今天..我上CPA 网站上看了下, 要学习CPA, 先要学fundamental course.问题来了, 我读的是BACHELOR OF COMMERCE,, 但我不是MAJOR IN ACCOUNTING, 然后我又读了MASTER OF APPLIED FINANCE. 然后我用了ACCOUNTING MAJOR 来移民.. 因为我大学的ACCOUNTING 科目不够,, 我在OPEN UNIVERSITY 把不够的课给补上了. 我想问问.. 我这样的.. 还要读那个FUNDAMENTAL COURSE 吗..???
你 的accounting 科目 + open uni. 的科目 是不是已经达到了 CPA program 的 要求了 ?如果是, 你就可以直接去申请 cpa program 了
我和你的 情况一样,当初是用accting 来移民的。。。 但是major in 其他的科目。
The most efficient way is:
1. quote your CPA assessment reference number, email CPA to see if the courses you've done meet fundamental requirements. (if your assessment for immigration with CPA)
2. download CPA assessment form and fill it up, send to CPA, then wait to see how they will assess...
after that, you should be able to know what exactly you need to start with. But, please note, some courses you'd done may be named differently to CPA. That means you may be able to argue with them.
That is what I did with CPA.
Good Luck!!
wa..thanks a lot .. i should check with cpa then ... thanks
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