澳洲求助 AOS bank guarantee


各位足友们,现在我办理143妈妈付费移民,要求做bank guarantee,目前我在国内,可不可以委托朋友或者妹妹办理?需要我的签名,可不可以传真或者扫描过去?万分感谢大家的回答,不胜感激!


lz是办aos还是bank garentee,银行存款的话是不是可以跟commonwealth bank联系下看看


centrtlink材料都已经递交了,电话也面试过了,就差最后bank guarantee这一步了,去银行做bankguarantee 不可以委托别人吗,签字我可以传真或者扫描过去可以吗?


我是办bank garentee, 人在国内 ,这么说我先问问commwealth bank 吗

必须要本人去的 这个牵涉到很多法律问题 你找人代办几乎不可能 但是commonwealth在国内好像有支行的
会不会办这个就不知道 你可以试试 但是找别人代办不行 银行还要问你点问题 比如你知不知道这个garentee是你自己不可以取消的要centrelink通知才可以取消什么的 告知你这些是银行的责任 你不在银行怎么知道你知不知道?所以银行是应该不会同意滴

先打电话问问commwealth bank


对啊!bank garentee相对容易很多。如果你在commonwealth bank已经有账户,那应该就容易很多,因为就是一个定期存款。如果没有账户就要新开账户,那个100点测试不知道能不能远程做。 总之问commonwealth bank应该就好了


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Hi, you're chatting with Evan from the Commonwealth Bank chat team. Can I start with your name please?

you: hi Evan!

Evan: Hello!

Evan: May I start with your name please?

you: My name is Joe

you: my situation is like this

Evan: How can I assist you today, Joe?

you: 1. don't have commonwealth bank account yet 2. i am overeas 3. i need to have a bank guaranteen

Evan: Alright.

you: but i have other local bank account. my question is can i do the bank guranteen not presenting myself in australia

you: looks like i can apply a commonwealth transaction account online

Evan: May I ask whether you are planning to visit Australia anytime soon?

you: so it may solve my 1st issue. but after i get my transcation account, what about the bank guaranteen

you: I am australia PR.

Evan: Furthermore, is the bank guarantee related to a deposit for a home purchase?

you: it is related to the immigration for my parents.

you: government askes for $10000 AUD for the bank guaranteen.

Evan: Thank you so much for the confirmation, Joe.

Evan: I will just gather the relevant information for you.

you: thank you very much Evan.

you: Some Assurance of Support applications require the provision of a bank guarantee by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. A bank guarantee is necessary where the assurer is an organisation or where migration rules require the provision of a security. We will advise how to arrange a bank guarantee once your application has been assessed. Assurers should be prepared to deposit money with the bank to cover the value of the bank guarantee. For a 2-year Assurance of Support, the bank guarantee amount is $5,000 for a single visa applicant and $7,000 where there are 2 visa applicants. For a 10-year Assurance of Support, the bank guarantee amount is $10,000 for a single visa applicant and $14,000 if there are 2 visa applicants.

Evan: Thank you for your patience, Joe.

Evan: I have confirmed that this particular account needs to be arranged over at a branch.

you: so you mean the transaction account?

you: or the bank guaranteen account?

Evan: The bank guarantee account needs to be setup at the branch.

Evan: For the transaction account, it can be setup from overseas if you are looking to come to Australia within the next 3 months.

Evan: There will be a special link to apply for an account from overseas.

you: what happens if i am not able to come back to australia after 3 month time?

Evan: As the account is not verified, it will be closed due to inactivity.

you: OK. If i come to australia and get the transaction account on the counter and then can I setup the bank guaranteen account while i am overseas?

you: or regardless whether the transaction account is setup remotely or locally, the bank guaranteen account has be done with my showing up in sydney?

Evan: I will just check this for you.

you: thanks a lot!

Evan: My pleasure, Joe. To ensure that I get the right information for you, please give me a moment to double check this for you.

you: sure. go ahead!

Evan: Thank you for your patience.

Evan: I have just confirmed that for the bank guarantee, it will still need to be setup in person at the branch.

Evan: I do apologize for the inconvenience, Joe.

you: OK. I understand!

you: thank you for ur help!

Evan: Thank you so much for your understanding and I do wish you the best with your parents' migration!

Evan: I can certainly understand as I am still working on it for my parents too.

据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联

签证办理,技术移民,商业投资移民,VEVO,immi account



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