The 1st instalment of the Visa Application Charge must accompany your application and is generally not refunded if the application is unsuccessful.
Only one 1st instalment of the Visa Application Charge is payable for the entire family unit included in your application. If a separate application is made by them at a later date, a separate 1st instalment of the Visa Application Charge is payable.
Before your visa is granted, you must pay the 2nd instalment of the Visa Application Charge for each person included on the application.
Note: The Migrant Health Service Ch
Parent (Migrant) visa (subclass 103)
Charge Type Charge Amount
1st instalment $1995
2nd instalment $1735
2nd instalment
For applicants under 18 years $1735
是不是说现在交103只用交 1st instalment $1995, 第二笔费用$1735要到签证获批前才交(那估计也有很长时间了,10年后maybe)..
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