如题,给老妈办理676,今天收到email的体检通知,有两个附件,其中一个HAP letter,是word文档,但是打不开,说我没有权限。请问大家这个HAP LETTER是什么东西,打不开要紧么?我办的有点晚又着急想让我老妈来,想着要是不重要不需要我打不开就算了。大家有知道的么?
You have applied for a visa to Australia. One of the legal criteria for granting your visa to Australia is that you meet health requirements. This letter is to advise you to go to an approved Panel Doctor for a medical check. Panel hospitals address and contact details can be found at: http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/ ... a/panel-doctors.htm
Details of the medical check you will be required to complete are set out in the attached Health Examinations List. Please present the enclosed Health Examinations List, your passport bio data page copy and your original national ID card to the hospital who will conduct your medical tests. If you do not provide this list or the HAP ID contained in the letter to the hospital you will not be able to undertake the medical examination.
You are requested to undertake the examination within 28 days after receiving this letter. If you do not respond to the request within this timeframe your application may be decided on the basis of available information, without contacting you again.
Undertaking the Health Examination does not guarantee that your visa will be granted.
您必须在收到此通知信后的28内进行体检。如果您在此期限内没有对体检要求做出回应, 我们将不再与您联络,您的申请也将由本处在现有信息的基础上做出决定。
这个就是HAP letter 里面的内容,说明而已
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