47pa 20 details of identity card or identity number issued to you by your govermeent (if applicable) eg. National identity card
identity number : 这是不是身份证号码呀
谢谢!还有个问题又来了,这到底是填956 or 956A form?
47pa 里写: authorised recipient should complete form 956 a appointment or withdrawal of an authorised recipient
migration agent or exempt person your migration agent/exempt person should completed form 956 advice by a migration agent/exempt person of providing immigration assistance
这到底应该填哪个表? authorised 授权 ,我想以后都通过我澳洲这里来办,是不是应该选这个授权,但是看都是填956呀
填956。我的理解956A只是可以代收回信什么的,但是无权代表你父母和移民局交涉什么。 exempt person可以全权代表你父母和移民局打交道,代理他们的申请,当然也包括可以接受回信。所以要填956而不是956A。
Who is an exempt person?
The following people do not have to be registered as
migration agents in order to provide immigration assistance:
• a close family member (spouse, child, adopted child,
parent, brother or sister);
• a sponsor or nominator of a visa applicant;
• a member of parliament or their staff;
• an official whose duties include providing immigration
• a member of a diplomatic mission, consular post or
international organisation.
An exempt person must not charge a fee for their service. It is
an offence for an exempt person to charge a fee for providing
immigration assistance and penalties of up to 10 years jail can
Authorised recipient
An authorised recipient is a person appointed to receive
documents from the department relating to matters
arising under the
Migration Act 1958
or the Migration
Regulations 1994 on behalf of another person.
The most common times an authorised recipient would
be appointed is during visa application processes, visa
cancellation processes, sponsorship processes (including
monitoring or sanctions) or ministerial intervention requests.
The department cannot discuss matters relating to you with
the authorised recipient unless they are also acting on your
behalf as your migration agent/exempt person, or you have
separately provided the department with consent to disclose
your personal information to them.
You may only appoint one authorised recipient at any time
for a particular application or matter. The department will
send documents to the most recently appointed authorised
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