我在填写父母移民103 有关的表格, 遇到如下问题。 请高人指点:
1)Form 47 A - details of child or tother dependent famlity member aged 18 yrs or over: 我的主申请人是我母亲,副申请人是我父亲。 家里就我一个孩子。 请问这个表格还需要填写吗? 我人在悉尼, 已经移民, 现要担保父母移民。
2)Form 47PA- Application for a parent to migrate to Australia:
1) Q14: nane in chinese commerical code numbers:是指什么号码?
2)Q34: if you are applying for a visa that can only be granted to a person outside Australia. what is the value of money, goods, and assets which you and your partnets intend to bring to Australia? 大家都填多少啊? 如何估算?
1. Needn't commit 47a
2. 1. Google
2.2. Any amount, e.g., 10000.
thank you. :)
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