


I want to enquire about the status of my application

Citizenship applications lodged are under assessment. You will be advised if further information is required from you. You will also be advised when a decision is made on your application.

If you lodged your application online you can check the progress of your visa application through ImmiAccount - https://online.immi.gov.au/lusc/login

Current global visa and citizenship processing times are now available on our

Some applications will take longer to process than the average service standard. It is not possible to provide a specific timeframe for individual applications.

I need to provide further documents

If you are required to provide additional documents please carefully follow the instructions in the written request regarding how the documents must be sent to the department. You will not receive written confirmation of the receipt of the requested documents. You will be advised if any further information is outstanding.

If you have applied online please upload requested documents only on Immi-Account.

Alternatively, you may scan and send them in colour via email to the email address contained in your acknowledgement letter or request letter. If an original document is required (such as an overseas Police Clearance Certificate) you will receive a specific request on how to provide it.

Any document in a language other than English must be accompanied by a certified English translation form the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI). More information is available on the NAATI website at www.naati.com.au

I am unable to upload documents to my online application

If you encounter a technical problem with your ImmiAccount please submit the form located at http://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/Trav/Visa/Immi/immiaccount-technical-support-form

I want to update my passport details, address details or notify of a change in circumstance

Please update your details and passport information online through ImmiAccount - https://online.immi.gov.au/lusc/login
By updating your details through ImmiAccount, the changes will be immediate.

If you do not have an online account you will need to download the form online at www.homeaffairs.gov.au/Forms/Documents/929.pdf and email the completed form to [email protected]

If you wish to notify the Department of a change in Circumstances, you can download this form 1022 online at www.homeaffairs.gov.au/Forms/Documents/1022.pdf

I want to know when my test appointment is or change my test date

You will receive an email or letter to advise your appointment date and time. Please note, in some cases an assessment of eligibility criteria is required before a test appointment is scheduled.

If you are unable to attend the appointment time, you can reschedule online at appointments.homeaffairs.gov.au

Non-attendance at a citizenship test could result in the department finalising your application.
Preparing for your Citizenship test or interview? Please use the Department’s resources available at: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/citizenship/test-and-interview/prepare-for-test


When is my ceremony?

When you have been scheduled to attend a ceremony you will receive an invitation by mail approximately 2 – 4 weeks before the date of your ceremony.

It has been more than three months since my application was approved – why haven’t I been invited to attend a ceremony?

Generally, ceremonies are scheduled within six months of approval but waiting periods vary. The Department appreciates your patience and asks that you wait to receive an invitation to your ceremony.

Can I attend a ceremony in another council area?

Applicants for Australian citizenship must attend a citizenship ceremony in their local council area or a departmental ceremony.

What do I do if I am unable to attend my ceremony?

You should notify the Department if you are unable to attend your ceremony. In most cases, you will be invited to a subsequent ceremony. You will receive an invitation by mail approximately 2 – 4 weeks before the date of your ceremony. Please be aware that if you do not attend a ceremony and make a Pledge of Commitment within 12 months of the date your citizenship application was approved, the approval of your application may be cancelled.

The department does not offer an ‘urgent ceremony’ service.

People are encouraged to attend public ceremonies. However, in genuinely urgent, compelling and unforeseen circumstances, the Department may agree to conduct a Departmental citizenship ceremony.

The following types of circumstances are not considered genuinely urgent or compelling:

·      Overseas travel for employment, holidays, family reunions or weddings
·      Pre-purchased airline tickets, cruise tickets or overseas accommodation
·      General entry-level employment requiring Australian citizenship
·      Expired passport (if you are travelling overseas before your ceremony you are encouraged to apply for another passport from your current country of citizenship)
·      Expired authority to return to Australia (if you are travelling overseas before your ceremony you are encouraged to apply for a Resident Return visa)
·      Students intending to apply for HECS – Higher Education Loan Program.

I want to change my details on my Citizenship Certificate

If you have recently changed your name and want to have this reflected on your Citizenship certificate, then you will need to apply for a new certificate. This can be done online through your Immi-Account. Alternatively, if you do not have an online account and do not want to create one, then you will need to download Form 119 from:

I have lost or damaged my Citizenship Certificate and need to replace it

If you have lost or damaged your Citizenship Certificate, you can apply for a new certificate online through your Immi-Account. Alternatively, if you do not have an online account and do not want to create one, then you will need to download Form 119 from:

据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联

签证办理,技术移民,商业投资移民,VEVO,immi account



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澳大利亚请告诉我, 我正在为我父亲申请600签证,并计划邀请他来住几个月。 他曾在军队医院从事行政工作,但已经退休20年了。户口本上有一个“退出现役”字样。 在这种形式下,我必须为第 ...


143/173 支付签证申请的首次申请费

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澳大利亚大家圣诞快乐!请告诉我,我申请的是804老人签证。目前,他们持有三年多次入境家庭探亲签证,最长可停留12个月。今年2月到期。我父母计划春节后来澳洲,他们的804过桥签证要等到 ...



澳大利亚186 DE(提名+签证)的申请是去年11月初提交的。现在已经十二个月了,仍然没有任何消息。 官方的参考时间也越来越长,从开始的8个月到现在的15个月。 有人在等186吗? 评论 关注 评 ...



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