以下是从移民局收到的要求我父母健康体检的邮件里的一段话,请问中国人到底需不需要这个POLIO CERTIFCATE, 有很多人说不需要,但是我查中国确实被列为OUTBREAK COUNTRIES了?
Since 5 May 2014, if you have spent a period of 28 days or more in one or any combination
of countries listed under the Endemic and Outbreak categories on the Global Polio
Eradication Initiative website, you must provide a current copy of your polio vaccination
certificate as part of the visa application process:
● if undergoing a medical examination (501), your certificate should be shown to the panel
physician that you attend for your examination
● if you are only required to complete an x-ray examination (502) as part of the visa
application process, you should provide your polio vaccination certificate directly to the
Department as part of your application documentation.
More information and a link to the list of countries is available on our website
查了一下中国确实被列成了Outbreak Countries 不过说实话中国现在也没有小儿麻痹症了吧 第一类疫苗入托入学应该都必须要打的
有点扯远了 认识的人不管是学生签工签还是PR 没听说过体检的时候谁提供了这个证明…… 楼主不说我都不知道有这回事 供参考
好像没听说需要这个啊 新的要求么?
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