

在移民局网站看到09年7月1以后的父母付费PR要5年后才可以担保令一方。我妈是要5 年才能担保。 但是不知道5年内到底要在澳洲待多久或是要连续待多长时间? 不知到大家有咨询过移民局没有?

http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/ ... ibility-sponsor.htm

“Current and previous contributory parent category visa-holders

If you have been granted a contributory parent category visa on or after 1 July 2009, you are unable to sponsor your partner or fiancé for five years from your visa grant date if you were in a married or de facto relationship with that person on or before the date you were granted the last contributory parent category visa. There are some exceptions to this limitation in compelling circumstances.”





哦。。。那就是说从VISA GRANT那天算起咯。。还好啊。。5年后就可以担保另一方啦。。

除此之外, 还有其他什么catch么? 比如spondor要连续注满xx月,等。。。

听说最近对Sponsor的要求有变化,收紧了对居住年限的要求。比如,除了要求5年后才能spnsor之外, 增加了"5年内回国超过半年,要再多等两年..."



我把另一个贴的东西搬过来好了, 呵呵, 你所提到的是移民法当中的309.22      
Criteria to be satisfied at time of decision

309.221      The applicant continues to satisfy the criterion in clause 309.211.

309.222      The sponsorship referred to in clause 309.213 has been approved by the Minister and is still in force.

Note    Regulations 1.20J, 1.20KA and 1.20KB limit the Minister's discretion to approve sponsorships
当中的 Regulations 1.20J, 1.20KA and 1.20KB
这三个分布的连接是Regulations 1.20J http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/leg ... 1994227/s1.20j.html
1.20KA http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bi ... %20-%20REG%201.20KA
1.20KB http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bi ... %20-%20REG%201.20KB

这三个中的第一个Regulations 1.20J中提到:MIGRATION REGULATIONS 1994 - REG 1.20J
Limitation on approval of sponsorships -- spouse, partner, prospective marriage and interdependency visas
   (1AA)   This regulation applies in relation to an application for:

                (a)    a Spouse (Provisional) (Class UF) visa; or

               (b)    a Partner (Provisional) (Class UF) visa; or

                (c)    a Prospective Marriage (Temporary) (Class TO) visa; or

               (d)    an Interdependency (Provisional) (Class UG) visa; or

                (e)    an Extended Eligibility (Temporary) (Class TK) visa; or

                (f)    a Partner (Temporary) (Class UK) visa.

         (1)   Subject to subregulations (2) and (3), if a person applies for a visa mentioned in subregulation (1AA) as the spouse, de facto partner or prospective spouse of the sponsor, the Minister must not approve the sponsorship of the applicant unless the Minister is satisfied that:

                (a)    not more than 1 other person has been granted a relevant permission as:

                          (i)    the spouse, de facto partner or prospective spouse of the sponsor on the basis of a sponsorship or nomination; or

                         (ii)    a person who ceased a relationship of a kind mentioned in subparagraph (i) with the sponsor after the person, or another person mentioned in the prescribed criteria for the visa, had suffered family violence committed by the sponsor; and

               (b)    if another person has been granted a relevant permission in the circumstances referred to in paragraph (a) -- not less than 5 years has passed since the date of making the application for that relevant permission; and

                (c)    if the sponsor was granted a relevant permission as the spouse, de facto partner or prospective spouse of another person on the basis of a sponsorship or nomination -- not less than 5 years has passed since the date of making the application for that relevant permission.

      (1A)   In subregulation (1):

"relevant permission" means:

                (a)    in relation to an application for a visa referred to in subregulation (1AA) made during the period from 1 November 1996 to 30 June 1997 (inclusive) -- a visa; and

               (b)    in relation to an application for a visa referred to in subregulation (1AA) made on or after 1 July 1997 -- permission (other than a visa or entry permit) granted under the Act to remain indefinitely in Australia, a visa or an entry permit.

         (2)   Despite subregulation (1), the Minister may approve the sponsorship of an applicant for a visa if the Minister is satisfied that there are compelling circumstances affecting the sponsor.

         (3)   Subject to subregulation (4), this regulation applies in relation to an application for a visa made on or after 1 November 1996.

         (4)   This regulation does not apply in relation to an application by a person who:

                (a)    was the holder of a Subclass 300 visa that was granted on the basis of an application for a Prospective Marriage (Temporary) (Class TO) visa that was made before 1 November 1996; and

               (b)    has applied for an Extended Eligibility (Temporary) (Class TK) visa; and

                (c)    is seeking to remain permanently in Australia on the basis of the person's marriage to the person who was specified as the intended spouse in the application that resulted in the grant of that Prospective Marriage (Temporary) (Class TO) visa.


Limitation on approval of sponsorship -- partner (provisional or temporary) or prospective marriage (temporary) visas
         (1)   This regulation applies if:

                (a)    a person is granted a specified visa on or after 1 July 2009; and

               (b)    the person seeks approval to sponsor the relevant applicant on or after 1 July 2009; and

                (c)    the person was the spouse or de facto partner of the relevant applicant on or before the day the specified visa was granted to the person.

         (2)   The Minister must not approve sponsorship by the person of the relevant applicant within 5 years after the day when the person was granted the specified visa.          (3)   Despite subregulation (2), the Minister may approve sponsorship by the person of the relevant applicant:

                (a)    if the relevant applicant had compelling reasons, other than reasons related to his or her financial circumstances, for not applying for a specified visa at the same time as the person applied for his or her specified visa; or

               (b)    if:

                          (i)    the relevant applicant applied for a specified visa at the same time as the sponsor; and

                         (ii)    the relevant applicant withdrew the application for the specified visa before it was granted; and

                        (iii)    the relevant applicant had compelling reasons, other than reasons related to his or her financial circumstances, for withdrawing the application for the specified visa.

         (4)   In this regulation:

relevant applicant means the applicant for:

                (a)    a Partner (Provisional) (Class UF) visa; or

               (b)    a Partner (Temporary) (Class UK) visa; or

                (c)    a Prospective Marriage (Temporary) (Class TO) visa.

specified visa means:

                (a)    a Subclass 143 (Contributory Parent) visa; or

               (b)    a Subclass 864 (Contributory Aged Parent) visa.

至于你提到的这个配偶担保人的具体情况,移民局发配偶移民中最为重要的一点在于,配偶移民是为了保持配偶的关系,而不是完全以移民为出发点,只有真实的关系,才能签发配偶移民,就这么简单的定义,其它的你可以参照移民法配偶移民的SECTION.加多个MRTA CASE 连接,你自己寻求解释吧:http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinosrch.cgi?method=boolean;query=309%20;meta=%2Fau;mask_path=;view=date;offset=0

PSR有5年一签,如果你父亲本人要担保你母亲,一般情况是他做担保的时候,5年之后,如果他在境外(就要有RRV,5年,1年,3个月或者PROVISIONAL), 不然估计担保你母亲就有难度,也就说要不他在境内担保配偶过来,要不就持有效的PR 签证(或者RRV),如果担保人本身就不符合RRV(不符合PR入境签证要求的话),PR本身被拒过RRV的话,很难担保她的配偶。或者没有足够的理由可以担保配偶永居澳洲,因其担保人本身以被移民局认定定居海外。排除这个因素外,年限要求现在只有5年,但一般5年签证过期前回到澳洲,然后等到5年期一过就可以担保配偶,不过如果担保人本身RRV签证条件不符合,也就不能短时间内出境,如果不拿RRV出境,境外被拒RRV,估计会影响到配偶的审批。具体没找到这类CASE,不过就风险而言,5年满足的2年是移民局对RRV现阶段最简单的要求,也就不难看出,5年换签(如果要出境),再担保别人时候,这样最保险。

[ 本帖最后由 jimple 于 2012-3-10 00:29 编辑 ]
据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
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签证办理,技术移民,商业投资移民,VEVO,immi account



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澳大利亚https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/china/story20240617-3937498 正在澳大利亚访问的中国总理李强周一(6月17日)会见了澳大利亚总理阿尔巴内塞。李强在会后新闻发布会上宣布,将澳大利亚纳入单边免 ...


最近办600父母探亲签证快吗? 3个月样

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澳大利亚今天早上申请后,immi账号显示签名,VEVO可以查看信息 但我自始至终都没有收到过确认信或者签名信,而且immi账户里也无法显示grant letter。有人遇到过这种情况吗? 是不是再等一会儿比 ...



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