澳洲办国内无犯罪记录证明, 郑州市公安局 大家看郑


办国内无犯罪记录证明, 郑州市公安局 大家看郑州警民通的公证号是不是无法微信里办这个找半天没找到.急求助

郑州警民通里面 说 一体机 可以打印这个 , 在微信公众号里 查询这个 好像确实没这个功能 , 真是急坏了

8月6号 移民局发信要补材料 , 九月3号 就 28天了  怎么跟 IMMI 讲?


Police check - People's Republic of China
Relevant document: ‘Notary Certificate of No Criminal Convictions’.
You must first obtain the ‘No Criminal Convictions Certificate’ from your local police station and provide this to the Public Notary Office to apply for the ‘Notary Certificate of No Criminal Convictions’.
Applications by post will not be accepted.
Citizens: Provide the following documents to the Public Notary Office where your Hukou is registered:
original ‘No Criminal Convictions’ certificate from your local police station (obtained from the place where your Hukou is registered)
original ID card
original Hukou booklet
an authorisation letter (if applying through a third party).
You must apply with the following documents to obtain the ‘No Criminal Convictions’ Certificate from your local police station:
original ID card
original Hukou booklet
an authorisation letter (if applying through a third party).
The police station might request a statement from your employer or, in the case of no employment, a letter from the residential committee.
You (or an authorised person) must apply in person at the Public Notary Office in each city where you resided.
Provide the following documents to the Public Notary Office:
original passport (or copy of passport, original Temporary Residence Card or Temporary Residence Permit)
original Police Clearance certificate from your local police station
an authorisation letter (if applying through a third party).
You must provide the following documents to obtain the Police Clearance certificate from the Local Police Station:
your original passport(s) (or copy of passport(s) – including both the current passport and any old passports in which the Chinese visa was attached
a letter from the work unit or university/school where you worked or studied while in China, and
an authorisation letter (if applying through a third party).
The local police station might only issue Police Clearance certificates to applicants with Z (Work), X (Student) and J1 (Journalist) visa classes. Holders of other classes of visa will need to enquire directly to the local police station and/or Public Notary Office for local procedures to obtain police clearance certificates.
Fee: Payable.
Note 1: Application procedures differ slightly between different provinces, districts or cities. You are encouraged to confirm the procedure directly with the local police station and/or Public Notary Office. For example, some Public Notary Offices in Beijing require the applicant to firstly go to the Public Notary Office to get a specific form which then needs to be provided to the local police station.
Note 2: You should obtain a notarised translation of the certificate and provide both the original and notarised translation of the ‘No Criminal Convictions Certificate’ to the office processing the application.
据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联

签证办理,技术移民,商业投资移民,VEVO,immi account



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