最近看小红书推送,发现父母符合下面三个条件就可以申请过桥签证A (BVA),不需要在境内不断申请旅游签证:
1. 在2021年3月24号之前递交了103/143/173申请
2. 递交103/143/173时持有有效的签证(人在境外境内都可以, 但是递交的那个时刻持有的签证还没到期, 有没有8503 NO FURTHER STAY都无所谓)
3. 在2021年3月24号那天申请人必须在澳洲境内(不能在通关)。 目前也在澳洲且持有有效签证且没有8503 条款(如果有的话目前可以申请免掉)
查了各种帖子, 找到了移民局来源 https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/covid-19-visa-concessions
Bridging visas for Parent and Contributory Parent visa applicants
You may be eligible for the grant of a bridging visa in association with your Parent (Subclass 103), Contributory Parent (Subclass 143) or Contributory Parent (Temporary) (Subclass 173) visa application during the period in which the COVID-19 concessions are in place, if all of these criteria are met:
• you lodged your Parent or Contributory Parent visa application before 24 March 2021
• the visa application was lodged in Australia
• you were in Australia on 24 March 2021
• the visa application has not been finalised.
The bridging visa subclass you may be eligible for depends on your circumstances at the time your Parent or Contributory Parent visa application was made.
If you held a substantive visa at the time you made your visa application, you may be able to apply for and be granted a Bridging visa A - BVA - (Subclass 010).
If you did not hold a substantive visa at the time you made your visa application, you will not be eligible for a BVA. You may be able to satisfy the requirements for a Bridging visa E - BVE - (Subclass 050).
If you lodged a paper application for a Parent or Contributory Parent visa at an office outside Australia, you will not meet the criteria for the grant of a bridging visa in association with your visa application.
If you wish to apply for a bridging visa, post a completed Form 1005 to the WA Parent Visa Centre . Do not email the completed form. Any Form 1005 received by email will be an invalid application and cannot be considered.
我父母符合上诉条件,爸爸是2016年递交的143, 妈妈是2016年递交的103.
填了1005表格,寄到下面这个地址, 2022年2月25号寄的的EXPRESS POST, 2月28号WA移民局收到, 3月2号爸爸的143 过桥签证就下来了。 妈妈的103过桥签证知道今天还在等。
Department of Home Affairs
Parent Visa Centre
Locked Bag 7
想问最近有人递交过103过桥签证的同学们, 是要等多久?
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