Parent category visas
The parent category comprises:
For elderly applicants applying in Australia
Aged Parent (Residence) (subclass 804) visa.
For other applicants
Parent (Migrant) (subclass 103) visa.
Age requirements
For Aged Parent (subclass 804) visa applications the primary applicant must be old enough to be granted an Australia aged pension.
There is no age restriction for Parent (subclass 103) visa applicants.
See: Booklet 3 – Parent Migration
Lodging parent visa applications
Aged Parent visa applicants must be in Australia at the time they lodge their visa application and at time of visa grant. There will be a number of years between these two events and applicants should be aware that they will not be eligible for most health and welfare services during this period.
Applicants for Parent (subclass 103) visas may lodge their application either in or outside Australia, but must be outside Australia to be granted the visa. They will not be eligible for a bridging visa to remain lawfully in Australia while their application is being processed.
Applicants are not able to lodge a Parent or Aged Parent visa application while they are in Australia if they are barred from doing so. Applicants may be barred if they have a condition 8503 'No Further Stay' on their current visa, or if they do not hold a substantive visa and have been refused the grant of a vis since last entering Australia.
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