是给我父母办签证。2009年1月左右递交的材料,是付费移民。听说要等将近两年,所以递上去后就不太在意,等着吧。话说到了2010年7月,突然收到一封电子邮件,“final opportunity". 内容如下:
I am writing to you about the application for a Parent (visa 143) subclass (Contributory Parent – Migrant) that was lodged on xx January 2009 for the following person:
1. xxxxx
I refer to a letter that was sent to you, dated 18 March 2010, requesting provision of certain information/documentation . A response was due by 07 May 2010. To date, I have not had a response to the request for further information and/or documentation.
I am therefore providing a final opportunity for the information and/or documentation requested: you are required to provide these, or submit evidence that you have commenced completion of such, within 28 days of the date of this letter, that is by Tuesday, 17 August 2010.
If no response is received by the required time, I will make a decision on the basis of the information held on your file. This may result in refusal of this application.
我看完吓得不小,我从来收到过任何通知。 我查了一下我所有的邮件,没有。我当中搬过一次家,可是都做了 post re-direct 的,难道寄到中国了,家里没人,我父母当时在这边。 我马上抓起电话给移民局打电话, 首先解释我搬家了,有可能没收到,对方说,是电子邮件。可是我都查了,没有啊。对方说没关系,但是还是只给28天时间来补齐材料包括无犯罪的国内公正。(我后来动用我国内的朋友替我父母办,所有都是加急。去派出所办手续,当天说管这件事情的人不在,改天再来,那哪行啊,我朋友死缠烂打终于当完派出所的手续。反正是多谢我朋友了。)。 挂电话前,对方和我再确任一下联系信息,这是才知道她把邮件发错地址了,她发到yahoo.com.au, 我的是yahoo.com.cn. 然后查我递交的原始材料,我没有写错,是她搞错了。 可是不知到,为什么这个final opportunity的又发对了
[ 本帖最后由 qqtt 于 2011-11-16 19:41 编辑 ]
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