马上要体检了,突然发现REQUEST CHECKLIST上有这段话
Consent to using the eMedical system and record your medical history where required.
Medical history information is only requested where you are required to undertake
a medical examination (501) as part of your immigration health examinations. This information must be provided before your immigration health examinations start, as the panel physician will take this information into account when conducting your medical examination.
1.这段话的意思是说我要在immiAccount的页面里点选 什么来同意使用eMedical system? 目前我已经booked 体检在Parramatta 的Bupa
2.Medical history information 要提供吗,上次是在国内做的体检,要怎么才可以弄到?
下面这个Polio vaccination certificate国内来的应该不用提供吧?
Polio vaccination certificate
Since 5 May 2014, if you have spent a period of 28 days or more in one or any combination of countries listed under the Endemic and Outbreak
另外,体检时,带护照,referral letter就可以了吧?体检大概要多长时间?体检可以吃饭吗?
passport, 還有那封letter 就行
在melb 是先照x光, 再找姑娘量血壓, 身高, 重量, 再拿尿sample
之後是找doctor問問題, 一直no no no no no, 大約1小時
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