澳洲Important changes to the Chartered Accountants Program from


Following two years of extensive planning and consultation, the Institute is delighted to announce that a new world‐class Chartered Accountants Program will be introduced from 2013, which will be delivered jointly with the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants.

As one of our mentors, your contribution will continue to play an integral role in helping candidates develop and apply their skills in the workplace. The following information is provided to ensure you understand the changes and how candidates will transition through the Program.

What will change?
During the consultation process, members told us candidates needed greater access and flexibility to balance their work and study commitments, while still maintaining the quality and rigour of the current Program. That’s why the new Program will move to a more flexible, modern blend of face-to‐face and online learning. Using a new sophisticated Online Learning Space, candidates will have greater access to their learning resources and experience more interactive activities, enabling them to access their learning material from anywhere, at any time during the module.

Greater flexibility will also be embedded into the four technical modules, with the current focus session format to be replaced with new optional face‐to‐face and virtual classrooms. Meanwhile, the emphasis on face‐to‐face learning will shift into a new Capstone, which will replace the current Ethics & Business Application (EBA) module.

This Capstone will be offered from 2014 and requires candidates to attend three mandatory workshops. The workshops will focus on real company case studies, the application of technical knowledge and the development of professional skills and competencies relevant to the workplace, including practical team work, and communication and presentation skills.

What candidates need to do?
To help ensure candidates have ample time to plan, they should refer to the Transitional Schedule and 2013-15 Timetable, to identify their pathway for completing the Program and entry to membership. To help understand the changes, please refer to the Comparison Chart which outlines the key differences between the current and new Programs.

To ensure the transition is a seamless process, candidates will have the opportunity to enrol in the current technical modules until the end of 2012. In addition, the EBA module will be offered twice in 2013. Candidates will then need to undertake the equivalent new modules as outlined in the Transitional Schedule.

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据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




澳大利亚11月考试,我知道是闭卷的,但是CPA会提供FORMULAE吗? 有没人考过?100百道题目难吗? 评论 我也是11月考哦 cpa会提供公式滴 我也好像知道题目难度啊 是否跟提供的练习相似 快来提供线 ...



澳大利亚新入坑CA的小白,正在等assessment,新政策说是有9门,群里大部分朋友似乎都是考的旧版的。有考新版的朋友一起学习吗 评论 马一下,同新版考了一半 评论 友友们有群吗? 能和你们买 ...



澳大利亚一直很顺利的过了5门,但是最后一门选了digital finance,结果差了两分挂了。心情极其低落中。不想再选这门了,感觉学不到什么东西。 不知道FRM和CBI哪个更好?我已经考过AT了。顺便谁 ...



澳大利亚求助一下CA工作经验的问题,太迷茫了TAT (纯作死考的CA,已经考一半了就想着考完吧 目前在大学做会计,刚开始考CA的时候找的external mentor,但由于大学不是CA认证的雇主所以不能算工 ...


Tax Advisor

澳大利亚在这里请教事务所的前辈们 最近有一个firm在接触我所在的公司,推销他们的一个program “recovery” 。 根据他们的自我介绍,他们专精于 indirect tax,简单说就是fuel tax credit 跟GST,他们回 ...


半年ap 本科会计毕业10年

澳大利亚大家好, - 已过时效, 如何报考cpa - 什么时候有必要去考( 咋么知道到瓶颈需要考) 感谢回复 谢谢! 评论 报名cpa 和你本科已毕业多久没有关系,应该只看你本科学过什么科目 应该要 ...



澳大利亚这学期大家都考了什么? 话说这个版块好像越来越“萧条”了,看来大多数人都上岸啦! 我等未出坑的继续煎熬,求过啊。。。 评论 明天出成績,, 一般今晚就看到 ^^ 评论 同感 很萧条 ...



澳大利亚这门课是什么鬼啊!!看书觉得很流畅很简单,做题发现一塌糊涂,全都似是而非的,每个选项都好像对也好像不对。。。。 你说咱都考到GSL了,也不是CPA新人,头一次觉得这么懵逼。 ...


悉尼求CA Mentor

澳大利亚现在是在commercial company工作,公司内没有CA。 真心求一位CA 大师愿意做mentor,可有偿的! 如果有意愿者可以直接回复或者私信我,希望遇到好人哈,谢谢! 评论 没有权限发消息给你。 ...