我昨天申请了出境exemption,今天不到24小时就批了,给的理由是Ordinarily resident in country other than Australia (Consideration for a discretionary exemption is not required in this instance.)
我查了home affairs网站,对ordinary resident定义是“You are considered ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia if international movement records show that you’ve spent more time outside Australia than inside for the last 12 to 24 months. ” 但是我过去24个月在澳洲呆了18个月啊,请问这是为什么呢?是不是我如果3个月内不走(EXEMPTION EMAIL里面并没有写需要什么时间之前离境,或者这个LETTER的有效期),下次直接拿着这个EMAIL就可以走了?
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