澳洲这算不算有福同享? 移民局给我回复的各种签证



Processing times for Contributory Parent (Temporary to Permanent) Visa (subclass 173 to 143)

It is currently taking approximately  7 months from receiving an application for a contributory parent subclass 143 (temporary to permanent) visa until the assessment stage. The current processing date is December 2013.  When your application is allocated to a case officer for assessment, they will contact you or your authorised recipient to advise the next stage of processing.

We are currently receipting offshore applications lodged on May 30 2014.

We are currently receipting onshore applications lodged on 21 July 2014

We  have a backlog of 6 months for applications waiting for acknowledgment letters, we now have a task force in place so this time will gradually reduce. Currently we are sending out letters for applications lodged on 30 January 2014.

Application lodgement and processing

All parent visa applications are required to be lodged at the Parent Visa Centre by post or courier. Our postal address is:

Locked Bag 7, Northbridge, Western Australia 6865

If you are sending your application by courier, our address is:

Level 3, Wellington Central, 836 Wellington Street, West Perth, Western Australia 6005

There is currently a 3 month backlog in sending out acknowledgement letters. Applications are considered based on the lodgement date and the delay in registering an application will not affect the processing time for a decision on the application.

Please note that a manual search for an application which has not been registered may take some time due to the volume of applications received.

Processing occurs in stages and a deduction of visa application charge is a sign that visa processing is occurring.  Once your application is registered, an acknowledgement letter will be sent to you or your authorised recipient. To confirm receipt of your application within this 4 month period, refer to the postal or courier service used to lodge your application.

If you wish for further information regarding the lodgement of your application, please provide us with the following information:

§    The postal tracking number of your application and the date it was received by the department

§    The full name and date of birth of all applicants

§    Passport numbers of all applicants

To protect your privacy, we cannot provide any information about your application to any other person, including your sponsor or members of your family, unless you provide a Form 956 authorising us to do so.

Processing times for Contributory Parent Visas

Due to the high volume of applications received, it is currently taking approximately 18 months from receiving an application for a contributory parent visa application until the assessment stage. The current processing date is January 2013.  When your application is allocated to a case officer for assessment, they will contact you or your authorised recipient to advise the next stage of processing. Please note that we generally receive between 250 and 300 applications a month so if you lodged an application in that month but have not yet heard from us be assured we will get to you.

Prior to this stage the department will not be in contact and will not confirm receipt of individual documents.

If you require confirmation that documents have been received by the department, please send your documents by registered mail or courier. This will enable you to monitor receipt of documents with the post office or courier company.

Processing times for Contributory Parent (Temporary to Permanent) Visa

It is currently taking approximately 8 months from receiving an application for a contributory parent subclass 143 (temporary to permanent) visa until the assessment stage. The current processing date is November 2013.  When your application is allocated to a case officer for assessment, they will contact you or your authorised recipient to advise the next stage of processing.

Prior to this stage the department will not be in contact and will not confirm receipt of individual documents.

If you require confirmation that documents have been received by the department, please send your documents by registered mail or courier. This will enable you to monitor receipt of documents with the post office or courier company.

Processing times for Non Contributory Parent visas

The current processing time for a subclass 103 application to achieve a queue date is approximately 12 months.  We are currently assessing for queue applications lodged in May 2013. Please bear this in mind when applying for any long-term visitor visas that require a queue date. Please note that we generally receive between 500 and 600 applications a month so if you lodged an application in that month but have not yet heard from us be assured we will get to you.

The current processing time for a subclass 804 application to achieve a queue date is approximately 18 months.  We are currently assessing for queue applications lodged in January 2013. Please bear this in mind when applying for any long-term visitor visas that require a queue date.

Please note that the Parent Queue Calculator is now working again.

For your information, we are currently assessing for finalisation subclass 103 parent visa applications with a queue date from April 2008 and subclass 804 applications with a queue date from April 2008.






据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联

签证办理,技术移民,商业投资移民,VEVO,immi account



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