四万多,信用卡有surchange不合适,那怎么付这笔钱呢? saving card有没有什么刷卡上限的限制?
saving card一样有附加费
只能买bank cheque寄过去
让你交钱的email里都有的 好好看看吧
没提到saving 有附加费啊。
说是可以去邮局付,去邮局用saving card,也有附加费吗?
From 19 April 2014, a credit card surcharge will apply to transactions made using Visa,
Mastercard, American Express, JCB and Diners credit cards. The following rates will apply:
✃ Visa and Mastercard - 1.08%
✃ American Express and JCB - 1.99%
✃ Diners Club International - 2.91%
Bank cheques should be drawn on an Australian bank or drawn on a bank that has
representation in Australia. Please do not pay by personal cheque.
If you are paying by the Australia Post billpay system, you can make your payment(s) on
Australia Post’s website at www.postbillpay.com.au, over the phone or in person at an
Australia Post office. You do not need to advise us separately once the payment(s) have been
- 悉尼部份城铁将封闭一年,华人区受影响!只能乘巴士(组图)
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