

今天收到case manager的邮件如下(隐去部分私人信息):

Contact:                        J
Reference No:                        CLF2009/134975       
Client ID:                        32159154687       
Phone:                        (08) 7421 7218
Fax:                        (08) 7421 7612
E-mail:                                [email protected]

Primary Applicant:                M, J (19,M)       
Visa Application:                Class BH Subclass 845
Established Business in Australia

2 November 2009

Email: [email protected]

Dear Mr M

I am writing about your application for a Class BH under Subclass 845 Established Business in Australia, lodged at this office on 14/10/2009.

To enable processing to continue, please address the following issues:


Please provide the following:

·        A “Historical Company Extract” for Mass Vic Pty Ltd . These extracts are issued by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC);
·        A copy of your current lease for the dry cleaning premises showing
-        who the lease is between
-        the period of the lease
-        the signatories of the lease


You have provided PAYG statements for the period July 2008 to June 2009 with PAYG remitted to the ATO of $141,118. But the Profit and Loss Statement supplied for the year ended 30 June 2009 shows wages of $172,972.

Please provide an explanation for this discrepancy.

You are required to provide evidence that your net assets in business in Australia were at least $100,000 throughout the 12 months preceding application lodgement. You are required to nominate a 12 month period, and demonstrate that your net assets in business were at least $100,000 at the start and end of the nominated period.

As your application was lodged on 14/10/2009 financial statements need to be provided up to 3 months prior to application date. Please provide financial statements up to 3 months prior to application following the guidelines below.

You must provide full financial statements prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards (AAS). The statements must include a profit and loss statement, detailed balance sheet, depreciation schedule, and all notes to the accounts.

The statements must be signed by you and your accountant.


The Department’s Procedures Advice Manual (PAM) states that goodwill may be included as an asset for Business Skills purposes, but only if:

·        The goodwill has been purchased.  The goodwill component must appear in the balance sheet of the business as an asset arising from the purchase of the business; and be valued at no more than the original value paid; or

·        The goodwill has been built up over a period of time and realised with the sale of the business.

To evidence claimed goodwill please provide a copy of the settlement statement for the purchase of the laundry business.


Information on file indicates that you are relying on a loan to your company to meet the net asset requirement. Please provide a copy of:

·        the loan agreement between the applicants and the company
·        bank statements for the applicant and the company showing the transfer of funds
·        the general ledger for the loan for the period from the start of the loan  to the date in 2009 that you provide financials at. . This should record all transactions against your loan account, and should reconcile with the balance of the loan claimed in the financial statements.


Policy states the following regarding the type of personal assets which can be included for Business Skills purposes:

Personal asset items that can be included are expected to be tangible objects capable of generating a monetary value which can be realised and can be readily converted to cash for business use and settlement in Australia.
Personal assets items that are acceptable for inclusion would include land and buildings, plant and machinery, trading stock, investments and cash.
Personal assets items that would not normally be considered for inclusion include personal items such as clothing and personal jewellery or household items such as china, furniture, blankets or cutlery.

With regards to personal assets claimed, additional evidence is required. This includes:

·        A copy of your settlement statement for your personal property at Springvale
·        A copy of the certificate of title for your personal property at Springvale
·        A copy of your mortgage statement for your personal property at Springvale
·        Any additional personal term deposit statement or bank statements


In accordance with the legislation, you are required to have maintained direct and continuous involvement in the management and decision making processes of the nominated business throughout the 18 months preceding application lodgement.

As your application was lodged on 14/10/2009, the period in question is from 14/04/2008.

Please provide relevant information for Mr Ma direct and continuous management of the laundry business which may include, but is not limited to:

·        Business documents prepared and/or signed by Mr Ma (eg: contracts)
·        Copies of relevant communication between Mr Ma and third parties
·        Documents from customers or suppliers addressed to Mr Ma
·        Statements from third parties to corroborate your Mr Ma’s claims.

The evidence provided must directly link your Mr Ma’s management to that of the claimed business.


Please provide additional evidence to demonstrate that your businesses employed at least 3 full-time Australian citizens or permanent residents throughout the 12 months preceding application lodgement. Such evidence should include, as a minimum:

·        Evidence of the number of hours worked and payments to employees from July 2008 to the date you provide updated financials at in 2009. (Original wage books, staff rosters, MYOB or similar detailed payroll activity reports).

The PAYG summaries remitted to the ATO show for June 2009 PAYG remitted $1752. Does this figure indicate that you no longer have employees? Is so, how does this impact upon the dry cleaning business operation.


All applicants are required to undergo a medical examination to determine if they meet the Australian health standards for migrant entry. Dependants who are not migrating must also undergo a medical examination.

Please be advised medical results for MA, STUART (23/02/2004,M) could not be located on file.


You are required to show evidence of functional English or otherwise remit payment for the second instalment of the Visa Application Charge (VAC). Functional English can be evidenced by:

6308        The applicant provides evidence of having completed all years of primary education and at least 3 years of secondary education at educational institutions in which all instruction was conducted in English        10
6309        The applicant provides evidence of having completed at least 5 years of secondary education at educational institutions in which all instruction was conducted in English        10
6310        The applicant provides evidence of having achieved an ACCESS test score of at least 15 with a minimum of 3 for each of the 4 test components of listening, reading, writing and oral interaction in a test conducted: (a)      not more than 12 months before lodging the relevant application to migrate; or(b)      at the time of the processing of the relevant application to migrate        10
6311        The applicant provides evidence of having achieved an IELTS average band score of at least 4.5 based on the 4 test components of speaking, reading, writing and listening in a test conducted: (a)      not more than 12 months before lodging the relevant application to migrate; or(b)      at the time of the processing of the relevant application to migrate        10
6311A        The applicant provides evidence that he or she has successfully completed, in Australia, at least 1 year of full-time study or equivalent part-time study towards a degree, higher degree, diploma or associate diploma at an institution or institutions where all the instruction was conducted in English        10

The information requested above must be received in writing within 28 calendar days of the date of this letter. If the information is not received, a decision will be made based upon the information already provided in support of the application.

If you wish to withdraw this application, you must advise the Department in writing within 28 calendar days of the date of this letter.

Please quote the Request ID at the top of this letter in any correspondence with the Department. If you have any queries, or need clarification of the details of this letter, please contact me by e-mail at [email protected].

Yours sincerely

Case Officer
Business Skills Adelaide
Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Telephone        (08) 8237 6356
Facsimile        (08) 8237 6959
Email        [email protected]

Date 23 December 2009
In reply please quote:
Client Name: M (19/10/19,M)
Application ID: 129553
File Number: CLF2009/13
Email: [email protected]
PO BOX 7456
Dear Mr M
Notification of grant of a Business Skills Class BH visa
This letter refers to the application for a Class BH Subclass 845 Established Business in Australia visa, which was lodged at the South Australian State Office on 14 October 2009.
I wish to advise that a decision has been made on this application and visas have been granted on 23 December 2009 to the following applicant(s):

M, J (19/10/19,M)

W, M (14/05/19,F)

M, S (03/04/19,M)

M, S (23/02/20,M)
The visas provide a return facility that allows travel in and out of Australia as permanent residents for a period of five years from the date it was granted. Please keep a copy of this letter in a safe place for your reference.
Onshore Visa Evidencing
This letter is not, however, legal evidence of your visa. You can have a visa label placed in your passport at any of the department’s offices. Details of addresses and opening times for our offices can be found on our website or you can phone our general enquiry line 131 881.
Level 3, 55 Currie Street ADELAIDE SA 5000
GPO Box 2399 ADELAIDE SA 5001 • Telephone 13 18 81 • Website: www.immi.gov.au
Please note that for persons residing in Victoria, if you choose to have your visa evidenced at the Melbourne office, you must present with your passport Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am and 11am only. You will not be able to have your visa evidenced in your passport by the Melbourne office outside of these times.
If you are unable to attend one of our offices to have your visa evidenced, you may provide your written consent for a spouse, relative or someone else to collect this information on your behalf. We can only give information about you to another person with your written consent. Your written consent should include:
• the name of the person you are allowing to collect the information on your behalf
• your full name
• your signature
• your date of birth
• your passport number
• your passport's country of issue.
Resident Return Visa (RRV)
Once the initial permission to travel and return to Australia ceases on 23 December 2014 your clients will need to apply for a Resident Return Visa (RRV) if they wish to travel overseas and return to Australia as permanent residents. An RRV is the label that is placed in their passports to identify them as permanent residents at immigration clearance on return to Australia. It is evidence of your client’s permission to enter Australia after absences overseas and to resume residence.
Eligibility for an RRV is generally based on the amount of time spent in Australia as a permanent resident, although there are some concessions for people who cannot meet the residential requirements. If your clients depart Australia without an RRV, or it expires while your clients are overseas and they are not eligible for a further RRV, they will lose their right to return to Australia as permanent residents.
Information about Australian citizenship is available from:
· any DIAC office
· the Citizenship website at: www.citizenship.gov.au
· the Citizenship Information Line -131 880 Social Security Payments
As you may know, new migrants to Australia must wait two years before they can receive most social security income support payments. "Income support" is government welfare assistance that is enough to live on. The payments with a waiting period include unemployment and sickness benefits, Austudy income support payments for students and a number of other payments.
Level 3, 55 Currie Street ADELAIDE SA 5000
GPO Box 2399 ADELAIDE SA 5001 • Telephone 13 18 81 • Website: www.immi.gov.au
Special Benefit is the only form of government welfare assistance which might be payable to people during the two year waiting period. However, special benefit is only available to new migrants on a very restricted basis - that is, if there has been a substantial change in circumstances beyond the person's control. Inability to find employment or running out of money are not sufficient reasons to qualify for Special Benefit.
The two year waiting period does not apply to Refugees and Humanitarian entrants and their immediate family members (partners and dependent children). Permanent visa holders who are immediate family members (partners and dependent children) of Australian citizens, or of people who have been permanent residents for at least two years, are exempt from the waiting period for some payments.
Information on the waiting period is provided in Form 994i Settlement information for migrants to Australia which can be downloaded from http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/application-forms/forms_num2.htm
Further information is available on the Internet from the following sites:

Department of Immigration and Citizenship at www.immi.gov.au

Centrelink (which is the agency that makes social security payments ) at www.centrelink.gov.au
Medicare health services
Migrants generally have immediate access to Medicare health services. If your clients would like further information on Medicare, including the nearest centre to register for assistance, they can ring 132 011 from anywhere in Australia.
Your information – your privacy
The department respects your client’s privacy. We are collecting your client’s personal information for the purposes of making decisions under the Migration Act 1958 and the Migration Regulations 1994. We are aware that the way information about your clients is used and managed can affect your client’s life. We recognise that it is important that the information we hold about your clients is up-to-date, relevant, and is used for the purposes it was collected.
Laws stop us from giving your client’s information to others unless they agree to it or we are authorised or required by law. You need to be aware that the department may disclose your client’s details to other Commonwealth agencies such as Centrelink and/or Medicare. Otherwise there are very few circumstances where your client’s personal information can be disclosed to anyone else. One such circumstance is where we are authorised or required by law to disclose it.
For more detailed information, your clients should read Form 993i Safeguarding your personal information, available on our website or from any of our offices
Client Service Charter
Our Client Service Charter explains our service commitment to you. We are committed to service delivery that is timely, open and accountable, and responsive to your needs. The Charter explains how you can help us and how you can provide feedback or make a complaint. You can read our Client Service Charter on our website, or in a printed copy available from any of our offices.
Service satisfaction
The department remains committed to ensuring that all clients, both in Australia and overseas, receive not only fair and reasonable treatment, but also an efficient standard of service that is sensitive to each client's needs.
To provide a compliment, complaint or suggestion you can:

telephone the Global Feedback Unit (toll-free within Australia) on 13 31 77 during business hours

complete a feedback form online at www.immi.gov.au

write to the Manager, Global Feedback Unit, Reply Paid 241, Melbourne Vic 3001 Australia

contact us directly through any of our offices.
Contacting the department
You can contact us with a general enquiry in a number of ways including by email, through our website, by telephone through our Contact Centres or offices around the world, or in person. In Australia you can call 13 18 81 between 9 am and 4 pm Monday to Friday. Details on contacting our offices outside Australia are available on our website at www.immi.gov.au.
I take this opportunity to wish you and your family all the very best for your future in Australia
Yours sincerely
Cosimo Donati
Position Number 5867
Case Officer, Business Skills Adelaide
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
Adelaide, South Australia
Level 3, 55 Currie Street ADELAIDE SA 5000
GPO Box 2399 ADELAIDE SA 5001 • Telephone 13 18 81 • Website: www.immi.gov.au



1,3个全职FULLTIME,不能雇用亲属? 我作为申请人,雇佣老公的姑妈姑父可以算吗?移民局如何查出这层关系呢?
2,虽然移民局要求年营业额达到20万,但如果能雇佣3个full time,就已经不能20万能够解决的了,因为我亲戚开了一个超市,年营业额近100万,都不用雇佣3个full time,所以这里面会不会存在矛盾,一个潜陷阱,就是,当你用年营业额20万+3个full time这个条件(其他条件都满足的情况下)去申请845,移民局会不会认为你在作假?这点营业额怎么雇得起3个全职呢?
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签证办理,技术移民,商业投资移民,VEVO,immi account



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