考过CPA 应该知道吧。而且fail rate控制在30%左右 是硬性要求,和多少人参加考试 没太大关系吧

CA 第四章 考试的时候没有书上出的那么难吧,ACA 那部分和CPA要求差不多吧,只要求掌握几个step吧。

PS fail rate 在显示 牛皮癣

再就是考CPA的比考CA的多的太多了。。。不过CA悉尼好像4个考场,墨尔本就1个,可能CA headoffice 在悉尼?

CPA TAX 60个选择题,CA就4个答题,CA考试考点 不应该比CPA 考的全面吧。毕竟题目数量在那,不过CA 有assignment,部分知识点在assignment考过了

[ 本帖最后由 911110000 于 2012-7-21 20:49 编辑 ]



这个不一定吧,一般来说政府部门还是有这个membership fee预算的。
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