If you are a current or previous contributory parent category visa holder
If you have been granted a permanent contributory parent category visa on or after 1 July 2009, you are unable to sponsor a person for a partner or fiancé(e) visa for 5 years from your visa grant date if you were in a married or de facto relationship with that person on or before the date you were granted the contributory parent category visa. There are some exceptions to this limitation if you can provide compelling reasons. Compelling reasons may include if your partner was unable to migrate with you because of a major family illness or other significant obligations, other than financially-related obligations.
各位高手请指教,我爸爸在我妈移民的时候还在工作,现在不用工作了,可以以此为理由不到5年提前申请移民吗?我不太清楚工作属于financially-related obligation吗?
不行的.. 你可以打电话到移民局问
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