在“指导意见”中移民局称使用社交媒体,包括Facebook ,公布空缺职位的劳动力市场测试是一种可以接受的形式,用人单位的网站上的广告也是可以接受的。
“指导意见”对劳动力市场测试没有最低时间要求,雇主只需要证明递交引入海外劳务人员申请前12个月内, 已经登过广告即可。
aaPrevious StoryNext StoryArticle rank 20 Nov 2013 The AustralianEWIN HANNAN INDUSTRIAL EDITOR Facebook ads meet 457 visa test EMPLOYERS will need to advertise only on Facebook or their own company website as proof they have sought Australians to fill jobs before applying to bring in foreign workers.
Under 457 visa guidelines issued by the Immigration Department, employers will not be required to provide records of interviews with Australian job applicants or copies of applications. According to a Frequently Asked Questions document issued by the department, use of social media, including Facebook, to advertise a vacant position is an acceptable form of labour market testing.
The department says in the guidelines, released to stakeholders on Friday, but not publicly, an advertisement on the employer’s website is also acceptable.
There is also no minimum time requirement for the labour market testing, with employers only needing to have done it ‘‘at any time’’ in the 12 months before lodging an application to bring on foreign workers.
Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union national secretary of the construction division Dave Noonan said the government appeared intent on reintroducing ‘‘an open slather approach to 457 visas so that employers don’t have to genuinely give Australians the first chance’’.
Australian Manufacturing Workers Union national president Andrew Dettmer said the document watered down obligations in relation to 457 visas. ‘‘We have fought to have processes and tests put in place to make sure that employers must first prove that they have seriously and exhaustively tested the local employment market for the skills they need,’’ he said.
‘‘To now have an FAQ document issued by the department that, amongst other matters, says that advertising a vacant position on Facebook is an acceptable form of testing the labour market is a joke. Further, there is no requirement to maintain records of any of this so-called labour market testing.’’
Australian Mines and Metals Association chief executive Steve Knott yesterday defended the Facebook requirement. ‘‘Today’s modern recruitment campaigns utilise an array of mechanisms to scour the local market,’’ he said.
‘‘This includes industry jobs boards such as miningoilandgasjobs.com, social media including LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, as well as traditional forms of advertising.
‘‘Often this raft of recruitment channels are strategically integrated through highly intelligent, streamlined systems to reach the greatest talent market.’’
Opposition immigration spokesman Richard Marles said the ALP believed it was important there was proper testing of the labour market to ensure Australian workers had appropriate opportunities to fill jobs.
Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Michaelia Cash said last week that the government was ‘‘committed to ensuring that the subclass 457 program acted as a supplement to, and not a substitute for, Australian workers’’.
‘‘The government fully supports the principle that Australian workers have priority, but to bind employers up in needless red tape will only stymie Australian business and cost Australian jobs over the long run,’’ she said.
‘‘That is why in implementing Labor’s labour market testing policy the government has adopted a sensible approach by exempting highly skilled occupations from the requirement.’’