

前两天刚报道说移民部长去年说想减少2万的配额,但是最后预算出来还是19万。今天又发新消息,本年的19万不会发完,可能就发16-17万,另外NZ占据将近1万的申请。大家Buckle up了。我权限暂时发不了链接,澳大利亚人也需要订阅,给大家发全文。ABC报道大家可以直接搜索查看。

Migrant numbers in sharp plunge with lowest intake in a decade

Government's immigration tweak sees overseas Asians out, integrated Kiwis in

Australia’s permanent migration program is on track to fall this year to pre-2010 levels through tighter vetting rules, with the estimated cut anticipated to exceed the controversial 20,000 floated among cabinet ministers last year but ultimately rejected.

The Australian understands that on the current trajectory the annual intake for 2017-18 is expected to drop to between 160,000 and 170,000, which would return the numbers to similar ­levels before the former Labor government set an official target of 190,000 a year.

While lower numbers would require budget estimates to change, this is not expected to have an impact until next year.

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton confirmed yesterday that the numbers would be lower this year, having “tightened the screws” on the visa approval ­process in 2015. As immigration minister, Mr Dutton was given approval to change the definition of the 190,000 target in favour of a “ceiling” allowing the government to slow the approval process and apply tougher vetting.

Malcolm Turnbull, who this week denied The Australian’s report that cabinet ministers last year discussed a proposal to cut the annual intake for the current year by 20,000, has now also acknowledged that the numbers for 2017-18 would be lower.

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The Australian has confirmed that the government is expected to achieve a similar reduction without the need for a formal cut to the annual 190,000 cap, ­because of the rule change.

It is understood the department is anticipating the number could come in as low as 160,000, which would be the lowest intake since 2007-08.

“The fact is that the figure is going to come down this year in terms of the permanent places anyway,” Mr Dutton told radio 2GB yesterday. “It was down about, from memory, 7000 or so last year and obviously we’re not to the end of this financial year yet, but my expectation is that it’ll be down. It’s down, in part, in that area because we have tightened the screws if you like.

“We’re looking in more detail at applications that people are making and if people are coming to work here, to bring money, to set up a business, to employ ­Australians. If they’re going to ­contribute to the economy and integrate well into our community, then we do welcome them and we’ve done that for a long period of time.”

Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs Minister Alan Tudge told Sky News yesterday the intake usually comprised 70 per cent skilled migrants and about 30 per cent coming through the family program, typically spouses of Australian citizens.

It is understood the lower numbers will require an estimates variation in next year’s budget. Annual reports reveal the numbers have been falling since Mr Dutton introduced the vetting changes, down from 189,770 in 2015-16 to 183,608 last year, having peaked at the 190,000 target under the Rudd/Gillard governments.

Until 2015, the Immigration Department had been required to meet planning levels set by visa category, under the permanent migration program for skilled, family and special eligibility stream migrants, and under the humanitarian program for refugees and others in humanitarian need. In 2015, on Mr Dutton’s instructions a clause was inserted to stipulate that “planning levels are ceilings, not targets”. This had the effect of slowing the annual intake.

Mr Turnbull this week distanced himself from calls for lower migration rates and denied reports that he and Treasurer Scott Morrison had overruled a proposal from Mr Dutton to cut the annual intake by 20,000.

Seeking to clarify remarks in which he claimed a report in The Australian had been wrong, Mr Turnbull confirmed that discussions between ministers had taken place but no proposal had gone ­before cabinet, while admitting that the intake would come down this year.

“I might say that the permanent migration ceiling — which has been set at 190,000 for a long time and which we were well below last year and we expect to be below this year — that is reviewed every year, every single year,” he said.

“What was initially said in the media, I think in The Australian, that there had been a submission brought to cabinet by Peter ­Dutton to reduce the ceiling on permanent migration ... and that he had been rolled by me and Scott Morrison,” Mr Turnbull told Melbourne radio 3AW.

“That is untrue. If you are asking me, do ministers discuss ­migration and migration levels and the composition of the ­migration program, well of course we do.”

The Australian’s report did not say a submission had been brought to cabinet, rather that Mr Dutton had proposed cutting the immigration intake by 20,000 to cabinet colleagues last year.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott, who started a debate over migration levels last month when he called for the number to be cut in light of insufficient infrastructure and community concerns over integration, has claimed he sought to reduce numbers when in office but had been stonewalled.

Mr Abbott said that before the 2015 budget he argued with Treasury officials about lowering the immigration rate. Officials pushed back, ­claiming that it would damage the budget.

Mr Dutton has confirmed he had discussed the immigration ­intake with senior colleagues and the general issue of immigration with the Prime Minister “hundreds” of times.

Yesterday, he told 2GB: “We’ve always had, at least in recent times, about a two-third skewing of the program toward people with skills because they pay taxes, they contribute, they make our economy stronger; and about one-third are family; which ­predominantly are made up of people coming here on partner visas, people who meet someone overseas or fall in love and want to bring that spouse or that family to Australia.”

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