三年多前加入此公司,一年多前从AA升为FA。虽然只是个小的上市公司,但下面有五个海外分公司,加上澳洲总部,每月要做六个公司的汇总,涉及到七种货币, Month end 的consolidation那叫一个烦。
我的title虽然只是Regional Accountant,但因为在总部,凡事都得consol。 子公司的FA做Cash flow, 我要做consolidated cash flow; 他们做month end, 我除了自己的month end 外,还得review他们的work paper,reconcile所有inter-co loan accounts,然后准备烦人的monthly consol(当然需要FC finalize, 尤其是FX部分), 感觉工作量比分公司的FA多很多, 工资却不见比他们高(哈哈,身在Head Office,所有staff的工资我都知道)。但现在公司的规模又不足以专门找个人负责consol。
我想问的是,我现在所做的工作离Group accountant 有多远, group accountant 的工作范围 一般是什么?
You got a really nice pos..u know that ...
Man you should be contended with wut you got now...
I've been tryna get into any listed co as AA but couldn't even with my accounting experience at a law firm and payroll experience with a large listed retailer......so i had to go for a second choice....workin for bank as a credit analyst...job sux...
I like wut ur doing...
Looks like not too far for u man... it's just around your corner man..you've got enough experience,..time to ask for a payrise and then look for a GA job somewhere outside ur co if there is no immdiate possibility i reckon。
I'm definitely in if ur co still hiring ppl to do the consolidation...pls keep an eye for me...alrite ?
in the meantime...would u like to shed some light as to how did u embark on ur nice accoutning career ?
much appreciated! thx
LZ离Group Accountant已经很近了,恭喜哦,看来LZ这几年做得很好
LZ有自己或者参与做Annaul Report吗?
LZ = 樓主 ma?
I reckon there isnt much diff between Reg. A and GA.
man if u havnt been checking out job ads ..now it's time....that'll give u some shallow ideas as to what GA role entails....
I think the low end salary range for a GA is abt 70K + super...
目前只是帮助准备annual report中的一些shedule而已,整个template及interpretate applicable standards 基本上是FC在做(两年前是CFO在做)。现在CFO由于忙于管理层事务,除了review monthly consol 和 annual report,几乎不直接参与任何finance的杂事,所以annual report被 push down to FC,而FC的一些工作就轮到我了。
确实是学到了很多东西,每个月忙得不可开交。只是觉得工资没有随着涨很多,所以有点郁闷。如果我的工作真的离group accountant不远的话,那起码下次review时就有点要求加薪的本钱了。
It's very hard when your colleagues are your competitors like the situation i'm in.
Everyone is tryna do more files and suck up to the bosses.
I think your in a better situation than i am. just need to show your value. That's it.
But i still think switching to other co will give u much higher increase but not without getting a increase first at ur old workplace.
Especially if ur in IT, my mates in IT are all getting more than 40% increase when they jumped to others. So envy.
Thanks Happybanana - I know what you mean.
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