澳洲求教: 国内工作经验可以抵cpa mentor program么?


我现在在澳洲工作,之前在国内有几年的会计相关工作经验,不知道是否可以用来抵扣这边cpa的practical exp/mentor program


Yes. The experience has to be obtained within 5 yrs from the date of application.

If you were not under a IFAC recognised qualified accountant, i mean if your team leader, manager, or department head were not IFAC recognised qualified accountant, you can only claim half of the experience. AND one more thing -->

If your job  responsibilities only involve very basic bookkeeping or very simple Accounts Payable (AP)/AR, then the max you can claim is half a year worth of experience for those type of work. However, if your work title is Bookkeeper or Accounts Payable Officer or the like but you actually involved in (contributed to) tasks like tax preparation, tax reporting, any budgeting, any forecasting, kpi calculation/reporting, variance analysis, etc. your experience would be considered proper accounting exp. Nevertheless, if you didnt work under a qualified accountant recognised by IFAC, your exp will be halved.

WHat you need to apply is sth called Recognition for Prior Experience...not sure about the wording now...i did that 1.5 yr ago...you apply for it when you enrolled into the Mentor Program or now called PER...
previously , u didnt need to apply for the PER and your prior work exp at the same time. THat is, you can enrolled into PER first, then apply for your prior work exp to be recognised later on.

You can ask any one of your superior supervisor (TL, Manager, Head, Controller, CFO, CEO, Directors) to sign your detailed job descriptions for you. But the letter has to be typed up with the Company Head. SO you might wana email what you have typed up to ur boss and ask him to print on company head and sign it off and mail back to aus.


能多抵点是点.. 不怕cpa考试,就怕找不到mentor

Man..not to worry abt mentor ba..if cant find here..can be globally as well....n  communicate via Skype, Email and phone and letter can do too....but need to have a log record of how long and how u communicate with ur mentor ar...n possibly wut did u guys talk abt ..since u will need to fill out the PER book along during conversation ...but need to send through ur PER book for sign off once in a while 。。i think。。

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