在网站上是这样写的,我是onshore 574转820 我觉得就是2960了 但是我朋友也是这样 他就交了1995 说移民局也lodge了 还给了bridging visa 我就弄不懂了 应该交多少呢
Lodged outside Australia
Charge Type Charge Amount
Visa Application Charge $1995
Lodged in Australia
Partner temporary visa (subclass 820) and permanent visa (subclass 801)
Charge Type Charge Amount
If you hold a subclass 445 Dependent Child visa Nil
If you hold a valid Prospective Marriage visa (subclass 300), and have married your spouse and you seek to remain permanently in Australia on the basis of that marriage.$965
If you entered Australia as a fiancé, and do not currently hold a substantive visa married your sponsor while your Prospective Marriage (subclass 300) visa was valid and you seek to remain permanently in Australia on the basis of that marriage. $1220
If you currently hold a Transitional (temporary) visa and were granted this visa on the basis that you satisfied the requirements for the grant of an extended eligibility entry permit under the Migration Regulations 1989. $345
If you hold any other visa $2960
Partner Migration (Booklet 1)
Type of visa Charge
Lodged outside Australia
Partner (Subclass 309/100) $1,995
Prospective Marriage (Subclass 300) $1,995
Lodged in Australia
Partner (Subclass 820/801) $2,960
Prospective Marriage (Subclass 300) visa holder lodging partner application $965
Former Prospective Marriage (Subclass 300)visa holder lodging partner application $1,220
Spouse with transitional Extended Eligibility Temporary Visa (EETV) $345
你理解的应该是对的。 $2,960 是820/801的申请费,除非是300和EETV visa holder.应该不包括574, $1,995 是境外309/100或者300的申请费。
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