因为我想快些入籍,因为要贷款入大学。我是2012年3月底才APPROVEL 的,正在等宣誓排期呢?
There are some circumstances in which the Department may agree to conduct an urgent citizenship ceremony. Some points to consider when assessing requests for an urgent ceremony are:
•policy is to encourage candidates to attend public ceremonies
•an applicant requesting an urgent ceremony is generally asked to make the request in writing providing reasons for the request
•there should be genuinely urgent and compelling circumstances.
If a person believes their circumstances warrant an urgent ceremony, they may make a formal request. The request must be made in writing and include supporting documentary evidence.
Each request for an urgent ceremony should be assessed according to the individual circumstances of the case.
Criteria to consider are:
•genuinely compassionate or compelling circumstances
•significant disadvantage to the person should they not be able to attend an urgent ceremony
•the length of time the person has waited for a citizenship ceremony
•circumstances beyond the person’s control that have arisen since the their application was approved
•it would be unreasonable or unfair to the person not to grant an urgent ceremony
•whether the person’s needs could be accommodated through attendance at a routine council ceremony
STOs should hold Departmental ceremonies during peak times in the Academic year to cater for students who wish to apply for HECS - Higher Education Loan Program. Preference for these ceremonies should be given to persons who have been waiting more than three months for a ceremony and are not scheduled to attend their routine council citizenship ceremony prior to the HECS cut off date.
打电话去Contact us In Australia 131 880, 然后咨询申请公民紧急宣誓。
http://www..com.au/bbs/v ... &extra=page%3D5
谢谢各位!我打了很多次电话给悉尼这边,然后给了我PARRAMATTA 负责宣誓的邮箱,可是却老是被告知邮件发送不成功
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