澳洲【真假不知】出境艰难 有持绿卡者被剪掉护照禁



出境艰难 有持绿卡者被剪掉护照禁止出境
https://local.6parknews.com/inde ... iew&nid=1008613












https://www.usimmigration.org/fa ... card-category-codes

Green Card Category Codes
AM1        Amerasian, born in Vietnam/td>
AM2        Spouse/child of AM1 or AM6
AM3        Mother, guardian or relative of AM1 or AM6
AS1        Approved primary asylee
AS2        Spouse of asylee
AS3        Child of asylee
C20        Child of an alien classified as C24 or C29. Conditional.
C21        Spouse of a lawful permanent resident alien (subject to country limitations). Conditional.
C22        Stepchild (under 21 years of age) of a lawful permanent resident alien (subject to country limitations). Conditional.
C23        Child of an alien classified as C21, C22, C26, or C27 (subject to country limitations). Conditional.
C24        Unmarried son or daughter (21 years of age or older) who is a stepchild of a lawful permanent resident alien (subject to country limitations). Conditional.
C25        Child of an alien classified as C24 or C29. Conditional.
C26        Spouse of a lawful permanent resident alien (subject to country limitations). Conditional.
C27        Stepchild (under 21 years of age) of a lawful permanent resident alien (subject to country limitations). Conditional.
C28        Child of an alien classified as C21, C22, C26, or C27 (subject to country limitations). Conditional.
C29        Unmarried son or daughter (21 years of age or older) who is a stepchild of a lawful permanent resident alien (subject to country limitations). Conditional.
C31        Married son or daughter who is a stepchild of a U.S. citizen. Conditional.
C32        Spouse of an alien classified as C31 or C36. Conditional.
C33        Child of an alien classified as C31 or C36. Conditional.
C36        Married son or daughter who is a stepchild of a U.S. citizen. Conditional.
C37        Spouse of an alien classified as C31 or C36. Conditional.
C38        Child of an alien classified as C31 or C36. Conditional.
CF1        Alien whose record of admission is created upon the conclusion of a valid marriage contract after entering as a fiance or fiancee of a U.S. citizen. Conditional.
CF2        Minor stepchild of an alien classified as CF1. Conditional.
CR1        Spouse of a U.S. citizen. Conditional.
CR2        Stepchild of a U.S. citizen. Conditional.
CR6        Spouse of a U.S. citizen. Conditional.
CR7        Stepchild of a U.S. citizen. Conditional.
CX1        Spouse of a lawful permanent resident alien (exempt from country limitations). Conditional.
CX2        Stepchild (under 21 years of age) of a lawful permanent resident alien (exempt from country limitations). Conditional.
CX3        Child of an alien classified as CX2 or CX7 (exempt from country limitations). Conditional.
CX6        Spouse of a lawful permanent resident alien (exempt from country limitations). Conditional.
CX7        Stepchild (under 21 years of age) of a lawful permanent resident alien (exempt from country limitations). Conditional.
CX8        Child of an alien classified as CX2 or CX7 (exempt from country limitations). Conditional.
E10        Child of a priority worker classified as E11, E16, E12, E17, E13, or E18.
E11        Priority worker - alien with extraordinary ability.
E12        Priority worker - outstanding professor or researcher.
E13        Priority worker - certain multinational executive or manager.
E14        Spouse of a priority worker classified as E11, E16, E12, E17, E13, or E18.
E15        Child of a priority worker classified as E11, E16, E12, E17, E13, or E18.
E16        Priority worker - alien with extraordinary ability.
E17        Priority worker - outstanding professor or researcher.
E18        Priority worker - certain multinational executive or manager.
E19        Spouse of a priority worker classified as E11, E16, E12, E17, E13, or E18.
E21        Professional holding an advanced degree or of exceptional ability.
E22        Spouse of an alien classified as E21 or E26.
E23        Child of an alien classified as E21 or E26.
E26        Professional holding an advanced degree or of exceptional ability.
E27        Spouse of an alien classified as E21 or E26.
E28        Child of an alien classified as E21 or E26.
E30        Child of a skilled worker or professional classified as E31, E36, E32, or E37.
E31        Alien who is a skilled worker.
E32        Professional who holds a baccalaureate degree or who is a member of a profession.
E34        Spouse of a skilled worker or professional classified as E31, E36, E32, or E37.
E35        Child of a skilled worker or professional classified as E31, E36, E32, or E37.
E36        Alien who is a skilled worker.
E37        Professional who holds a baccalaureate degree or who is a member of a profession.
E39        Spouse of a skilled worker or professional classified as E31, E36, E32, or E37.
EW0        Child of an alien classified as EW3 or EW8.
EW3        Other worker performing unskilled labor, not of a temporary or seasonal nature, for which qualified workers are not available in the U.S..
EW4        Spouse of an alien classified as EW3 or EW8.
EW5        Child of an alien classified as EW3 or EW8.
EW8        Other worker performing unskilled labor, not of a temporary or seasonal nature, for which qualified workers are not available in the U.S..
EW9        Spouse of an alien classified as EW3 or EW8.
F11        Unmarried son or daughter of a U.S. citizen.
F12        Child of an alien classified as F11 or F16.
F16        Unmarried son or daughter of a U.S. citizen.
F17        Child of an alien classified as F11 or F16.
F20        Child of an alien classified as F24 or F29 (subject to country limitations).
F21        Spouse of a lawful permanent resident alien (subject to country limitations).
F22        Child (under 21 years of age) of a lawful permanent resident alien (subject to country limitations).
F23        Child of an alien classified as F21 or F26 (subject to country limitations).
F24        Unmarried son or daughter (21 years of age or older) of a lawful permanent resident alien (subject to country limitations).
F25        Child of an alien classified as F24 or F29 (subject to country limitations).
F26        Spouse of a lawful permanent resident alien (subject to country limitations).
F27        Child (under 21 years of age) of a lawful permanent resident alien (subject to country limitations).
F28        Child of an alien classified as F21 or F26 (subject to country limitations).
F29        Unmarried son or daughter (21 years of age or older) of a lawful permanent resident alien (subject to country limitations).
F31        Married son or daughter of a U.S. citizen.
F32        Spouse of an alien classified as F31 or F36.
F33        Child of an alien classified as F31 or F36.
F36        Married son or daughter of a U.S. citizen.
F37        Spouse of an alien classified as F31 or F36.
F38        Child of an alien classified as F31 or F36.
F41        Brother or sister of a U.S. citizen.
F42        Spouse of an alien classified as F41 or F46.
F43        Child of an alien classified as F41 or F46.
F46        Brother or sister of a U.S. citizen.
F47        Spouse of an alien classified as F41 or F46.
F48        Child of an alien classified as F41 or F46.
FX1        Spouse of a lawful permanent resident alien (exempt from country limitations).
FX2        Child (under 21 years of age) of a lawful permanent resident alien (exempt from country limitations).
FX3        Child of an alien classified as FX1, FX2, FX7, or FX8 (exempt from country limitations).
FX6        Spouse of a lawful permanent resident alien (exempt from country limitations).
FX7        Child (under 21 years of age) of a lawful permanent resident alien (exempt from country limitations).
FX8        Child of an alien classified as FX1, FX2, FX7, or FX8 (exempt from country limitations).
IF1        Alien whose record of admission is created upon the conclusion of a valid marriage contract after entering as a fiance or fiancee of a U.S. citizen.
IF2        Minor child of an alien classified as IF1.
IR0        Parent of a U.S. citizen.
IR1        Spouse of a U.S. citizen.
IR2        Child of a U.S. citizen.
IR3        Orphan adopted abroad by a U.S. citizen.
IR4        Orphan to be adopted by a U.S. citizen.
IR5        Parent of a U.S. citizen.
IR6        Spouse of a U.S. citizen.
IR7        Child of a U.S. citizen.
IR8        Orphan adopted abroad by a U.S. citizen.
IR9        Orphan to be adopted by a U.S. citizen.
NA3        Child born during the temporary visit abroad of a mother who is a lawful permanent resident alien or national of the U.S..
XE3        Child born subsequent to the issuance of a visa. Parent is employment-based preference immigrant.
XF3        Child born subsequent to the issuance of a visa. Parent is a family-based preference immigrant.
XR3        Child born subsequent to the issuance of a visa. Parent is an immediate relative immigrant.
Y1-16, Y64        Refugees








故事而已 警告一下。
据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联

签证办理,技术移民,商业投资移民,VEVO,immi account



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143 父母养老金居住问题

澳大利亚亲爱的亲朋好友们,疫情期间,我妈妈从2018年10月到2022年10月在那里住了四年,然后又回来了。 她要到2027年67岁才能领取养老金,但我刚刚看到有连续居住五年的要求。 现在需要开始积 ...



澳大利亚如何在悉尼申请新西兰旅游签证 我想问一下大家,我有中国的朋友要去澳大利亚旅游。他们有很多时间,想去新西兰旅游。我如何在澳大利亚申请新西兰旅游签证?我的朋友用中国护照 ...



澳大利亚我真诚地寻求建议。我计划三月份回中国和我女朋友结婚。不知道还要等多久才能给她申请600探亲签证。拿到结婚证后可以申请吗还是需要等一段时间才能申请?希望知道的朋友能够告 ...



澳大利亚请告诉我, 我正在为我父亲申请600签证,并计划邀请他来住几个月。 他曾在军队医院从事行政工作,但已经退休20年了。户口本上有一个“退出现役”字样。 在这种形式下,我必须为第 ...


143/173 支付签证申请的首次申请费

澳大利亚像问题一样,申请143或者173签证时,我可以用自己的ImmiAccount来支付几千澳元的第一笔申请费,还是需要以我父母的名义申请一个ImmiAccount才可以支付?谢谢。我想为他们付钱。 评论 您 ...



澳大利亚大家圣诞快乐!请告诉我,我申请的是804老人签证。目前,他们持有三年多次入境家庭探亲签证,最长可停留12个月。今年2月到期。我父母计划春节后来澳洲,他们的804过桥签证要等到 ...



澳大利亚186 DE(提名+签证)的申请是去年11月初提交的。现在已经十二个月了,仍然没有任何消息。 官方的参考时间也越来越长,从开始的8个月到现在的15个月。 有人在等186吗? 评论 关注 评 ...



澳大利亚请问,如果您申请186签证并找到雇主担保,雇主通常会收取多少费用? 一般来说,比较受欢迎的签证是457签证。申请人通常不为雇主工作。用人单位每月将工资打入申请人的账户,年底 ...



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