周五,42 岁的凯莉·比克摩尔 (Carrie Bickmore) 被发现拥抱她的 Hit Network 电台联合主演、38 岁的汤米·利特尔 (Tommy Little),两人在海港度过了愉快的一天,在那里他们正在播放凯莉和汤米广播节目。
Carrie 穿着温暖的冬季服装,包括一件白色灯芯绒夹克,搭配黑色牛仔裤和耐克运动鞋。
汽车周五,42 岁的 rie Bickmore 被发现拥抱她的 Hit Network 电台搭档 38 岁的汤米·利特尔 (Tommy Little),两人在港口度过了愉快的一天,在那里他们正在播放 Carrie & Tommy 广播节目
与此同时,汤米 (Tommy) 穿着单色服装,打造出时尚休闲的造型 - 一件无拉链黑色连帽衫、配套 T 恤和牛仔裤。
有传言称两人将于 7 月 30 日星期日在悉尼举行的 Logies 颁奖典礼上公开展示他们的恋情。


Carrie 穿着温暖的冬季服装,由白色灯芯绒夹克搭配黑色牛仔裤和 Nike 运动鞋

一位内部人士告诉本周的《New Idea》杂志,该仪式将是他们传闻中的恋情首次亮相的理想场所。
'汽车rie 很可能会参加,因为她可能是有史以来最著名的 Gold Logie 获奖者之一。”他们开始说道。
“经过几个月的耳语,没有比 Logies 更好的公开场合了。”

同时,Tommy 穿着单色服装,打造出商务休闲的造型 - 一件无拉链的黑色连帽衫,配套的 T 恤和牛仔裤


Their outing comes amid rumours the pair will publicly debut their romance on Sunday, July 30 at the Logies Awards ceremony in Sydney

An insider told this week's New Idea magazine that the ceremony would be the ideal venue to debut their rumoured relationship
It's widely believed that Tommy is dating Carrie, his co-host on the Carrie & Tommy show.
Fans have been begging the couple to confirm their alleged romance, especially after they enjoyed a trip to France together.
Last month, they hosted their Hit FM radio show from the 'City of Love', which had fans convinced they are romantically involved.
Carrie announced her split from her partner-of-11-years Chris Walker this year, while Tommy has reportedly been single since his breakup with girlfriend Natalie Kyriacou in 2021.

It's widely believed that Tommy is dating Carrie, his co-host on the Carrie & Tommy show

Fans have been begging the couple to confirm their alleged romance, especially after they enjoyed a trip to France together

Last month, they hosted their Hit FM radio show from the 'City of Love', which had fans convinced they are romantically involved

Carrie announced her split from her partner-of-11-years Chris Walker this year, while Tommy has reportedly been single since his breakup with girlfriend Natalie Kyriacou in 2021
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