在网上申请600签证时,在进行到第四步就是确认姓名,出生,护照号码是否正确那一页时,在选择信息全对点击“yes”后,出现以下错误信息提醒“Based on the entered passport details, applicant XX is not eligible to apply for this visa using this online service. Ensure the passport details have been entered exactly as they appear in the applicant's passport. The applicant will not be able to continue and should review the eligibility information on our website.” 我查了护照信息,填的都正确,所以不知道为何会有这个错误信息显示。有无跟我遇到相同问题的朋友,怎么解决呀!或者有无大神帮忙解答这是为什么呀?谢谢!!
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