澳洲申请新的600 ,Reason for further stay怎么写?


申请新的600 ,Reason for further stay怎么写?我英文水平太有限

有没有好心人用英文帮忙写一下 , 大意就是:“由于目前的冠状病毒-19限制和国际航班的削减,机票价格已经大幅上涨,座位有限,很难获得机票,我母亲已经72岁了 , 不会英文, 我也很但心这次长途旅行会导致更高的病毒感染风险。
此外,我也有足够的资金来支持我妈妈在澳大利亚的经济生活。 ”



Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, fights between China and Australia have significantly reduced. As a 72-year-old non-English speaker I think all the way along the journey to my hometown by connecting flights will be exposing myself under the risk of infection, like crowded airport and more than 10 hours in the unventilated cabin.
My daughter will fully support my daily expenses during my stay.


Dear Visa Officer,

Due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, I am applying for No Future Stay Waiver for my Visitor’s visa, whose expiry date is XXXXX, for the following reasons.

1.        Travel Ban: Both Australia and China have implemented a travel ban. Chinese Government’s advice is “do not travel overseas if you are in China; and avoid international travel if you are outside of China”. China has suspended all visas on arrival, including transit visas. Australian Government’s travel advice is “Do not travel to China”. People are encouraged to practice social distancing to reduce the risk of catching COVID-19 and slow the spread of COVID-19. It's uncertain when normal operations will resume.
2.        Flight: The international air network is reducing in capacity. Direct flights between China and Australia have significantly reduced. Even after I land in China by air, I still need to take public transportation to transfer several times to get home. China has restricted travel for parts of the country and may extend these restrictions at short notice. I may not find public transportation to reach my home.
3.        Age: I am XXX years old. Evidences show that older people are more likely to catch COVID-19, to suffer from it more severely, and to have a tougher recovery.
4.        Quarantine: If I fly back to China now, I will be subject to 14 days mandatory quarantine at a designated hotel, local isolation centre or a medical facility at my own expense. These quarantine requirements may be expanded at short notice. I will not be prepared for the quarantine after I land in China, as my husband also with me right now at Australia.
5.        Support: My daughter is responsible for my expenses including air fare back to China, food, housing, travelling within Australia, health insurance, application fee for the new visa and all the other expenses. She is financially healthy and is able to provide sufficient funds for my visit and accommodation for an extended time. She works as XXX at XXXX with a decent salary.
6.        Promise: After I arrived in Australia 10 months ago, I have been following all the conditions on my current visa - maintain health insurance, no work, no study. I will do the same things if I could stay longer. The purpose of my stay in Australia is to visit my daughter and her family at Sydney, and travel around Australia. I have strong ties in China. I have lived in China in the past 60+ years. Even though I would enjoy their company in Australia, I would miss my XXXX, relatives and friends who are living in China.I promise to leave before the expiry date of the new visa.

I have attached request form 1447, identity page of my passport, and three supporting documents listed below for your review:
1. Certified evidence of family relationship: My daughter’s Birth Certificate
2. Supporting document: My daughter’s payslip
3. Supporting document: My daughter’s bank statement for deposit proof

Please kindly approve my request for No Further Stay waiver. If you have any question regarding this matter, please contact me by phone at XXXXX or by email at XXX @gmail.com.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

thanks for sharing. currently, home affair department does not require a statement to explain why the applicant needs to apply for a new s600 visa.


据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联

签证办理,技术移民,商业投资移民,VEVO,immi account



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